Data not showing properly with serverside processing [MVC/WebAPI]

Data not showing properly with serverside processing [MVC/WebAPI]

ThyradorThyrador Posts: 10Questions: 3Answers: 0
edited July 2017 in Free community support

Hey there, got some serious issues here where I need some advice to get through this.

A while ago I had similar issues but got them resolved. Many things have changed, so I had to restructure my application and change to serverside processing (due to lots of data that can be returned to the client). So I decided to serve partial results, depending on the filter and page the client actually has applied.

To get straight into it, these are my columns (which are shown properly):

    "title": "DWDOCID",
    "data": "DWDOCID",
    "name": "DWDOCID",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "num-fmt",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "DWPAGECOUNT",
    "data": "DWPAGECOUNT",
    "name": "DWPAGECOUNT",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "num-fmt",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "DWDISKNO",
    "data": "DWDISKNO",
    "name": "DWDISKNO",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "num-fmt",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "DWFLAGS",
    "data": "DWFLAGS",
    "name": "DWFLAGS",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "num-fmt",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "DWSTOREDATETIME",
    "data": "DWSTOREDATETIME",
    "name": "DWSTOREDATETIME",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "de_date",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "DWSTOREUSER",
    "data": "DWSTOREUSER",
    "name": "DWSTOREUSER",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "DWMODDATETIME",
    "data": "DWMODDATETIME",
    "name": "DWMODDATETIME",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "de_date",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "DWMODUSER",
    "data": "DWMODUSER",
    "name": "DWMODUSER",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "de_date",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "DWLASTACCESSUSER",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "DWEXTENSION",
    "data": "DWEXTENSION",
    "name": "DWEXTENSION",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Kennzeichen",
    "data": "KENNZEICHEN",
    "name": "KENNZEICHEN",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string"
}, {
    "title": "Fahrgestellnummer",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string"
}, {
    "title": "Name",
    "data": "NAME",
    "name": "NAME",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string"
}, {
    "title": "Ablagedatum",
    "data": "ABLAGEDATUM",
    "name": "ABLAGEDATUM",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string"
}, {
    "title": "Absender",
    "data": "ABSENDER",
    "name": "ABSENDER",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string"
}, {
    "title": "Abteilung",
    "data": "ABTEILUNG",
    "name": "ABTEILUNG",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string"
}, {
    "title": "Aktennummer",
    "data": "AKTENNUMMER",
    "name": "AKTENNUMMER",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string"
}, {
    "title": "GW-Nr.",
    "data": "GW_NR_",
    "name": "GW_NR_",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string"
}, {
    "title": "Herstellercode",
    "data": "HERSTELLERCODE",
    "name": "HERSTELLERCODE",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string"
}, {
    "title": "Mandant",
    "data": "MANDANT",
    "name": "MANDANT",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string"
}, {
    "title": "Mandant_Fibu",
    "data": "MANDANT_FIBU",
    "name": "MANDANT_FIBU",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string"
}, {
    "title": "StateTabField",
    "data": "STATETABFIELD",
    "name": "STATETABFIELD",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string"
}, {
    "title": "Aktenstatus",
    "data": "AKTENSTATUS",
    "name": "AKTENSTATUS",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Änderungsdatum",
    "data": "_NDERUNGSDATUM",
    "name": "_NDERUNGSDATUM",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Annehmer",
    "data": "ANNEHMER",
    "name": "ANNEHMER",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "AutoIndex",
    "data": "AUTOINDEX",
    "name": "AUTOINDEX",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Barcode",
    "data": "BARCODE",
    "name": "BARCODE",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Bearbeitet von:",
    "data": "BEARBEITET_VON_",
    "name": "BEARBEITET_VON_",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Beleg-Datum",
    "data": "BELEG_DATUM",
    "name": "BELEG_DATUM",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Belegtyp",
    "data": "BELEGTYP",
    "name": "BELEGTYP",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Bemerkung",
    "data": "BEMERKUNG",
    "name": "BEMERKUNG",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Buchungstext",
    "data": "BUCHUNGSTEXT",
    "name": "BUCHUNGSTEXT",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Empfänger",
    "data": "EMPF_NGER",
    "name": "EMPF_NGER",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Erstzulassung",
    "data": "ERSTZULASSUNG",
    "name": "ERSTZULASSUNG",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Eskalationsmanager",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Externe Belegnummer",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Fahrzeugtyp",
    "data": "FAHRZEUGTYP",
    "name": "FAHRZEUGTYP",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
                                                            ... clipped
    "title": "Weitergeleitet an:",
    "data": "WEITERGELEITET_AN_",
    "name": "WEITERGELEITET_AN_",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false
}, {
    "title": "Wiedervorlage am:",
    "data": "WIEDERVORLAGE_AM_",
    "name": "WIEDERVORLAGE_AM_",
    "defaultContent": "",
    "type": "string",
    visible: false,
    "width": "100%"

In the datatable I call the result like this:

ajax: {
                        url: "@Url.Action("GetDataForDatatable", "SearchResult")?filecabinet=@Model.FileCabinet.Id&searchmask=@Model.DefaultSearchDialogContainer&search=@Model.SearchId",
                        type: 'POST',
                        dataSrc: function (json) {
                            if (json !== null) {
                                return json;

This is, what returns:

    "draw": 1,
    "recordsTotal": 1,
    "recordsFiltered": 1,
    "data": "[{"
    resultCheckbox ": " < input class = 'resultCheckbox'
    type = 'checkbox'
    onclick = 'setToolbox()'
    aria - label = 'CheckBox' > ","
    info ": " < a tabindex = '0'
    class = 'resultInfo bs-docs-popover'
    data - content ? = 'Daten werden geholt bitte warten...'
    target = '_blank'
    role = 'button'
    data - trigger = 'focus'
    data - toggle = 'popover' > < div align = 'center'
    style = 'padding-top: 1px;width:28px;height:28px;' > < img src = '../images/icon_info_blue_16px.png' / > < /div></a > ","
    ADMIN ","
    DWMODUSER ": "
    ADMIN ","
    ADMIN ","
    DWEXTENSION ": ".pdf ","
    TEST ","
    1063\ / 490477 ","
    NAME ": "
    DAIMLER AG "}]"

And this, what it looks like:

Im not quite sure what causes this behaviour, so I hope you guys can tell me wht went wrong here.

Link to debug:

Edited by Allan - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.

This question has accepted answers - jump to:


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,167Questions: 26Answers: 4,921

    Seems like it has something to do with your dataSrc. If you look at the debug output and go to Table > Rows then click through each row you will see each row has one letter. Looks like it is parsing the JSON as a string one character at a time.

    Maybe you need to change the return to something like this:



  • ThyradorThyrador Posts: 10Questions: 3Answers: 0
    edited July 2017

    Thanks for your reply. Did that before, but this results in the following error:
    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token r in JSON at position 58

    Oh, I see. Seems that the "'s within that array did not get escaped correctly

    EDIT: If I remove these "'s, then nothing will be returned (which is wrong, since there is a single row inside the container.
    If I remove JSON.parse it looks like before :/
    So there's still something wrong

    EDIT 2:

    Now this is my return value:
    {"draw":1,"recordsTotal":1,"recordsFiltered":1,"data":[{"resultCheckbox": "<input class='resultCheckbox' type='checkbox' onclick='setToolbox()' aria-label='CheckBox'>","info": "<a tabindex='0' class='resultInfo bs-docs-popover' data-content?='Daten werden geholt bitte warten...' target='_blank' role='button' data-trigger='focus' data-toggle='popover' ><div align='center' style='padding-top: 1px;width:28px;height:28px;'><img src='../images/icon_info_blue_16px.png' /></div></a>","DWSTOREUSER": "ADMIN","DWMODUSER": "ADMIN","DWLASTACCESSUSER": "ADMIN","DWEXTENSION": ".pdf","ABLAGE_IN_BUCHHALTUNG": "TEST","EXTERNE_BELEGNUMMER": "1063\/490477","NAME": "DAIMLER AG"}]}

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,167Questions: 26Answers: 4,921
    Answer ✓

    Is there a reason for the dataSrc?

    Maybe try without to see what happens.


  • allanallan Posts: 63,205Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    You can't use ajax.dataSrc with server-side processing I'm afraid - at least not in 1.10 - I plan to change that in future.

    You need to return valid JSON from the server. At the moment it is returning a string value.


  • ThyradorThyrador Posts: 10Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Well, I just have to have this call as a POST, so I'm not quite sure how to use this without dataSrc

  • allanallan Posts: 63,205Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin

    I don't quite understand I'm afraid. You have "type": "POST" which will cause the Ajax request to be a POST request.

    The key is to make the server return valid JSON. That isn't something that can be altered on the client-side.


  • ThyradorThyrador Posts: 10Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Silly me, haven't slept enough the last few days. I just passed the url like in the example given. I now removed the ajax.dataSrc - part and it works again via POST.

    Thanks für your help. This approach unfortunately breaks a few things, but I'll have to fix them one by one.

This discussion has been closed.