

xerk1xerk1 Posts: 6Questions: 5Answers: 1

Hello supports
I need to know Datatables editor work on Laravel or no,
and the package (Solo) 119$ have the limit time or forever I need it forever so I can't pay it every year or month it's too expenses,
and what means 1 Developer, 5 Developer this mean i can't understand it**

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  • allanallan Posts: 62,241Questions: 1Answers: 10,210 Site admin
    Answer ✓


    Thanks for your question. There are a few FAQs at the bottom of the purchase page which relate to this.

    The license is forever, for all v1.x releases of the software and it will not expire.

    The license is per developer - in this context a "developer" is someone who writes code that interfaces with Editor (options, events, API, etc) - if there is only one person developing the code (and it is not being redistributed in a form whereby the end user can modify the code - e.g. as a theme or in an open source project) then a single license is all that is required. The single license can be used by that one developer on multiple servers and sites.


  • xerk1xerk1 Posts: 6Questions: 5Answers: 1

    Thank you, Allan.
    but I need to know this package work on Laravel framework yes or no?

  • allanallan Posts: 62,241Questions: 1Answers: 10,210 Site admin

    It doesn't make use of Laravel at all, but given that they are both PHP, there is no reason why they can't be used side-by-side. Alternatively, if you need to use Laravel's methods for database access, you could use the documentation here to implement a suitable server-side.


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