dataTables is displaying "Loading" only, not displaying any data

dataTables is displaying "Loading" only, not displaying any data

NaveXNaveX Posts: 4Questions: 2Answers: 0
edited August 5 in Free community support

Hi All,
I have an issue with my jquery/dataTables code I am writing. The issue is the code runs and displays "Loading".
If someone could look over my code to see where I have gone wrong.


<table id="multisignageTable" class="display" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" data-role="datatable"   data-info="false" table-layout:fixed>
                    <!-- DataTable will populate this -->

Jquery code.

 function initializeDataTable() {
        var multisignage = $('#multisignageTable').DataTable({
                createdRow: function(row, data, dataIndex){
                    $('td:eq(0)', row).css('padding-left', '2px');
                autoWidth: false,
                paging: false,
                searching: false,
                scrollY: "550px",
                scrollCollapse: true,
                scrollX: false,
                ajax: {
                    url: 'get_multi_boards_list.php',
                    dataSrc: '',
                    error: function(xhr, error, code) {
                        console.log("AJAX Error: ", error);
                        console.log("Status: ", code);
                        console.log("Response: ", xhr.responseText);
                    success: function(data) {
                        console.log("Data received: ", data);
                language: {
                    "emptyTable": "There is no signage promotions scheduled after <?php echo $date; ?>"
                columnDefs: [
                    { width: '7%', targets: 0 },   // RecordID
                    { width: '20%', targets: 1 },  // BoardName
                    { width: '5%', targets: 2 },   // Order
                    { width: '10%', targets: 3 },   // Image
           { width: '10%', targets: 4 }   // Image
                columns: [
                    { data: "RecordID", title: "RecordID"},
                    { data: "DisplayID", title: "DisplayID"},
                    { data: "DisplayType", title: "DisplayType"},
                    { data: "DisplayDescription", title: "DisplayDescription"},
           { data: "DisplayWidth", title: "Width"}
                rowCallback: function(row, data, index){
                    $('td', row).attr('nowrap','nowrap');
                    $(row).find('td:eq(5)').css('color', '#009900');
                    $(row).find('td:eq(6)').css('color', '#CC0000');

        // Show tab-multi and initialize DataTable on button click
        $('#headingMulti').click(function() {
            $('.tab-pane').removeClass('active in'); // Remove active class from other tabs
            $('#tab-multi').addClass('active in'); // Add active class to tab-multi

            // Check if DataTable is already initialized
            if (!$.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#multisignageTable')) {

Data returned.

{RecordID: '90', DisplayID: '5', DisplayType: 'L', DisplayDescription: 'Elevator 18 L', DisplayWidth: '1024'}
{RecordID: '71', DisplayID: '3', DisplayType: 'L', DisplayDescription: 'Elevator 3 L', DisplayWidth: '1024'}
{RecordID: '95', DisplayID: '6', DisplayType: 'L', DisplayDescription: 'Elevator 19 L', DisplayWidth: '1024'}
{RecordID: '27', DisplayID: '2', DisplayType: 'P', DisplayDescription: 'Main reception No 2 P', DisplayWidth: '1080'}
{RecordID: '89', DisplayID: '4', DisplayType: 'L', DisplayDescription: 'Reception No 2 L', DisplayWidth: '1920'}
{RecordID: '116', DisplayID: '8', DisplayType: 'P', DisplayDescription: 'Display 2 P', DisplayWidth: '1080'}
{RecordID: '26', DisplayID: '1', DisplayType: 'L', DisplayDescription: 'Main reception No1 L', DisplayWidth: '1920'}
{RecordID: '115', DisplayID: '7', DisplayType: 'L', DisplayDescription: 'Display 1 L', DisplayWidth: '1024'}

Edited by Kevin: Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,190Questions: 26Answers: 4,925

    The JSON data doesn't look like properly formatted JSON. It should be an array of row elements, something like this:

        {RecordID: '90', DisplayID: '5', DisplayType: 'L', DisplayDescription: 'Elevator 18 L', DisplayWidth: '1024'},
        {RecordID: '71', DisplayID: '3', DisplayType: 'L', DisplayDescription: 'Elevator 3 L', DisplayWidth: '1024'},
        {RecordID: '95', DisplayID: '6', DisplayType: 'L', DisplayDescription: 'Elevator 19 L', DisplayWidth: '1024'},
        {RecordID: '27', DisplayID: '2', DisplayType: 'P', DisplayDescription: 'Main reception No 2 P', DisplayWidth: '1080'},
        {RecordID: '89', DisplayID: '4', DisplayType: 'L', DisplayDescription: 'Reception No 2 L', DisplayWidth: '1920'},
        {RecordID: '116', DisplayID: '8', DisplayType: 'P', DisplayDescription: 'Display 2 P', DisplayWidth: '1080'},
        {RecordID: '26', DisplayID: '1', DisplayType: 'L', DisplayDescription: 'Main reception No1 L', DisplayWidth: '1920'},
        {RecordID: '115', DisplayID: '7', DisplayType: 'L', DisplayDescription: 'Display 1 L', DisplayWidth: '1024'}

    Also note the comma at the end of each line separating each array element.

    Maybe its a copy/paste error?

    Look at the browser's console for errors.


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