Unable to get Buttons 1.3.2 to work with require JS and Backbone.Marionette
Unable to get Buttons 1.3.2 to work with require JS and Backbone.Marionette

I've been using DataTables, with the Responsive extension, for some time now and was recently asked to add some buttons that would allow tables to be exported in different formats. A quick search lead me to the Buttons plugin, which seem to be just what I needed. My app is built with Backbone.Marionette and in the onShow() handler, I do this:
onShow: function() {
responsive: true,
aoColumnDefs : [ {
bSortable : false,
aTargets : [ 7 ]
} ]
I use this same patter in other pages of my app. I pulled in the DataTables plugin using this code:
paths : { ...
datatables : '//cdn.datatables.net/t/dt/dt-1.10.11,r-2.0.2/datatables'
Once I had the new URLs from the download builder, I modified the requirejs code to look like this:
paths : { ...
datatables : '//cdn.datatables.net/v/dt/jszip-3.1.3/pdfmake-0.1.27/dt-1.10.15/b-1.3.1/b-html5-1.3.1/r-2.1.1/datatables.min'
Unfortunately, now none of my tables work. I'm getting the error:
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).DataTable is not a function
I've taken out all the new items and left only dt-1.10.15 and r-2.1.1 in the URL and things still work but as soon as I add Buttons into the mix, I get the error.
Can anyone tell me what's going on? Why the error when I add in any of the Buttons stuff?
Hi Dave,
Could you call it
rather thandatatables
please? That should resolve the issue.This was a mistake on my part. Because it wasn't documented at that point, I thought it would be okay to rename the module in a patch release. That was wrong (live and learn) it should have been a major release.
Hi Allan,
That indeed fixed the problem! Thanks.
However, now I have another problem. My buttons won't show up. I am initialization the table in the onShow method like this:
but no buttons show up. Does that look right?
Yes, that looks fine. Did you include the HTML5 buttons file, JSZip and pdfmake?