Order or Sort column by specific attribute

Order or Sort column by specific attribute

serverFaultserverFault Posts: 9Questions: 4Answers: 0

Hello All,

This is my first time using Datatables, and so far it has proven to be excellent, but I'm not venturing into territory a bit outside of my area of familiarity.

The "Problem"
For one of our tables, we have roughly 14 columns, and have just added a new column that displays a colored icon based on a job's labor & budget status. This column will ONLY display an icon, no other info. For example, a green icon indicates a job is on-time/budget, an orange is a job within 10% of both, and red icon indicates a job > 20% over on budget and/or time.

In my current config, each column heading has a sort button already, however since this column displays only icons, clicking it does nothing. I was wondering if I could store the deviation value in a custom attribute for the cell, then when a user clicks on that column's sort button, it uses that attribute's value to order the rows, e.g.:
<td deviation="8.25">ORANGEICON</td>

The only work-around I've come up with so far is to include a span inside each icon cell that has a class "hidden" applied that sets its CSS display attribute to none. Then, within that span, I output the deviation value. This DOES appear to work in my initial testing, but I was also thinking of other applications where this would be less ideal than being able to sort a column by a custom attribute as I could access the custom attribute in other JS functions as well. Here's an example of the span work-around. {$deviation_value} is the value as determined in PHP from MySQL data:
<td class='icon-col'><i class="flag-icon green-flag"></i><span class='hidden'>{$deviation_value}</span></td>

I've tried doing some searching here and on Google, but haven't found anything I've been able to apply as a solution. Is this possible, or has anyone done anything similar? I'd still like all the other columns to remain sort-able by their cell values, so this would apply just to a single column.


  • allanallan Posts: 63,113Questions: 1Answers: 10,397 Site admin


    You can use the data-order attribute on the td which DataTables will automatically detect and then sort on. See docs here.

    Do you control the HTML for the table as well as the Javascript - can you add that property in addition to your deviation property?


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