Editor: row disappears after create/update submit
Editor: row disappears after create/update submit

I've implemented Custom display controller, however on submit, particular row is disappearing. When I refresh my page, I see it appears with values as expected (after create/update action). I don't see any error in my console, POST/PATCH is working as expected and returns JSON as required.
How do I fix this, please? Thank you!
My Debug is here and my complete JS code is this:
var editor; // use a global for the submit and return data rendering in the examples
(function () {
var Editor = $.fn.dataTable.Editor;
Editor.display.details = $.extend( true, {}, Editor.models.displayController, {
"init": function ( editor ) {
// No initialisation needed - we will be using DataTables' API to display items
return Editor.display.details;
"open": function ( editor, append, callback ) {
var table = $(editor.s.table).DataTable();
var row = editor.s.modifier;
// Close any rows which are already open
Editor.display.details.close( editor );
// Open the child row on the DataTable
.row( row )
.child( append )
$( table.row( row ).node() ).addClass( 'shown' );
if ( callback ) {
"close": function ( editor, callback ) {
var table = $(editor.s.table).DataTable();
table.rows().every( function () {
if ( this.child.isShown() ) {
$( this.node() ).removeClass( 'shown' );
} );
if ( callback ) {
} );
} )();
$(document).ready(function() {
var user_id = $("#user_groups_table").attr('data-user-id');
var contname = $("#user_groups_table").attr('data-controller-name');
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
table: "#user_groups_table",
template: '#user_groups_form',
"i18n": {
"edit": {
"button": "Edit",
"title": "Update Group",
"submit": "Update"
"create": {
"button": "Add",
"title": "Add New Group",
"submit": "Add Group"
display: "details",
idSrc: "id",
ajax: {
create: {
type: 'POST',
url: '/strongbolt/user_groups'
edit: {
type: 'PATCH',
url: '/strongbolt/user_groups/_id_'
remove: {
type: 'DELETE',
url: '/strongbolt/user_group'
fields: [ {
label: "Group Name:",
name: "name"
}, {
label: "Description:",
name: "description"
}, {
type: "select2",
label: "Users:",
name: "users[].id",
optionsPair: {
label: 'name',
value: 'id'
"opts": {
"multiple": true,
"placeholder": "Select User...",
"allowClear": true
}}, {
type: "select2",
label: "Roles:",
name: "roles[].id",
optionsPair: {
label: 'name',
value: 'id'
"opts": {
"multiple": true,
"placeholder": "Select Role...",
"allowClear": true
} );
// Here we modify params before they are sent to server
editor.on( 'preSubmit', function ( e, data, action ) {
if ( action === 'create' ) {
data.strongbolt_user_group = {
"name": data.data[0].name,
"description": data.data[0].description,
"user_ids": data.data[0].users.map(function(o) { return o.id; }),
"role_ids": data.data[0].roles.map(function(o) { return o.id; }),
delete data.data;
} else if ( action === 'edit' ) {
$.each( data.data, function (id, value) {
data.strongbolt_user_group = {
"name": data.data[id].name,
"description": data.data[id].description,
"user_ids": data.data[id].users.map(function(o) { return o.id; }),
"role_ids": data.data[id].roles.map(function(o) { return o.id; }),
delete data.data;
} );
var table = $('#user_groups_table').DataTable( {
dom: "Bfrtip",
ajax: $('#user_groups_table').data('source'),
language: {
search: "_INPUT_",
searchPlaceholder: "Search..."
columnDefs: [
{ width: 30, targets: 0 }
columns: [
className: 'details-control',
orderable: false,
data: null,
defaultContent: ''
{ data: "name" },
{ data: "description" },
"order": [[1, 'asc']],
responsive: {
details: {
type: 'column'
buttons: [
extend: 'create',
editor: editor,
formButtons: [
label: 'Cancel',
fn: function () { this.close(); }
} );
$('#user_groups_table').on( 'click', 'td.details-control', function () {
var tr = this.parentNode;
if ( table.row( tr ).child.isShown() ) {
else {
'Edit row',
"label": "Update row",
"fn": function () {
}, {
"className": "delete",
"label": "Delete row",
"fn": function () {
// Close the edit display and delete the row immediately
editor.remove( tr, '', null, false );
} );
} );
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
This discussion has been closed.
Silly me - I did not notice I'm not returning JSON object back to client-side as single object
If anyone from Rails community needs, here is piece of working Controller action code:
Thanks for posting back - great to hear you've got it working now!
In addition here is quite simple Jbuilder solution to make Controller cleaner.