Simple pass of JSON to Datatable via response.setAttribute()
Simple pass of JSON to Datatable via response.setAttribute()

Hey all,
I have successfully constructed a JSON string and have it prepared to be passed to my .jsp file.The issue is, I cannot get the .jsp file with the data table to load. The file will open when I run the stand alone .jsp file, or when I do a request.getRequestDispatcher("/resources/runners/runnerHistory.jsp"); call. But not when I am trying to pass JSON with Ajax or .setAttribute().
I am at a loss of how to get this page, and table to load with a JSON string.
This is the .jsp I am trying to load...
$(document).ready(function() {
var table;
//Pretty much the main method of javascript (with jquery)
$(function() {////////////////////main function////////////////////////////
//Table was given the id table_users
//Create datatable from table
table = $('#table_runners').DataTable(
//Url is from table_user class
"ajax" : "${pageContext.request.contextPath}/runnerhistorycontroller",
//Setting columns to get specific data from json response
"columns" : [
data : null,
className : "center",
defaultContent :
'<button onclick= "editFunction();" id="btn_editusermodal" class = "btn btn-primary" >edit</button><button onclick=" " id="btn_deleteusermodal" class = "btn btn-primary">delete</button><button onclick=" " id="btn_runnerhistorymodal" class = "btn btn-primary">history</button>'
"data" : "runnerID" , "defaultContent": "<i>Not set</i>"},
{"data" : "runnerFName", "defaultContent": "<i>Not set</i>"},
{"data" : "runnerLName", "defaultContent": "<i>Not set</i>"},
//ensure that fields match
//from column mapping in servlet
{"data" : "raceName", "defaultContent": "<i>Not set</i>"},
{"data" : "raceTime", "defaultContent": "<i>Not set</i>"}
This is the servlet that pulls the query and constructs JSON
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
String json = request.getParameter("rid");
//String ridIn = (String)request.getAttribute("rid");
String runnerID = "{\"runnerID\":"+json+"}";
System.out.println(runnerID + " rid as json string new");
//String json = request.getParameter("rid");
RunnerHistory r = null;
Gson gson = new Gson();
r = gson.fromJson(runnerID, RunnerHistory.class);
//System.out.println(r + " test JSON in ");
List<RunnerHistory> runners;
CallableStatement callStmt = null;
ResultSet myRS = null;
try (Connection conn = ConnectionManager.getConnection()) {
String ridParam = r.getRunnerID();
runners = new ArrayList<RunnerHistory>();
callStmt = conn.prepareCall("{call get_runnerhistory(?)}");
callStmt.setString(1, ridParam);
myRS = callStmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
String rid = myRS.getString("runnerID");
String rfn = myRS.getString("runnerFName");
// runners.add(runnerFName);
String rln = myRS.getString("runnerLName");
// runners.add(runnerFName + " " + runnerLName);
String rn = myRS.getString("raceName");
// runners.add(runnerAge);
String rt = myRS.getString("raceTime");
// runners.add(runnerClass);
r = new RunnerHistory(rid, rfn, rln, rn, rt);
/*for(RunnerHistory i: runners){
System.out.println(i + "list2");
// Gson gsonOut = new Gson();
// String jsonObject=new Gson().toJson(r);
// System.out.println(jsonObject + " <---JSON");
Gson gsonOut = new Gson();
DataTable table = new DataTable();
String jsonObject = gsonOut.toJson(table);
System.out.println(jsonObject + " <---JSON");
//RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("/json/table/getrunnerhistory");
//RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("/resources/runners/runnerHistory.jsp");
System.out.println("request done");
RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("/runnerhistorycontroller");
} catch (SQLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
This is another servlet that controls the call to and passes the constructed JSON to the .jsp holding the table. Even if I get rid of the .getRequestDispatcher and rely on the ajax call the .jsp file from above still willl not load!
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
String convertJSON = (String)request.getAttribute("runIDout");
System.out.println(convertJSON + "in controller");
//String json = "{\"runnerID\":"+convertJSON+"}";
Gson gsonOut = new Gson();
DataTable table = new DataTable();
String json = gsonOut.toJson(table);
RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("/resources/runners/runnerHistory.jsp");
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
Hi macksigep,
sorry for late response but I'm new on community.
Have you tried with trigger on div where you load jsp?
is not returning JSON, then you'd probably need to ask in a Java support forum.Allan