401 unauthenticated

401 unauthenticated

zaki22zaki22 Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

hi, I am a beginner in web programming, just learned it a few month ago. now i'm developing some web and using datatables. i have a problem when i open the page with datatables inside, the datatables want not load, and when i debug it using chrome it said 401 unathenticated. im using laravel framework. and for the code,

public function index(Request $request, Builder $htmlBuilder)
        if ($request->ajax()) {
            $books = Book::with('author');
            return Datatables::of($books)
                ->addColumn('action', function($book){
                    return view('datatable._action', [
                        'model' => $book,
                        'form_url' => route('books.destroy', $book->id),
                        'edit_url' => route('books.edit', $book->id),
                        'confirm_message' => 'Yakin mau menghapus ' . $book->title . '?'
        $html = $htmlBuilder
            ->addColumn(['data' => 'title', 'name'=>'title', 'title'=>'Judul'])
            ->addColumn(['data' => 'amount', 'name'=>'amount', 'title'=>'Jumlah'])
            ->addColumn(['data' => 'author.name', 'name'=>'author.name', 'title'=>'Penulis'])
            ->addColumn(['data' => 'action', 'name'=>'action', 'title'=>'', 'orderable'=>false, 'searchable'=>false]);
        return view('books.index')->with(compact('html'));

code for view ._action

{!! Form::model($model, ['url' => $form_url, 'method' => 'delete', 'class' => 'form-inline js-confirm', 'data-confirm' => $confirm_message]) !!}
<a href="{{ $edit_url }}">Ubah</a> |
{!! Form::submit('Hapus', ['class'=>'btn btn-xs btn-danger']) !!}
{!! Form::close()!!}

sorry for my bad english, hope my question understandable.


  • allanallan Posts: 63,175Questions: 1Answers: 10,409 Site admin

    I'm afraid that isn't a DataTables issue, but rather one to do with whatever authentication you are using for the server. Possibly a file permission error or some kind of authentication in the http server itself or laravel - I'm afraid I don't know!


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