page.jumpToData() not working when fetching data with AJAX
page.jumpToData() not working when fetching data with AJAX

Hey everyone!
I am using the page.jumpToData() plug-in and figured there is a bug(?) when fetching the rows via AJAX. In this case I cannot use page.jumpToData() in order to jump to a particular row / data set. However, when I filled my table via HTML (as <tr></tr>) the function worked just as expected. Did anyone experience similar issues with this plug-in? I'd appreciate any kind of help here. Thank you!
Here's the JS-code of the table's initialization:
language : {
url : "{% static 'datatables/js/German.json' %}" // Django url
"ajax": "{% url 'get_data_json' %}", // Django url
"responsive" : true,
columnDefs : [{
"orderable" : false,
"targets" : 4
"targets": 5,
"className": "never",
"visible": false,
"searchable": false
"initComplete": function(settings, json) {
this.api().page.jumpToData('Some row', 5);
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I'm not aware of an issue with that. Could you link to a page showing the issue so I can check it out please?
Hey Allan!
Thanks for the quick reply. I fabricated a minimal example using the same initialization code but different data since my production data is sensitive. Now it works perfectly.
This issue may be due to the formatting of my data... I'll keep you posted.
Thank you very much!
Ooooh! Stupid mistake! I figured out what went wrong.
I passed a string as the first (search) parameter to page.jumpToData(). However, my search column was filled with integer objects. Now it works like a charm.
I am really sorry for having bothered you. Keep up the good work.
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Thanks for posting back - great to hear you've got it working now.