Editor Not Updating MySQL DB

Editor Not Updating MySQL DB

gforstergforster Posts: 40Questions: 19Answers: 1


I can't figure this one out. In Editor, I have this field:

     label: "Volume:",
     name: "VOLUMES[].id",
     type: "select",
     placeholder: "Select The Volume"

The call looks like this:

         Mjoin::inst( 'VOLUMES' )
             ->link( 'SERVERS.id', 'VOL_SERVER.server_id' )
             ->link( 'VOLUMES.id', 'VOL_SERVER.vol_id' )
                 Field::inst( 'id' )
                     ->options( Options::inst()
                         ->table( 'VOLUMES' )
                         ->value( 'id' )
                         ->label( 'name' )
                 Field::inst( 'name' )

It displays fine in the DataTables view. In the Editor view, if the field is already populated, it displays properly. However, if you make a change, nothing actually gets updated.

I've done this same type of thing in other tables without issue. I feel like I'm missing something very obvious. thanks!

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  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin

    Could you add the ->debug( true ) option into your Editor PHP initialisation (just before the ->process() method call would be fine) and then show me what the JSON that is being returned from the server is when you make an edit?


  • gforstergforster Posts: 40Questions: 19Answers: 1

    Here is the JSON (obviously more thorough than the above when including the full request):

    {"data":[{"DT_RowId":"row_3","SERVERS":{"id":"3","name":"D-IDM-BOT1","model_id":"1","os_id":"5","ip_id":null,"location_id":"2","devlvl_id":"1","patching_id":"2"},"MODEL":{"name":"VM"},"OS":{"name":"SLES 12.2"},"LOGICALIP":{"address":null},"LOCATION":{"name":"NCASB"},"DEVLVL":{"name":"dev"},"PATCHING":{"name":"2","timing":"Tuesday 1pm"},"VOLUMES":[]}],"debugSql":[{"query":"SELECT  `id` as 'id' FROM  `OS` WHERE `id` = :where_0 ","bindings":[{"name":":where_0","value":"5","type":null}]},{"query":"SELECT  `id` as 'id' FROM  `LOCATION` WHERE `id` = :where_0 ","bindings":[{"name":":where_0","value":"2","type":null}]},{"query":"SELECT  `id` as 'id' FROM  `DEVLVL` WHERE `id` = :where_0 ","bindings":[{"name":":where_0","value":"1","type":null}]},{"query":"SELECT  `id` as 'id' FROM  `PATCHING` WHERE `id` = :where_0 ","bindings":[{"name":":where_0","value":"2","type":null}]},{"query":"SELECT  * FROM  `SERVERS` WHERE `SERVERS`.`id` = :where_0 ","bindings":[{"name":":where_0","value":"3","type":null}]},{"query":"UPDATE  `SERVERS` SET  `name` = :name, `model_id` = :model_id, `os_id` = :os_id, `location_id` = :location_id, `devlvl_id` = :devlvl_id, `patching_id` = :patching_id WHERE `SERVERS`.`id` = :where_0 ","bindings":[{"name":":name","value":"D-IDM-BOT1","type":null},{"name":":model_id","value":"1","type":null},{"name":":os_id","value":"5","type":null},{"name":":location_id","value":"2","type":null},{"name":":devlvl_id","value":"1","type":null},{"name":":patching_id","value":"2","type":null},{"name":":where_0","value":"3","type":null}]},{"query":"SELECT  `SERVERS`.`id` as 'SERVERS.id', `SERVERS`.`id` as 'SERVERS.id', `SERVERS`.`name` as 'SERVERS.name', `SERVERS`.`model_id` as 'SERVERS.model_id', `MODEL`.`name` as 'MODEL.name', `SERVERS`.`os_id` as 'SERVERS.os_id', `OS`.`name` as 'OS.name', `SERVERS`.`ip_id` as 'SERVERS.ip_id', `LOGICALIP`.`address` as 'LOGICALIP.address', `SERVERS`.`location_id` as 'SERVERS.location_id', `LOCATION`.`name` as 'LOCATION.name', `SERVERS`.`devlvl_id` as 'SERVERS.devlvl_id', `DEVLVL`.`name` as 'DEVLVL.name', `SERVERS`.`patching_id` as 'SERVERS.patching_id', `PATCHING`.`name` as 'PATCHING.name', `PATCHING`.`timing` as 'PATCHING.timing' FROM  `SERVERS` LEFT JOIN `MODEL` ON `SERVERS`.`model_id` = `MODEL`.`id`  LEFT JOIN `OS` ON `SERVERS`.`os_id` = `OS`.`id`  LEFT JOIN `LOGICALIP` ON `SERVERS`.`ip_id` = `LOGICALIP`.`id`  LEFT JOIN `LOCATION` ON `SERVERS`.`location_id` = `LOCATION`.`id`  LEFT JOIN `DEVLVL` ON `SERVERS`.`devlvl_id` = `DEVLVL`.`id`  LEFT JOIN `PATCHING` ON `SERVERS`.`patching_id` = `PATCHING`.`id` WHERE `SERVERS`.`id` = :where_0 ","bindings":[{"name":":where_0","value":"3","type":null}]},{"query":"SELECT DISTINCT  `id` as 'id', `name` as 'name' FROM  `MODEL` ","bindings":[]},{"query":"SELECT DISTINCT  `id` as 'id', `name` as 'name' FROM  `OS` ","bindings":[]},{"query":"SELECT DISTINCT  `id` as 'id', `address` as 'address' FROM  `LOGICALIP` ","bindings":[]},{"query":"SELECT DISTINCT  `id` as 'id', `name` as 'name' FROM  `LOCATION` ","bindings":[]},{"query":"SELECT DISTINCT  `id` as 'id', `name` as 'name' FROM  `DEVLVL` ","bindings":[]},{"query":"SELECT DISTINCT  `id` as 'id', `name` as 'name' FROM  `PATCHING` ","bindings":[]},{"query":"SELECT DISTINCT  `SERVERS`.`id` as 'dteditor_pkey', `VOLUMES`.`id` as 'id', `VOLUMES`.`name` as 'name' FROM  SERVERS as SERVERS  JOIN `VOL_SERVER` ON `SERVERS`.`id` = `VOL_SERVER`.`server_id`   JOIN `VOLUMES` ON `VOLUMES`.`id` = `VOL_SERVER`.`vol_id` ","bindings":[]},{"query":"SELECT DISTINCT  `id` as 'id', `name` as 'name' FROM  `VOLUMES` ","bindings":[]}]}
  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin

    Thank you! Next question (sorry about this, I should have thought to ask it initially) - can you send me the data that is being sent to the server please? If you click on the "Headers" section of the request in the network inspector for the submit Ajax request, it should show it there.

    The debug trace there shows that there isn't any write happening to the VOL_SERVER table, which it looks like there should be happening. So we move on to why that isn't happening!


  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin

    Oh - actually one thing. The debug trace shows you are using Editor 1.6.0. Could you update to 1.6.5 (the current release) please? Both on the client-side and the server-side. I've got a feeling this was an issue in 1.6.0 or 1.6.1.


  • gforstergforster Posts: 40Questions: 19Answers: 1

    Sure thing. In reverse order...I did upgrade to 1.6.5 (but for some reason debugger is still showing 1.6.0, so I assume there is a specific file that didn't get overwritten)

    the headers (sanitized sensitive data):

    Request URL:https://.../php/tables/servers_table.php
    Request Method:POST
    Status Code:200 OK
    Remote Address:
    Referrer Policy:no-referrer-when-downgrade
    Response Headers
    Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Date:Fri, 06 Oct 2017 11:44:21 GMT
    Keep-Alive:timeout=15, max=100
    Request Headers
    POST /php/tables/servers_table.php HTTP/1.1
    Host: mywebsite
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Length: 322
    Origin: https://mywebsite
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.109 Safari/537.36
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
    Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
    X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
    Referer: https://mywebsite/stats/
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
    Cookie: ZNPCQ003-32333500=8ced55b1; ZNPCQ003-33323900=01e63202; __utma=238157596.963402886.1485790093.1502721002.1502721002.1; __utmc=238157596; __utmz=238157596.1502721002.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); _ceg.s=ouoiy2; _ceg.u=ouoiy2; gwlob=on; _ga=GA1.2.963402886.1485790093; SimpleSAMLAuthToken=_RandomString
    Form Data
  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    Got it - add multiple: true into your select field's configuration.

    Without it is just submitting a single value as a string. You need it to be submitted as an array if it is going to an Mjoin.


  • gforstergforster Posts: 40Questions: 19Answers: 1

    That was it. Thank you!

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