Oracle, JSON and Python

Oracle, JSON and Python

doncidonci Posts: 11Questions: 4Answers: 0

What do I have to do in order to make testdb.js getting json response from the python script?

I don't really understand which server/framework should I use and why, so please explain it for a beginner in web-programming.

import cx_Oracle import json # Array of database columns which should be read and sent back to DataTables _columns = ['L', 'col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4' ] # Indexed column (used for fast and accurate table cardinality) _indexColumn = "L" # DB table to use _sTable = "X.CATEGORY" _dbinfo= dict( ip = 'localhost', port = 1521, SID = 'xe', user = "myuser", passwd = "mypass", ) class DataTablesServer: def __init__(self): self.db = cx_Oracle.connect(_dbinfo["user"], _dbinfo["passwd"], cx_Oracle.makedsn(_dbinfo["ip"], _dbinfo["port"], _dbinfo["SID"])) self.runq = self.runQueries() def runQueries(self): cursormeta = self.db.cursor() cursormeta.execute("SELECT * FROM "+ _sTable) ## collect all the data (fetch -> result is a list of tuples) res_tuple_list = cursormeta.fetchall() json_res = json.dumps( { "draw":1, "recordsTotal":100, "recordsFiltered":100, "data": res_tuple_list[:400] } , ensure_ascii=False, encoding="latin-1") print(json.JSONEncoder().encode(json_res)) # Perform the server-side actions for DataTables dtserver = DataTablesServer()

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="testdb.js"></script>
<table id="example" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%">


$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#example').DataTable( {
        "processing": true,
        "serverSide": true,
        "ajax": ""
    } );
} );

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  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,365Questions: 39Answers: 395

    I can't help you with Python, but this example shows the components of a server-side process with HTML, JS and PHP:

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,802Questions: 26Answers: 5,043
    Answer ✓

    Is there a reason you want to you Python versus the PHP code that is already available for Datatables. This page has example code:

    Do you have restrictions to use your corporate standard web environment/servers? If you are restricted then you will need to determine how that environment can run Python scripts.

    If you have the ability to use something other than your corporate standard then you can use a Python web framework. Choosing the web framework or how to run Pyhton scripts from your webserver is beyond the scope of this forum.

    I mentioned to you, in this thread, that cherrypy is fairly easy to get started with and provided a snippet of code as an example.

    Basic steps to modify my example:
    1. Rename the device_types function to test.
    2. The test function would return your html document including the JS. Put the document into the public/html directory.
    3. Rename the manage_device_types function to get_oracle.
    4. Change your ajax config to "ajax": "get_oracle"
    5. Take your __init__ and runQueries functions, combine them (remove self.) and place them in the get_oracle function.
    6. In the get_oracle function add the line return json_res.
    7. Change the class from Testbed to Website.
    8. Change line 33 to webapp = Website``. 9. Run the python script then browse tohttp://localhost:8000/test`

    There are probably steps I missed but the above should get you close.

    There are other types of frameworks like Flask and Django but they require more up front setup. I've seen other posts on the forum from people using Flask so you may want to search if you don't like cherrypy.


  • doncidonci Posts: 11Questions: 4Answers: 0

    Hallo Kevin,

    Thank you very much, your script helped a lot. You are right that my question was a little bit beyond the scope of this forum, sorry for that.

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,802Questions: 26Answers: 5,043

    Great, good luck. Feel free to post any questions and I'll try to help with the Python side. Don't think there are many regulars on the forum using Python with Datatables.


  • doncidonci Posts: 11Questions: 4Answers: 0
    edited August 2017

    Hi! I think I am getting there, but now I have another isse: I don´t know how to pass the request parameters to the server, so instead of getting the pagination etc done, I get the whole large table (>50 000 rows) from the the browser, and by attempting to sort the columns it always returns the same original request.


       $(function() {
           $('#freqs').DataTable( {
                   "serverSide": true,
                   "processing": true,
                    "pageLength": 10,
                     "paging": true,
                     "ajax": "freqs",

    python (cherrypy):

    import cherrypy
    import os
    from datatablesServerside import *
    class Website():
        # display test.html
        def test(self, *args, **kwargs):
            with open('public/html/test.html') as f:
                myhtml =
            return myhtml  # opens and returns the html page
        def freqs(self, *args, **kwargs):
            #by calling the function like this the whole is loaded in the client
            dtserverresponse =  DataTablesServer().getJson()
            return dtserverresponse
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        conf = {
            '/': {
            'tools.sessions.on': True,
                'tools.sessions.locking': 'explicit',
            'tools.staticdir.root': os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()),
        '/static': {
            'tools.staticdir.on': True,
            'tools.staticdir.dir': 'static'
        webapp = Website()
                    {'server.socket_host': '',
                     'server.socket_port': 8000,
                     'log.screen': True,
                     'log.error_file': '',
                     'log.access_file': ''
        cherrypy.quickstart(webapp, '/', conf)
    datatableserver (python 2.7 + oracle  11.2)

    import cx_Oracle
    from cherrypy import request
        import simplejson as json
    except ImportError:
        import json
    _dbinfo= dict(
    ip = 'localhost',
    port = 1521,
    SID = 'xe',
    user   = "SYSTEM",
    passwd = "system",
    _columns = ["COL1", "COL2", "COL3"]
    _table = 'X.FREQSCOMP'
    collist2string = ",".join(["to_char(" + x + ")" for x in _columns])
    class DataTablesServer():
        def __init__(self):
            self.requestparams = request.params
            print "request params: ", request.params
            ## oracle parameters
            # cclass = "HOL", purity = cx_Oracle.ATTR_PURITY_SELF
            self.db =  cx_Oracle.connect(_dbinfo["user"], _dbinfo["passwd"],
                           cx_Oracle.makedsn(_dbinfo["ip"], _dbinfo["port"], _dbinfo["SID"]), cclass = "HOL", purity = cx_Oracle.ATTR_PURITY_SELF)
            self.resultData = None
            self.countFilteredData = 0
            self.countAllData = 0
        def getJson(self):
            json_res = json.dumps({"draw": 1,
                                   "recordsTotal": self.countAllData,
                                   "recordsFiltered": self.countFilteredData,
                                    "data": self.resultData
                                    ensure_ascii=False, encoding="latin-1")
           # print "The json response looks like this: \n", json_res[:10000]
            return json_res
        def runQueries(self):
            dataCursor = self.db.cursor()
            outerquery = "SELECT %(collist2string)s  FROM %(table_or_subquery)s " %dict(
                collist2string = collist2string,
                # paging = self.paging()
            #print outerquery
            #print outerquery
            self.resultData = dataCursor.fetchall()
            # Data set length after filtering
            self.countFilteredData = len(self.resultData)
            #print self.countFilteredData
            countCursor = self.db.cursor()
            # Data set length of the whole table
            countquery = """ SELECT count(*) FROM %(table)s """ % dict(table = _table)
            self.countAllData = countCursor.fetchone()[0]
            #print self.countAllData
        def filtering(self):
            filter = ""
            # about requests
            if "search" in self.requestparams and self.requestparams["search"] != "":
                filter = " WHERE "
                for i in range(len(_columns)):
                    filter += "%(columnindex)s LIKE '%(mysearch)s' OR " % dict(
                        columnindex = _columns[i], mysearch = self.requestparams["search"].value
                    )# (_columns[i], self.requestparams["search"])
                filter = filter[:-3]
            return filter
        def ordering(self):
            order = "%(table)s" %dict(table = _table)
            if ("order" in self.requestparams):
                if len(self.requestparams["order"]) > 1:
                  #  print "\n\n\n", len(self.requestparams["order"])
                    order = " ( SELECT row_number() OVER ( ORDER BY %(columnindex)s %(asc_desc)s ) as rownumerator, %(table)s.* from %(table)s %(where)s ) %(paging)s " % dict(
                        columnindex = self.requestparams["order"].value[0],
                        asc_desc = self.requestparams["order"].value[1],
                        table = _table,
                        where = self.filtering(),
                        paging = self.paging()
                    order = " ( SELECT row_number() OVER ( ORDER BY %(columnindex)s ) as rownumerator, %(table)s.* from %(table)s %(where)s ) %(paging)s " % dict(
                        columnindex = self.requestparams["order"].value[0],
                        table = _table,
            return order
        def paging(self):
            page = ""
            if "start" in self.requestparams and "length" in self.requestparams:
                if self.requestparams["start"] != "" and self.requestparams["length"] != -1:
                    page = " WHERE rownumerator BETWEEN "+ self.requestparams["start"]+" AND "+ self.requestparams["start"]+ self.requestparams["length"]
                    return page
            return page

    Edited by Allan - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,802Questions: 26Answers: 5,043
    Answer ✓

    I don´t know how to pass the request parameters to the server,

    This function should receive the parameters in kwargs from the web page :

    def freqs(self, *args, **kwargs):

    kwargs should have the parameters whether you use a GET or POST request.

    You can print kwargs to verify. You can then pass **kwargs to your query Class. For example: dtserverresponse = DataTablesServer().getJson(**kwargs). you will need to parse them in the DataTablesServer Class. To facilitate passing the parameters you may want to change the function call to runQueries, for example:

    dtserverresponse = DataTablesServer().runQueries(**kwargs)

    In runQueries parse the parameters, execute the query then call getJson and return the value. Something like this:

    def runQueries(self, **kwargs):
      #code to parse kwargs
      #execute query
      return self.getJson()

    Also I think you need to return the draw value sent to you in the request in this line:

    json_res = json.dumps({"draw": 1,


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