How to indicate the phone number format ?

How to indicate the phone number format ?

jyd0228jyd0228 Posts: 30Questions: 11Answers: 0

I have 3 questions.

1.See Figure Q-1
How to indicate the phone number format?
When 01012341234 data is input in the editor, the screen should appear in the format 010-1234-1234 (xxx-xxxx-xxxx).
And when entering this data into the DB, I want to enter only 01012341234 with the -(hyphen) removed.

  1. See Figure Q-2.
    The corresponding inputbox represents the registration date
    I applied "def: function () {return new Date(); }" to this box.
    I would like to disable this box so that today's date is entered but cannot be modified.
    So I applied "type: "readonly"" but the type is different.
    What option should I put in the type?

3.See Figure Q-3.
I want to center the deal price, deal amt column, and right align the data.
What should I do?
I align the entire table (id=acontDtlMng) in the center and these columns are sorted in className: right,
it appears as shown in the picture.

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  • jyd0228jyd0228 Posts: 30Questions: 11Answers: 0
    edited January 2021

    Can't edit the article?
    I cleared problems Q-2, Q-3.

  • colincolin Posts: 15,209Questions: 1Answers: 2,592

    You can use jQuery mask for that - see example here. I re-used the age column, but this now behaves like the Zip code that you want.


  • jyd0228jyd0228 Posts: 30Questions: 11Answers: 0

    Hello Colin,

    I added the mask libraries and set it as shown, but the "Uncaught Error adding field - unknown field type mask" error appears.
    Is there anything else I need to set up?

  • colincolin Posts: 15,209Questions: 1Answers: 2,592

    Check all the libraries that are in my example, and the ordering will be important too, so make sure they're in the same sequence.


  • colincolin Posts: 15,209Questions: 1Answers: 2,592

    Try putting mask after jQuery - I just noticed in your screenshot it's before.


  • jyd0228jyd0228 Posts: 30Questions: 11Answers: 0

    I moved the mask libraries behind jQuery but I get the same error....

  • colincolin Posts: 15,209Questions: 1Answers: 2,592
    Answer ✓

    Ah, you probably need to include editor-mask field type - I pasted the code into that example in the JS tab as there's a restriction against using field plugins on the example site.

    If you add that file in, in the same place/order as in my example, you should be good to go,


  • colincolin Posts: 15,209Questions: 1Answers: 2,592
    Answer ✓

    Note you need to be logged into the site with the account that has the Editor license to be able to see the download section of that page.


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