datatables-plugins CDN issue: duplicate entry for datatables.slidingChild.min.js

datatables-plugins CDN issue: duplicate entry for datatables.slidingChild.min.js

saefrensaefren Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0

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It's there twice, once prefixed with 'datatables' and once with 'dataTables' upper-case T.

Debugger code (

Error messages shown:
Conflicting file "lib/datatables-plugins/features/slidingChild/dataTables.slidingChild.min.js" found in more than one library: datatables-plugins, datatables-plugins
Restore operation completed with errors
========== Finished ==========

Description of problem:
When I try to add datatables-plugins using Library Manager in Visual Studio I get the error above.

Workaround: use the 'Choose specific files' option and uncheck /features/slidingChild/datatables.slidingChild.min.js

I hope this is the right place to post this issue.



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