DataTable using a different DataTable's editor
DataTable using a different DataTable's editor
This seems to work as far as being able to add/edit, but I can't get the .on("submitComplete") to fire.
Here is the layout:
1) DataTable that is 'dynamic': EquipmentOnLoanTable (no editor or buttons, but includes left join to Rates data)
2) DataTable to add Equipment Rates: EquipmentOnLoan_RatesTable, editor: EquipmentOnLoan_RatesEditor
3) DataTable showing records that are missing Rates: EquipmentOnLoan_AlertsTable. Also uses editor: EquipmentOnLoan_RatesEditor
So rates can be added in either DataTables 2 or 3.
When I add a new rate for an equipment record from either of the two DataTable buttons, I instantly see the record show up in EquipmentOnLoan_RatesTable. If I reload the page, the Rate data shows up on EquipmentOnLoanTable (remember, there is a left join to rates) and is no longer in EquipmentOnLoan_AlertsTable because the Rate is no longer missing.
However, I need EquipmentOnLoanTable and EquipmentOnLoan_AlertsTable to be reloaded after the submit instead of having the user reload the entire page. .on("submitComplete") does not seem to be firing and I can't figure out why.
$(document).ready(function () {
var EquipmentOnLoanTable;
function DynamicTablesLoad() {
url: "api/EquipmentOnLoan",
success: function (data) {
var columns = [];
if (data.length !== 0) {
//build the DataTable dynamically.
// json return: {"Table":[{"ImportID":121,"DeptName":"Ag Commissioner","FTE":48.15,"EmployeeCount":50}...
columnNames = Object.keys(data.Table[0]); //.Table[0]] refers to the propery name of the returned json
for (var i in columnNames) {
data: columnNames[i],
title: columnNames[i]
EquipmentOnLoanTable = $('#EquipmentOnLoan').DataTable({
dom: 'frtip',
data: data.Table,
destroy: true,
rowId: 'LOANID',
scrollX: true,
columns: columns
var EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLinkEditor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
ajax: 'api/EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLink',
table: '#EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLink',
fields: [
{ label: "Loan ID:", name: "EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLink.LoanID", type: "readonly" },
label: "Rate:", name: "EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLink.RateID", type: "select",
placeholder: "<Select Rate>",
placeholderValue: 0,
placeholderDisabled: false
label: "Effective Date:"
, name: "EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLink.EffectiveDate"
, type: 'datetime'
, def: AsOfCookie
, format: "M/D/YYYY"
label: "Expire Date:"
, name: "EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLink.ExpireDate"
, type: 'datetime'
, format: "M/D/YYYY"
var EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLinkTable = $('#EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLink').DataTable({
dom: 'Bfrtip',
ajax: 'api/EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLink',
columns: [
{ data: "EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLink.LoanID", title: "Loan ID"},
{ data: "EquipmentOnLoan_Rates.RateName", title: "Rate"},
{ data: "EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLink.EffectiveDate", title: "Effective Date" },
{ data: "EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLink.ExpireDate", title: "Expire Date" }
select: { style: 'single' },
lengthChange: false,
buttons: {
buttons: [
{ extend: 'create', editor: EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLinkEditor, text: 'Add Rate' },
{ extend: 'edit', editor: EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLinkEditor, text: 'Edit Rate' }
dom: {
button: { tag: 'i', className: '' }
var EquipmentOnLoan_AlertsTable = $('#EquipmentOnLoan_Alerts').DataTable({
dom: 'Bfrtip',
ajax: 'api/EquipmentOnLoan_Alerts',
columns: [
{ data: "LOANID", title: "Loan ID" },
{ data: "DEPTNAME", title: "Department" },
{ data: "LoanStartDate", title: "Loan Start Date" },
{ data: "LoanEndDate", title: "Date Returned" },
{ data: "COMPONENTTYPENAME", title: "Equipment Type" },
{ data: "AlertType", title: "Issue" },
select: { style: 'single' },
lengthChange: false,
buttons: {
buttons: [
{ extend: 'create', editor: EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLinkEditor, text: 'Assign Rate' }
EquipmentOnLoan_LoanRateLinkEditor.on('submitComplete'), function () {
alert("got here");
Regardless if I hit the editor from either the Alerts buttons or the Rates buttons, I never get to the "got here" alert and the two data tables are not reloaded.
note, the code below DOES work, however:
EquipmentOnLoan_AlertsTable.on('select', function () {
.def(EquipmentOnLoan_AlertsTable.row({ selected: true }).data().LOANID);
.def(EquipmentOnLoan_AlertsTable.row({ selected: true }).data().LoanStartDate);
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
I don't see anything obvious as to by
wouldn't be triggering them I'm afraid. Can you give me a link to a page showing the issue?Also, do events such as
unfortunately I can't provide a link as it is on our intranet. I just tested preSubmit and postSubmit and they are not triggered either.
Is there anything else I can look at or that I can provide to look deeper?
I've just spotted an error in the code above:
Note the comma after the closing parenthesis! That closing parenthesis shouldn't be there - instead use:
and it should work now.
oh my goodness.. I can't believe I missed that.
thanks. all is good now.