Configuring a Table with Child Rows in Nuxt3

Configuring a Table with Child Rows in Nuxt3

choongsilchoongsil Posts: 4Questions: 3Answers: 0

I'm sorry to ask such a basic question.
I'm currently setting up a project using Nuxt3 and TypeScript, and I've created a table using Now, I want to add a toggle button in the first column to show and hide child rows, but I'm completely stuck and can't figure it out.
Below is the configuration of the component I've written.
I know this is a very basic question, but I would appreciate your help.
Happy New Year!

            <v-col cols="12">
                <DataTable :data="data" :columns="columns" class="table table-hover table-striped text-no-wrap" :options="options" width="100%"
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, reactive, onMounted } from 'vue';
import DataTable from '';
import DataTablesCore from '';
let dt:any;
const table = ref();
onMounted( ()=> {
    dt = table.value;
const data = [
    { nowProgress: "방문완료", position: "seo", name: "kim", adress: "korea", age: "34", phone: "010-9999-8888" },
const columns = [
    { data: 'nowProgress', title: '현재상태' },
    { data: 'position', title: '상담자' },
    { data: 'name', title: '이름' },
    { data: 'adress', title: '거주지' },
    { data: 'age', title: '나이' },
    { data: 'phone', title: '연락처' },
const options = {
    lengthMenu: [
        [10, 25, 50, -1],
        ['10건', '25건', '50건', '모두']
    responsive: {
        details: true
    select: true,
    language: { search: "검색", info: "전체 _TOTAL_ 건 중 _END_ 건", paginate: { previous: "이전", next: "다음" }, lengthMenu: "페이지당 _MENU_ 표시"},
@import 'bootstrap';
@import '';


  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin

    At the moment it isn't yet possible to have Vue components as part of a cell's contents. That will change with the release of DataTables 2 and a major update to the Vue component for DataTables, which should happen later this month.


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