Delete button not processing

Delete button not processing

bbrindzabbrindza Posts: 316Questions: 73Answers: 1

When selecting a record from a row and using the delete button to remove the row nothing is processed. The dialog box just stays on the screen. I have no error in the console log . Having a problem tracking down this issue.


  • allanallan Posts: 63,290Questions: 1Answers: 10,428 Site admin

    Can you show me the code you are using to configure the Editor and for the delete pop up?


  • bbrindzabbrindza Posts: 316Questions: 73Answers: 1
    $(document).ready( function () {
     editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
        ajax: {
            url: "ssp_HourlySIA.php",
             idSrc: "DT_RowId",
             data: function ( d ) {
               if($('#chg_loc').val() == null){
                        d.locationCode =  currentLocationCode;
                        d.locationCode = $('#chg_loc').val();
         table: "#approvalTable",
         formOptions: {
             inline: {
                 onBlur: 'submit',
                 submit: 'allIfChanged'
         template: '#customForm',
         fields: [
                 {label: "Employee Name",
                  name: "HRNAME",
                  type:  "display",
                 {label: "Employee Number",
                  name: "HREMPN",
                  type:  "display",
                 {label: "Percent of Increase",
                  name:  "HRWPER",
                 attr: {maxlength:4, style:"height:20px; width:50px; font-size: 0.90em;"}
                 {label: "Review Score",
                  name:  "HRWREV",
        color: #CC3333;",}
                 attr: {maxlength:3, style:"height:20px; width:50px; font-size: 0.90em;",}
                 {label: "Hourly Rate",
                  name:  "HRYREG",
                  type:  "display",
                 {label: "Amount of Increase",
                  name:  "HRWAMT",
                  type:  "display",
                  {label: "New Hourly Rate",
                   name:  "HRWNEW",
                   type:  "display",
                  {label: "Mid",
                   name:  "HRMID",
                   type:  "display",
                  {label: "Effective Date",
                   name:  "HRSEDT",
                   type:  "display",
                   { //type:  "textarea",
                    label: "Comments",
                    name: "HRWCOM",
                    type:  "display",
                // Plant Manager Approval Fields
                   {label: "Name",
                    name: "HRWMNA",
                    type:  "display",
                   {label: "Employee Number",
                    name: "HRWMGR",
                    type:  "display",
                   {label: "Approval Date",
                    name: "HRWMDT",
                    type:  "display",
                    {label: "Approval Time",
                     name: "HRWMTM",
                     type:  "display",
                  // Operations Director  Fields
                     {label: "Name",
                      name: "HRWDNA",
                      type:  "display",
                     {label: "Employee Number",
                      name: "HRWDIR",
                      type:  "display",
                     {label: "Approval Date",
                      name: "HRWDDT",
                      type:  "display",
                     {label: "Approval Time",
                      name: "HRWDTM",
                      type:  "display",
                   // Operations Vice President Approval Fields
                      {label: "Name",
                       name: "HRWVNA",
                       type:  "display",
                      {label: "Employee Number",
                       name: "HRWVIC",
                       type:  "display",
                      {label: "Approval Date",
                       name: "HRWVDT",
                       type:  "display",
                      {label: "Approval Time",
                       name: "HRWVTM",
                       type:  "display",
                   // HR Vice President Approval Fields
                      {label: "Name",
                       name: "HRWHNA",
                       type:  "display",
                      {label: "Employee Number",
                       name: "HRWHR",
                       type:  "display",
                      {label: "Approval Date",
                       name: "HRWHDT",
                       type:  "display",
                      {label: "Approval Time",
                       name: "HRWHTM",
                       type:  "display",
            } );
    // Activate an inline edit on click of a table cell
      $('#approvalTable').on( 'click', 'tbody td:not(:first-child):not(\'.approvalCheckbox\')', function (e) {
               if ( userDepartment == '1214' || userDepartment == '1213' || userElementAccess =='Y') {
                    editor.inline( this , {onBlur: 'submit',
                                           submit: 'allIfChanged'} );
    // Field validation function
      editor.on( 'preSubmit', function ( e, d ) {
            var increasePercent = this.field( 'HRWPER');
            var reviewScore = this.field( 'HRWREV');
            if ( increasePercent.val() == '' ) {
                 increasePercent.error( 'Increase Percent Must Be Numeric' );
                return false;
            if ( reviewScore.val() == '' ) {
                reviewScore.error( 'Review Score Must Be Numeric' );
                return false;
            return true;
        } );
      //Clear all approval fields on Increase Percent change
      $( editor.field( 'HRWPER' ).input() ).on( 'keydown', function (e) {
              //**Reset Plant Manager Approval function
              editor.field( 'HRWMGR' ).val( 0);
              editor.field( 'HRWMNA' ).val( '');
              editor.field( 'HRWMDT' ).val( '');
              editor.field( 'HRWMTM' ).val( '');
              //**Reset  Operations Director Approval function
              editor.field( 'HRWDIR' ).val( 0);
              editor.field( 'HRWDNA' ).val( '');
              editor.field( 'HRWDDT' ).val( '');
              editor.field( 'HRWDTM' ).val( '');
             //**Reset  Operations VP Approval function
              editor.field( 'HRWVIC' ).val( 0);
              editor.field( 'HRWVNA' ).val( '');
              editor.field( 'HRWVDT' ).val( '');
              editor.field( 'HRWVTM' ).val( '');
              //**Reset Human Resources VP Approval function
              editor.field( 'HRWHR' ).val( 0);
              editor.field( 'HRWHNA' ).val( '');
              editor.field( 'HRWHDT' ).val( '');
              editor.field( 'HRWHTM' ).val( '');
        } );
      //** Plant Manager Approval function
      $('#approvalTable').on( 'change', 'input.plantManagerApprovalCheckbox', function () {
        var row =  table.row( $(this).closest('tr') );
                .edit( row.node(), false )
                .set( 'HRWMGR', )
                .set( 'HRWMNA', )
                .set( 'HRWMDT', approvedDate )
                .set( 'HRWMTM', approvedTime )
                .edit( row.node(), false )
                .set( 'HRWMGR', 0)
                .set( 'HRWMNA', '')
                .set( 'HRWMDT','' )
                .set( 'HRWMTM', '' )
      } );
    //**Operations Director Approval function
      $('#approvalTable').on( 'change', 'input.operationDirectorApprovalCheckbox', function () {
            var row =  table.row( $(this).closest('tr') );
                    .edit( row.node(), false )
                    .set( 'HRWDIR', )
                    .set( 'HRWDNA', )
                    .set( 'HRWDDT', approvedDate )
                    .set( 'HRWDTM', approvedTime )
                    .edit( row.node(), false )
                    .set( 'HRWDIR', 0)
                    .set( 'HRWDNA', '')
                    .set( 'HRWDDT','' )
                    .set( 'HRWDTM', '' )
          } );
    //**Operations VP Approval function
      $('#approvalTable').on( 'change', 'input.operationVPApprovalCheckbox', function () {
            var row =  table.row( $(this).closest('tr') );
                    .edit( row.node(), false )
                    .set( 'HRWVIC', )
                    .set( 'HRWVNA', )
                    .set( 'HRWVDT', approvedDate )
                    .set( 'HRWVTM', approvedTime )
                    .edit( row.node(), false )
                    .set( 'HRWVIC', 0)
                    .set( 'HRWVNA', '')
                    .set( 'HRWVDT','' )
                    .set( 'HRWVTM', '' )
          } );
    //**Human Resources VP Approval function
      $('#approvalTable').on( 'change', 'input.HRVPApprovalCheckbox', function () {
            var row =  table.row( $(this).closest('tr') );
                    .edit( row.node(), false )
                    .set( 'HRWHR', )
                    .set( 'HRWHNA', )
                    .set( 'HRWHDT', approvedDate )
                    .set( 'HRWHTM', approvedTime )
                    .edit( row.node(), false )
                    .set( 'HRWHR', 0)
                    .set( 'HRWHNA', '')
                    .set( 'HRWHDT','' )
                    .set( 'HRWHTM', '' )
          } );
  • bbrindzabbrindza Posts: 316Questions: 73Answers: 1

    ... Continued JS table = $('#approvalTable').DataTable( { rowCallback: function(row, data, index){ if ( userDepartment == '1214' || userDepartment == '1213' || userElementAccess =='Y'){ $(row).find('td:eq(8)').css('font-weight', 'bold'); // text bold $(row).find('td:eq(9)').css('font-weight', 'bold'); // text bold $(row).find('td:eq(8)').css('color', '#0000ff'); // text color $(row).find('td:eq(9)').css('color', '#0000ff'); // text color }else{ $(row).find('td:eq(7)').css('font-weight', 'bold'); // text bold $(row).find('td:eq(8)').css('font-weight', 'bold'); // text bold $(row).find('td:eq(7)').css('color', '#0000ff'); // text color $(row).find('td:eq(8)').css('color', '#0000ff'); // text color } }, pageLength: 15, dom: '<"top"l>Bfrtip', fixedHeader: true, lengthMenu: [[10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [10, 25, 50, 100, "All"]], iDisplayLength: 15, sPaginationType: 'full_numbers', oLanguage: {sSearch: 'Table Search: '}, order: [[0, 'asc'], [6, 'asc']], }, ajax: { url: "ssp_HourlySIA.php", data: function ( d ) { if($('#chg_loc').val() == null){ d.locationCode = currentLocationCode; }else{ d.locationCode = $('#chg_loc').val(); } } }, columns: [ { data: "numeric_year_month", "visible": false }, { orderable: false, className: 'select-checkbox', data: null, defaultContent: '', width: '8px', }, { className: 'detail-level-control', orderable: false, data: null, defaultContent: '', width: '5px' }, { data: "HRLOCD"}, { data: "month_name", sortable: false}, { data: "HREMPN" }, { data: "HRNAME" }, { data: "HRTITL" }, { data: "HRJBGD" }, { data: "HRWPER", render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.', 1, '', '%' ) }, { data: "HRWREV" }, { data: "HRYREG", render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.', 2, '$' ) }, { data: "HRWNEW", render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.', 2, '$' ) }, { data: "HRWAMT", render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.', 2, '$' ) }, { data: "HROCOM", render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.', 1, '', '%' ) }, { data: "HRNCOM", render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.', 1, '', '%' ) }, // ** Comments Button {sortable: false, "render": function ( data, type, full, meta ) { if(full.HRWCOM.trim() == ""){ return '<button class="gray button" onclick="openCommentDialog('+ full.HREMPN +', \''+ full.HRNAME +'\' )">Comments</button>'; }else{ return '<button class="blue button" onclick="openCommentDialog('+ full.HREMPN +', \''+ full.HRNAME +'\' )">Comments</button>'; } }// End - "render": function ( data, type, full, meta ) }, // ** Plant Manager Approval checkbox {sortable: true, className: 'approvalCheckbox', "render": function ( data, type, full, meta ) { // if(full.HRMGE2 == userEmployeeNumber && full.HRWDIR == 0 && full.HRWPER != .00 && full.HRWREV != 0){ if(full.HRMGE2 == userEmployeeNumber && full.HRWDIR == 0 && full.HRWREV != 0){ if(full.HRWMGR == 0){ return '<input type="checkbox" class="plantManagerApprovalCheckbox">' }else{ return '<input type="checkbox" class="plantManagerApprovalCheckbox" checked>' } }else{ return full.HRWMNA } }// End - "render": function ( data, type, full, meta ) }, // ** Operation Director Approval checkbox {sortable: true, className: 'approvalCheckbox', "render": function ( data, type, full, meta ) { if(full.HRMGE3 == userEmployeeNumber && full.HRWMGR != 0 && full.HRWVIC == 0){ if(full.HRWDIR == 0){ return '<input type="checkbox" class="operationDirectorApprovalCheckbox">' }else{ return '<input type="checkbox" class="operationDirectorApprovalCheckbox" checked>' } }else{ return full.HRWDNA } }// End - "render": function ( data, type, full, meta ) }, // ** Operation Vice President Approval checkbox {sortable: true, className: 'approvalCheckbox', "render": function ( data, type, full, meta ) { if(full.HRMGE4 == userEmployeeNumber && full.HRWDIR != 0 && full.HRWHR == 0){ if(full.HRWVIC == 0){ return '<input type="checkbox" class="operationVPApprovalCheckbox">' }else{ return '<input type="checkbox" class="operationVPApprovalCheckbox" checked>' } }else{ return full.HRWVNA } }// End - "render": function ( data, type, full, meta ) }, // ** HR Vice President Approval checkbox {sortable: true, className: 'approvalCheckbox', "render": function ( data, type, full, meta ) { if(full.HRMGE5 == userEmployeeNumber && full.HRWVIC != 0){ if(full.HRWHR == 0){ return '<input type="checkbox" class="HRVPApprovalCheckbox">' }else{ return '<input type="checkbox" class="HRVPApprovalCheckbox" checked>' } }else{ return full.HRWHNA } }// End - "render": function ( data, type, full, meta ) }, // *** Hidden columns { data: "HRMIN", "visible": false }, { data: "HRMID", "visible": false }, { data: "HRMAX", "visible": false }, { data: "HRMGNA", "visible": false }, { data: "HRDNAM", "visible": false }, { data: "HRDLIN", "visible": false }, { data: "HRSEDT", "visible": false }, { data: "HRMGN2", "visible": false }, { data: "HRMGN3", "visible": false }, { data: "HRMGN4", "visible": false }, { data: "HRMGN5", "visible": false }, ], columnDefs: [ {"className": 'dt-center', "targets": [ 16] }, ], keys: { columns: [9, 10 ], keys: [ 9 ], editor: editor, editOnFocus: true, }, select: { style: 'os', selector: 'td:first-child' }, buttons: [ { extend: "edit", editor: editor }, { extend: "remove", editor: editor } ] } ); table.column( 1 ).visible( false ); document.getElementsByClassName('dt-button')[0].style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementsByClassName('dt-button')[1].style.visibility = 'hidden'; if ( userDepartment == '1214'|| userDepartment == '1213' || userElementAccess =='Y') { table.column( 1 ).visible( true ); document.getElementById('refreshTableDataButton').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('uploadApprovedSalariesButton').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('emailAddressMaintenanceButton').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementsByClassName('dt-button')[0].style.visibility = 'visible'; document.getElementsByClassName('dt-button')[1].style.visibility = 'visible'; } $('.chosen-approverEmailSelect').on('change', function(evt, params) { $("#emailApprovalNotificationButton").button("option", "disabled", false); }); //Select all text in Percent of Increase field on focus editor.field( 'HRWPER' ).input().on( 'focus', function () {; }); // Select all text in Review Score field on focus editor.field( 'HRWREV' ).input().on( 'focus', function () {; }); //******************************************************
  • bbrindzabbrindza Posts: 316Questions: 73Answers: 1
    edited September 2018


  • bbrindzabbrindza Posts: 316Questions: 73Answers: 1

    ... Continued JS //Event listener for opening and closing detail level 1 $('#approvalTable tbody').on('click', 'td.detail-level-control', function () { var tr = $(this).closest('tr'); var row = table.row( tr ); if ( row.child.isShown() ) { // This row is already open - close it $('div.slider', row.child()).slideUp( function () { row.child.hide(); tr.removeClass('shown'); } ); } else { // Open this row and call getChildDetail function row.child( formatChildRow(, 'no-padding' ).show(); tr.addClass('shown'); $('div.slider', row.child()).slideDown(); } } ); $('div.dataTables_filter input').focus(); });//END $(document).ready(function()
  • allanallan Posts: 63,290Questions: 1Answers: 10,428 Site admin

    That all looks fine. There isn't anything fancy being done for the remove action that I can see, just a standard:

    { extend: "remove", editor: editor }

    So the follow up question is: what is the server returning to the Ajax request for the delete?


  • bbrindzabbrindza Posts: 316Questions: 73Answers: 1

    That is the odd thing . The button does not appear to be executing the Ajax.

This discussion has been closed.