Sorting number with Text

Sorting number with Text

bruceleeonbruceleeon Posts: 11Questions: 2Answers: 0
edited November 2018 in Free community support

Any idea on how I can get the text included with a number to be calculated when sorting? Ie,

Notice the Network Hash Rate? There are MH/s, KH/s, and H/s. The number sort just fine, but I want to add a priority to MH/s over KH/s over H/s

I found this example: - but it does not take into account a number with the word.

Here is my current setup

$(document).ready(function() {
    var table = $('#sortthisbitch').DataTable( {
          /*responsive: {
            breakpoints: [
              {name: 'bigdesktop', width: Infinity},
              {name: 'meddesktop', width: 1480},
              {name: 'smalldesktop', width: 1280},
              {name: 'medium', width: 1188},
              {name: 'tabletl', width: 1024},
              {name: 'btwtabllandp', width: 848},
              {name: 'tabletp', width: 768},
              {name: 'mobilel', width: 480},
              {name: 'mobilep', width: 320}
            columnDefs: [
                { responsivePriority: 1, targets: 0 },
                { responsivePriority: 2, targets: -2 }
        responsive: true,
        columnDefs: [
            { responsivePriority: 1, targets: 0 },
            { responsivePriority: 2, targets: -2 }
        paging:   false,
        aoColumnDefs: [{'bSortable': false, 'aTargets': [ -1 ]}],
        orderCellsTop: true,
        columnDefs: [
            { "type": "percent", targets: 2 }
        dom: 'Bfrtip',
        buttons: [
        'copy', 'excel', 'pdf', 'colvis'
    } );
} );


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,166Questions: 26Answers: 4,921
    edited November 2018

    The first problem is that your data is not simply the text shown but also includes the HTML wrapping the text. I tried the natural.js sorting plugin but it didn't work well. I created an example that seems to work:

    You will want to read about orthogonal data and columns.render. Basically I extract the text from the HTMl using jQuery (47.98 KH/s) then split it at the space. I use the hash rate text as the prefix and depending on the value I assign the prefix a numeric string (1 - 3). 0 is used if no match. I pad the number to 7 digits with 0 and then prefix the numeric HR value, resulting in something like this: 20047.98. This value is returned for the sort orthogonal data type.

    My assumptions are that there will always be 2 fractional digits and 1 to 3 integer digits resulting in at least one 0 for the padding.

    This is the code I added to your columnDefs:

           targets: [5, 6],
              render: function (data, type, row) {
                if (type === 'sort') {
                    // Use jQuery to extract text from HTML element
                    var content = $(data).text().split(' ');
                  // Expected result: ["15.62", "KH/s"]
                  if (content && content.length === 2) {
                    var prefix = '0';  // If no match sort this to the top
                    var hr = content[1]; //Hash Rate "KH/s"
                    if (hr === 'MH/s') {
                        prefix = '1';
                    } else if (hr === 'KH/s') {
                        prefix = '2';
                    } else if (hr === 'H/s') {
                        prefix = '3';
                    return prefix + content[0].padStart(7, '0');  
                                    // Example: 20015.62
                return data;

    Also note that you have 3 columnDefs options. I don't believe they are cumulative. The aoColumnDefs is the legacy option while columnDefs is the current. Either works but you should just have one defined with all your options.


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