table tool buttons not apperaing

table tool buttons not apperaing

Gobinda NandiGobinda Nandi Posts: 6Questions: 2Answers: 0

I am using portoadmin template. but unable to get pdf, excel or any other custom button on top of my table.

here is my config of datatable.

(function( $ ) {
    'use strict';
    var datatableInit = function() {
       let pageTbl = $('#datatable-tabletools-setting-module');
       window.datatableTabletoolsSettingModule = pageTbl.DataTable({
          responsive: true,
          serverSide : true,
          processing : true,
          bStateSave: true,
          ajax: {
             url: '<?php echo site_url('setting/get_module') ?>',
         "columns": [
             "bSortable" : false,
             "orderable": false,
             render: function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
                return '<div class="checkbox-custom checkbox-default"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox-rows"  id="checkbox-setting-module-row-'+ meta.row +'"><label for="checkbox-setting-module-row-'+ meta.row +'"></label></div>';
         "bSortable" : false
     sDom: "<'text-right mb-md'T>" + $.fn.dataTable.defaults.sDom,
     oTableTools: {
         aButtons: [
            sExtends: 'pdf',
            sButtonText: 'PDF'
            sExtends: 'csv',
            sButtonText: 'CSV'
            sExtends: 'xls',
            sButtonText: 'Excel'
            sExtends: 'print',
            sButtonText: 'Print',
            sInfo: 'Please press CTR+P to print or ESC to quit'
   $(function() {
}).apply( this, [ jQuery ]);

Any help would be appreciated.


  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,598
    edited August 2019

    Hi @Gobinda Nandi ,

    TableTools is a very old extension - this is now done by Buttons. It would be worth seeing if you could upgrade to the most recent version first.



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