Sort DataTables with multiply -Tags

Sort DataTables with multiply -Tags

TranduilTranduil Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

I got a table with multiply <tbody>-Tags and I wanted to know if there is an option to only sort one specific <tbody>-Tag of the Table.

I found this thread form 2016 where it is stated that it does'nt work at the moment but may be added in the future. Is there any new Information on that?

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  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,117Questions: 26Answers: 4,916
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    The HTML docs still specifies that Datatables supports only one tbody tag.


  • TranduilTranduil Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

    Well, unlucky. Thanks nonetheless!

    The workaround that I used was: I wrote the second <tbody> content inside a second <tr>-Tag of the table header and set "bSortCellsTop": true so that the top row is sorted.
    That does a similar Job for what I wanted.

  • allanallan Posts: 63,075Questions: 1Answers: 10,385 Site admin

    Nice workaround.

    The only reason I can really think of adding support for multiple tbody tags to DataTables would be for some kind of row grouping, but we can already do that with a single tbody and the relevant data, and it supports multi-level grouping, which multiple tbody's would not.

    Happy to get feedback on use cases for multiple tbody elements though.


  • xiaoyu_mndxiaoyu_mnd Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0

    Hi, I am trying to use the table with Vue3.
    I am trying to create a child for each row which expands on click. I am aware of the row.child() method but that doesn't seem to work with customized Vue component. So I created my own grouping:

                                <tbody v-for="entry, index in data" :key="index">
                                    <tr class="align-items-cenicon-linkter align-middle">
                                        <td v-if="canExpand" class="dt-control">
                                            <div class="" type="button"><span class="material-symbols-rounded"
                                                    @click="rowDisplay[index] = !rowDisplay[index]">
                                        <td v-for="key, keyIndex in Object.keys(entry)" :key="keyIndex">
                                                :class="styleConfig && styleConfig[keyIndex] ? styleConfig[keyIndex][index] : ''">
                                                    entry[key] }}
                                        <td v-if="hasSuffix" @click="onItemClicked(entry)">
                                    <tr v-show="rowDisplay[index]" class="row-child">
                                        <td colspan="5">
                                            <Grid :data="entry"></Grid>
                                        <!-- Not rendered but holds place for unused columns -->
                                        <td v-for="index in numOfCol" v-show="false">

    Which of course messed up the whole filter and pagination. Is there any workaround on that? Thanks.

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