Predefined order not works.

Predefined order not works.

mkpanchalmkpanchal Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited June 2021 in ColReorder

Link to test case:
Login :
Pwd : P@ssw0rd
Navigate to Module -> Case
In this i have used it same.
Debugger code (

                "fnRowCallback": function (nRow, data, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {
                    if (data.IsRead == false)
                        $('td', nRow).css('color', 'orangered');
                "responsive": true,
                "destroy": true,
                "processing": true,
                "colReorder": { order: [6,1,2,3,4,5,0,7,8,9,10] },
                "serverSide": true,
                "order": [[3, "desc"]],
                "lengthMenu": [
                    [10, 25, 50, 100, -1],
                    ['10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows', '100 rows', 'Show all']
                "dom": 'Bfrtip',
                "buttons": ['pageLength',
                        extend: 'excelHtml5',
                        autoFilter: true,
                        sheetName: 'Exported data',
                        exportOptions: {
                            columns: ':visible'
                "columnDefs": [
                    { responsivePriority: 1, targets: 0 },
                    { responsivePriority: 2, targets: [-1,-2,-3] },
                    { targets: -1, className: 'text-center align-middle' },
                        targets: '_all',
                        render: $.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis(20, true, false)
                "ajax": $.fn.dataTable.pipeline({
                    "url": "/Case/loadCaseGrid",
                    "data": {
                        caseStatus: ischk,
                        region: regionv,
                        type: typev,
                        subtype: subtypev,
                        agent: Agentv,
                        caseActive: active,
                        caseInactive: inactive,
                        caseDel: isdel,
                        AppCase: isApp,
                        UnAppCase: isUnApp,
                        PendCase: isPnApp
                    "cache": false,
                    "type": "POST",
                    "datatype": "json"
                "columns": [
                        "title":'Approved ?',
                        "data": "IsApproved",
                        "searchable": false,
                        "sortable": false,
                        "render": function (data, type, full, meta) {
                            if (data == "Approved") {
                                return '<span title="Approved"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-up" style="color:#227e77"></i></span>';
                            else if (data == "Disapprove") {
                                return '<span title="Disapproved"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-down"  style="color:#ef5350"></i></span>';
                            else {
                                return '<span title="Pending"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle" style="color:#d39e00"></i></span>';
                    { "title":'Case #', "data": "caseNumber", "autoWidth": true,"visible":true, },
                    { "title":'Description', "data": "caseDescription", "autoWidth": true,"visible":true, },
                        "title":'Register Date',
                        "data": "caseOpenDate",
                        "autoWidth": true,
                        "render": function (data, type, row) {
                                if (data == null) {
                                    return "";
                                if (type === 'display' || type === 'filter') {
                                    return (moment.utc(data).format("DD-MMM-YYYY"));
                                return data;
                    { "title":'Status', "data": "status", "autoWidth": true,"visible":true, },
                    { "title":'Type', "data": "type", "autoWidth": true,"visible":true, },
                    { "title":'Sub Type', "data": "subType", "autoWidth": true,"visible":true, },
                    { "title": 'Region', "data": "CaseRegion", "autoWidth": true,"visible":true, },
                    { "title": 'Stage', "data": "Stage", "autoWidth": true,"visible":true, },
                    { "title": 'Original Complaint', "data": "OriginalComplaint", "autoWidth": true,"visible":true, },
                    { "title":'Assign To Agents', "data": "AssignAgent", "autoWidth": true,"visible":true, },
                        "title": "Action",
                        "searchable": false,
                        "sortable": false,
                        "data": null,
                        "render": function (data, type, full, meta) {
                            var status = full.status;
                            var Perm = '<a href="#" onclick="DownloadCase(\'' + full["caseId"] + '\')" title="Download"> <i class="fas fa-download" style="color:#227e77;font-size:1.5em"></i></a>';
                            Perm += '<a href="#" onclick="ConverttoPdf(\'' + full["caseId"] + '\' )" title="PDF"> <i class="far fa-file-pdf" style="color:red;font-size:1.5em"></i> </a>';
                            if ('True' == "True" && full["IsDeleted"] == "0") {
                                Perm += '<a href="#" onclick="DelCase(0,\'' + full["caseId"] + '\')" title="Recover"> <i class="far fa-trash-restore" style="color:#227e77;font-size:1.5em"></i> </a>';
                            else {
                                if ('True' == "True")
                                    Perm += '<a href="#" onclick="ConverttoPdf(\'' + full["caseId"] + '\')" title="PDF"></a>';
                                if ('True' == "True")
                                    if (status == "Closed")
                                        if('True' == "True")
                                            Perm += '<a href="#" onclick="AddEditCase(\'' + full["caseId"] + '\')"  title="Open"> <i class="far fa-edit" style="color:#227e77;font-size:1.5em"></i> </a>';
                                        Perm += '<a href="#" onclick="AddEditCase(\'' + full["caseId"] + '\')"  title="Open"> <i class="far fa-edit" style="color:#227e77;font-size:1.5em"></i> </a>';
                                        Perm += '<a href="#" onclick="RelCase(\'' + full["caseId"] + '\')" title="Related Case"> <i class="fas fa-retweet" style="color:#227e77;font-size:1.5em"></i> </a>';
                                if ('True' == "True" && full["IsDeleted"] == "1")
                                    Perm += '<a href="#" onclick="DelCase(1,\'' + full["caseId"] + '\')" title="Delete"> <i class="far fa-trash-alt" style="color:red;font-size:1.5em"></i> </a>' ;
                                Perm += '<a href="#" onclick="RemoteReview(\'' + full["caseId"] + '\')" title="Remote Review"> <i class="fa fa-link" style="color:yellowgreen;font-size:1.5em"></i> </a>';
                            return Perm;

Error messages shown:
Description of problem:
I have set the column predefined order but it display the standard order.

Edited by Colin - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.


  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    I just took a look and it looks like it's honouring "order": [[3, "desc"]], to me - all the tables are sorted by Register date which is in the 4th position in columns (note counts are from 0).

    Why do you think it's not working?


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