DataTables 1.9.1 released
DataTables 1.9.1 released

Hello all,
I'm absolutely delighted to announce the release of DataTables 1.9.1. Coming at just over two months since the release of DataTables 1.9.0, the dust from such a major release as the 1.9 series is has had a chance to settle and I've addressed all known issues with this release. I've also added a couple of minor new features which are welcome additions to DataTables and a number of updates to improve unit tests, examples, documentation etc.
If you are keen to get going with the new release immediately - here is the package download (read on for a few more details!):
In terms of new features, possibly the most apparent is the addition of three new static API methods, fnTables, fnIsDataTable and fnVersionCheck which will allowing you to get all DataTables on the page (or only the visible ones), check if a table is a DataTable and perform a version compatibility check, respectively. These are really handy for performing global actions without a DataTables instance. Also new in this release is the ability to specify if you want cells for a column to be created with TD or TH elements, which is useful for accessibility, and harmonisation of the _START_, _END_ etc macros for the pagination language options, so these macros can be used anywhere.
For updates, the biggest is in extending the capabilities of mDataProp as a function when using Ajax sourced data or server-side processing as the 'set' action is now called for the function, allowing formatting of data to occur only once, and fast lookup of the formatted data gives us a performance boost. Also for performance, when working with objects, the objects are no longer cloned, speeding up the use of objects as the data source significantly.
For bugs, I'll not go through them all, but 44 bugs have been fixed in this release. Full details can be found in the 1.9.1 release notes: .
Also included in this release are the latest updates to the extras - specifically: TableTools 2.0.3, Scroller 1.0.2, FixedHeader 2.0.6 and FixedColumns 2.0.3. The Most noticeable change in the extras is the new styling of the buttons in TableTools. More details about these updates are available here:
If you missed the upgrade to 1.9.0 you might be interested in seeing what is new in the 1.9 series of DataTables, and the upgrade notes:
- New features:
- Upgrade notes:
If you have any issues with the new release or upgrading from a previous version, please post your message in a new thread so we can keep track of individual issues.
Finally, please consider supporting DataTables by making a donation to the project. Your donations and support allow development and support of DataTables to continue!
I'm absolutely delighted to announce the release of DataTables 1.9.1. Coming at just over two months since the release of DataTables 1.9.0, the dust from such a major release as the 1.9 series is has had a chance to settle and I've addressed all known issues with this release. I've also added a couple of minor new features which are welcome additions to DataTables and a number of updates to improve unit tests, examples, documentation etc.
If you are keen to get going with the new release immediately - here is the package download (read on for a few more details!):
In terms of new features, possibly the most apparent is the addition of three new static API methods, fnTables, fnIsDataTable and fnVersionCheck which will allowing you to get all DataTables on the page (or only the visible ones), check if a table is a DataTable and perform a version compatibility check, respectively. These are really handy for performing global actions without a DataTables instance. Also new in this release is the ability to specify if you want cells for a column to be created with TD or TH elements, which is useful for accessibility, and harmonisation of the _START_, _END_ etc macros for the pagination language options, so these macros can be used anywhere.
For updates, the biggest is in extending the capabilities of mDataProp as a function when using Ajax sourced data or server-side processing as the 'set' action is now called for the function, allowing formatting of data to occur only once, and fast lookup of the formatted data gives us a performance boost. Also for performance, when working with objects, the objects are no longer cloned, speeding up the use of objects as the data source significantly.
For bugs, I'll not go through them all, but 44 bugs have been fixed in this release. Full details can be found in the 1.9.1 release notes: .
Also included in this release are the latest updates to the extras - specifically: TableTools 2.0.3, Scroller 1.0.2, FixedHeader 2.0.6 and FixedColumns 2.0.3. The Most noticeable change in the extras is the new styling of the buttons in TableTools. More details about these updates are available here:
If you missed the upgrade to 1.9.0 you might be interested in seeing what is new in the 1.9 series of DataTables, and the upgrade notes:
- New features:
- Upgrade notes:
If you have any issues with the new release or upgrading from a previous version, please post your message in a new thread so we can keep track of individual issues.
Finally, please consider supporting DataTables by making a donation to the project. Your donations and support allow development and support of DataTables to continue!
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Could you tell me how to implement entering new records permanently into the table/database with the new version of datatables.I assume it has this functionality as you mentioned yesterday :P.
Thanks a lot for the update.. To use the new plugins, what all files do we add in our code?? Only js files will do?