Server side processing - no data displayed

Server side processing - no data displayed

pearly_030pearly_030 Posts: 42Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited July 2011 in General

I don't speak english very well. I'm french.
My problem, I want to display, in a datatable, data from server with server side processing.
I always obtain the message "loading data from server" and no data.
I controled data in json_encode, they're OK
Can you help me ? Thanks.
My script
$(document).ready(function() {
"dateFormat": "dd-mm-yy",
"monthNames": ["Janvier","Février","Mars","Avril","Mai","Juin","Juillet","Aout","Septembre","Octobre","Novembre","Decembre"],
"dayNamesMin": ["Di","Lu","Ma","Me","Je","Ve","Sa"],
"showWeek": true,
"numberOfMonths": 2,
"weekHeader": "Sem"
"dateFormat": "dd-mm-yy",
"monthNames": ["Janvier","Février","Mars","Avril","Mai","Juin","Juillet","Aout","Septembre","Octobre","Novembre","Decembre"],
"dayNamesMin": ["Di","Lu","Ma","Me","Je","Ve","Sa"],
"showWeek": true,
"numberOfMonths": 2,
"weekHeader": "Sem"

var oTable1 = $("#reservees").dataTable({
"sDom": \'<"top"pt><"bottom">\',
/*"sScrollY" : "100px",*/
"bPaginate": false,
"iDisplayLength": 10,
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"sAjaxSource": "./server_processing.php",
"fnInitComplete": function ( oSettings ) {
oSettings.oLanguage.sZeroRecords = "Aucune réservation trouvée. Veuillez consulter la liste des véhicules disponibles ci-dessous"


My server_processing.php code :


$aColumns = array( 'id_reservation', 'id_vehicule', 'qui', 'datedepart', 'heuredepart', 'dateretour', 'heureretour', 'sitedepart', 'destination', 'nbrepassagers' );

/* Indexed column (used for fast and accurate table cardinality) */
$sIndexColumn = "id_reservation";

/* DB table to use */
$sTable = "reservations";

/* Database connection information */
$gaSql['user'] = ".......";
$gaSql['password'] = ".......";
$gaSql['db'] = ".......";
$gaSql['server'] = ".......";

* MySQL connection
$gaSql['link'] = mysql_pconnect( $gaSql['server'], $gaSql['user'], $gaSql['password'] ) or
die( 'Could not open connection to server' );

mysql_select_db( $gaSql['db'], $gaSql['link'] ) or
die( 'Could not select database '. $gaSql['db'] );

* Paging
$sLimit = "";
if ( isset( $_GET['iDisplayStart'] ) && $_GET['iDisplayLength'] != '-1' )
$sLimit = "LIMIT ".mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['iDisplayStart'] ).", ".
mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['iDisplayLength'] );

* Ordering
if ( isset( $_GET['iSortCol_0'] ) )
$sOrder = "ORDER BY ";
for ( $i=0 ; $i $iFilteredTotal,
"aaData" => array()

while ( $aRow = mysql_fetch_array( $rResult ) )
$row = array();
for ( $i=0 ; $i


$output['aaData'][] = $row;


echo json_encode( $output );


  • allanallan Posts: 63,252Questions: 1Answers: 10,420 Site admin
    What is the JSON return from the server? Did you test it with JSON lint?

  • pearly_030pearly_030 Posts: 42Questions: 0Answers: 0
    more informations about my problem:
    In the fire bug, i've this :
    "an is undefined"
    on this line
    "for ( var i=0, iLen=an.length ; i
  • pearly_030pearly_030 Posts: 42Questions: 0Answers: 0

    When I directly launch the script server_processing.php, it returns

    All data of the database.

    What is JSON lint ?

  • fbasfbas Posts: 1,094Questions: 4Answers: 0
    There's a difference between running server_processing.php directly compared to the request sent by your client program (datatables). In the direct run, the PHP file does not have parameters that are passed to it in the query string (or by POST).

    With the debugger, you can see exactly what url + query string is being called by your datatable and then run that directly against your server. you can also see the json sent back in the debugger. I suggest using firebug to view the AJAX call. (screen capture of FireBug) View the console, XHR and examine the parameters and response.
  • pearly_030pearly_030 Posts: 42Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Hi fbas,

    Thanks for your help.

    I tried to examine parameters ans response with console ans XHR.
    result : 0 request.

    I ask me if next lines are OK ?
    var oTable1 = $("#reservees").dataTable({
    "sDom": \'<"top"pt><"bottom">\',
    /*"sScrollY" : "100px",*/
    "bPaginate": false,
    "iDisplayLength": 10,
    "bProcessing": true,
    "bServerSide": true,
    "sAjaxSource": "/Reservation_vehicules/server_processing.php",
    "fnInitComplete": function ( oSettings ) {
    oSettings.oLanguage.sZeroRecords = "Aucune réservation trouvée. Veuillez consulter la liste des véhicules disponibles ci-dessous"

    In the fire bug, i've always this error :
    "an is undefined"
    on this line
    "for ( var i=0, iLen=an.length ; i
  • pearly_030pearly_030 Posts: 42Questions: 0Answers: 0
    fbas and Allan,

    I find my error in the line

    "sDom": \'<"top"pt><"bottom">\',

    I don't know exactly where but when I comment it, it works.

    Many thanks for your participation.
  • emeric63emeric63 Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Yes, I had the same problem but I found out what my problem was.
    All the parameters that you have set true need to be in the sDom.

    for example when you have "bProcessing": true, the "r" MUST be inside the sDom
    so try to put "sDom": \'<"top"pt><"bottom"r>\', and it should work

    Here "r" was put in the bottom but you can put it where you want


    J'ai eu le même problème, tous les paramètres de la datatable qui sont activé (setté à true) doivent
    figuré dans la chaine de caractère du sDom

    Dans ton cas bProcessing est setté à true, il doit donc figurer dans le sDom
    essai de mettre : "sDom": \'<"top"pt><"bottom"r>\', et cela devrait marcher

    j'ai placé le "r" dans le bottom mais il peut être placé à l'endroit de ton choix
    en espérant que cela t'aidera
  • pearly_030pearly_030 Posts: 42Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Thanks for informations.
    I've an other problem now.
    Data are correctly displayed but my filters don't work.
    In Firebug, aData are OK but the script stops on "var iDebut = aData[3];"
    Can you help me ?
    My code
    function( oSettings, aData, iDataIndex ) {
    var iMin = document.getElementById("min").value;
    var iMax = document.getElementById("max").value;

    iMin=iMin.substring(6,10) + iMin.substring(3,5)+ iMin.substring(0,2);
    iMax=iMax.substring(6,10) + iMax.substring(3,5)+ iMax.substring(0,2);

    var iDebut = aData[3];
    var iRetour = aData[5];
    iDebut=iDebut.substring(6,10) + iDebut.substring(3,5)+ iDebut.substring(0,2);
    iRetour=iRetour.substring(6,10) + iRetour.substring(3,5)+ iRetour.substring(0,2);

    var iSiteDepart = document.getElementById("sitedepart").value;
    var iDestination = document.getElementById("destination").value;
    var iDepart = aData[7];
    var iDest = aData[8];

    if ( iMin == "" && iMax == "")
    if (iSiteDepart == "" && iDestination == "") {return true;}
    if (iSiteDepart == iDepart && iDestination == "") {return true;}
    if (iSiteDepart == iDepart && iDestination == iDest) {return true;}
    if (iSiteDepart == "" && iDestination == iDest) {return true;}
    else if ( iMin == "" && iRetour == iMax )
    if (iSiteDepart == "" && iDestination == "") {return true;}
    if (iSiteDepart == iDepart && iDestination == "") {return true;}
    if (iSiteDepart == iDepart && iDestination == iDest) {return true;}
    if (iSiteDepart == "" && iDestination == iDest) {return true;}

    else if ( iMin == iDebut && "" == iMax )
    if (iSiteDepart == "" && iDestination == "") {return true;}
    if (iSiteDepart == iDepart && iDestination == "") {return true;}
    if (iSiteDepart == iDepart && iDestination == iDest) {return true;}
    if (iSiteDepart == "" && iDestination == iDest) {return true;}
    else if ( iMin == iDebut && iRetour == iMax )
    if (iSiteDepart == "" && iDestination == "") {return true;}
    if (iSiteDepart == iDepart && iDestination == "") {return true;}
    if (iSiteDepart == iDepart && iDestination == iDest) {return true;}
    if (iSiteDepart == "" && iDestination == iDest) {return true;}
    return false;

    $(document).ready(function() {
    "dateFormat": "dd-mm-yy",
    "monthNames": ["Janvier","Février","Mars","Avril","Mai","Juin","Juillet","Aout","Septembre","Octobre","Novembre","Decembre"],
    "dayNamesMin": ["Di","Lu","Ma","Me","Je","Ve","Sa"],
    "showWeek": true,
    "numberOfMonths": 2,
    "weekHeader": "Sem"
    "dateFormat": "dd-mm-yy",
    "monthNames": ["Janvier","Février","Mars","Avril","Mai","Juin","Juillet","Aout","Septembre","Octobre","Novembre","Decembre"],
    "dayNamesMin": ["Di","Lu","Ma","Me","Je","Ve","Sa"],
    "showWeek": true,
    "numberOfMonths": 2,
    "weekHeader": "Sem"

    var oTable1 = $("#reservees").dataTable({
    /*"sDom": \'<"top">rt<"bottom"i>\',*/
    /*"sDom": \'<"top"><"bottom">\',*/

    //"sScrollY" : "100px",
    "bFilter": true, /*search*/
    "bPaginate": true, /* flèches de pagination */
    "iDisplayLength": 8,
    "bLengthChange": false, /* Affichage de l\'information "Show xx entries" */
    "bInfo": false, /* Affichage de l\'information showing xx to yy of zz */
    "bVisible": true,
    "bProcessing": true,
    "bServerSide": true,
    "sAjaxSource": "./server_processing.php",
    "fnInitComplete": function ( oSettings ) {
    oSettings.oLanguage.sZeroRecords = "Aucune réservation trouvée. Veuillez consulter la liste des véhicules disponibles ci-dessous"
    "aoColumns": [
    /*id*/ { "bSearchable": false,
    "bVisible": false },
    /*vehicule*/ null,
    /*qui*/ null,
    /*Date départ*/ null,
    /*Heure départ*/ null,
    /*Date retour*/ null,
    /*Heure retour*/ null,
    /*Site de départ*/ null,
    /*Destination*/ null,
    /*Nombre de passagers*/ null,

    $("#min").keyup( function() { oTable1.fnDraw(); } );
    $("#max").keyup( function() { oTable1.fnDraw(); } );
    $("#sitedepart").keyup( function() { oTable1.fnDraw(); } );
    $("#destination").keyup( function() { oTable1.fnDraw(); } );
    $("#min").change( function() { oTable1.fnDraw(); } );
    $("#max").change( function() { oTable1.fnDraw(); } );
    $("#sitedepart").change( function() { oTable1.fnDraw(); } );
    $("#destination").change( function() { oTable1.fnDraw(); } );

  • fbasfbas Posts: 1,094Questions: 4Answers: 0
    add to line 8:

    and see what aData contains in the debugger.
  • pearly_030pearly_030 Posts: 42Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Hi fbas,
    I added it and data are OK.
    I added too
    and data in debugger are always OK.
    It does'nt work since I use ""sAjaxSource": "./server_processing.php"," to make the table.

    A solution?
  • fbasfbas Posts: 1,094Questions: 4Answers: 0
    are you sure that server_processing.php file exists at that location?
  • pearly_030pearly_030 Posts: 42Questions: 0Answers: 0
    All data are corectly displayed but only the filter doesn't work.
    I'm trying to debug with console.log and seems OK.
    I don't understand.
  • fbasfbas Posts: 1,094Questions: 4Answers: 0
    Oh.. afnFiltering doesn't work on server side code. when you decide to use server side processing, ALL processing like sorting, filtering, etc., is done on the server side.

    Your server side script will have to handle filtering. when you use the datatable's fnFilter functions, it will call to the server side script with sSearch parameter or sSearch_{colnum} set and your SQL in the server side will have to perform the filtering.

    If you're trying to do range filtering, you'll have to add some code to the server side.
  • pearly_030pearly_030 Posts: 42Questions: 0Answers: 0
    OK fbas.
    I didn't understand it in the doc where I read
    "The example here shows a very simple display of the CSS data (used in all my other examples), but in this instance coming from the server on each draw. Filtering, multi-column sorting etc all work as you would expect."
    So I will modify the server side.
    Many thanks
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