Json format for dataTables
Json format for dataTables

Sorry if doubles posted....
I am using NSBasic which implements dataTables.
I am struggling to understand how to get data from MYSQL into the dataTable.
I think it is a formatting issues.
Test at http://www.toolfolks.com/AjaxPost/
I use the following PHP to get the results ( working okay )
$query5 = "SELECT invoice_no, product_name, delivery_status,pin_code "; //intensionaly * to fetch all columns
$query5.=" FROM order_product";
if ($result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $query5)) {
$out = array();
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
//$out[] = $row;
$out[] = $row['invoice_no'];
$out[] = $row['product_name'];
$out[] = $row['delivery_status'];
//$out[] = "]";
//$out[] = $row['pin_code'];
/* encode array as json and output it for the ajax script*/
echo json_encode($out);
I am using the following code:
req = Ajax("http://www.toolfolks.com/techy/someData.php", "GET", txtSend.value, done);
function done() {
if (req.status == 200) { //success
alert('data back');
htmResponse.innerHTML = req.responseText;
console.log('This is the data'+req.responseText);
// add to grid
var table = $("#DataTable1").DataTable();
var dataJson2 = JSON.stringify(htmResponse.innerHTML);
DataTable1.settings.data = req.responseText ;//JSON.parse(dataJson2);
setTimeout(loadTable, 50);
else {//'failure
function loadTable() {
var table = $("#DataTable1").DataTable();
$('#DataTable1').DataTable( {
"ajax": 'http://www.toolfolks.com/techy/someData.php'
} );
Any help appreciated.
Be gentle with me as this is all new and 'brain hurty' time.
Steve Warby
Hi Steve,
Your PHP script is just returning one massive array of data - there is no separation into rows:
If you have a look at this section of the manual you'll see how the data should be structured (an array of arrays or array of objects).
The PHP needs to be modified - I'd simply use:
Probably even better would be to drop the
loop:This will use the object data form, so you'll need to make sure you use
to tell DataTables which property to get the data from to display in each column.Allan
Thanks for the info.
I have now changed the php and getting the data back in this format:
I have hard wired this into the following:
I get the error:
DataTables warning: table id=DataTable1 - Requested unknown parameter '0' for row 0, column 0. For more information about this error, please see http://datatables.net/tn/4
So I am destroying the table okay.
I presume it is the 'mapping' that is at fault but I cannot see what is wrong.
Steve Warby.
Sorry the code is
//var table = $("#DataTable1").DataTable();
$('#DataTable1').DataTable( {
data: localData1,
columns: [
{ title: "Name" },
{ title: "Position" },
{ title: "Salary" }
} );
ie the title matches each database field
It should be
you are using, notcolumns.title
. Documentation for it is available here.columns.title
will set the text in the header cell for the column. You can use it if you want, but you do need to usecolumns.data
Thanks allan. All new so I get bogged down sometimes...
I have the project here www.toolfolks.com/getTest
If I click on local this code runs okay:
var localData1 = [{"Name":"Tom","Position":"Upright","Salary":"5555"},{"Name":"Andy","Position":"Upright","Salary":"5555"},{"Name":"John","Position":"Upright","Salary":"5555"},{"Name":"Paul","Position":"Upright","Salary":"5555"}];
var localData2 = txtSend.value;
//var table = $("#DataTable1").DataTable();
$('#DataTable1').DataTable( {
data: localData1,
columns: [
{ data: "Name" },
{ data: "Position" },
{ data: "Salary" }
} );
However when I click ajax button get the data back from the server I still get an error:
req = Ajax("http://www.toolfolks.com/techy/getTest.php", "GET", txtSend.value, done);
function done() {
if (req.status == 200) { //success
//alert('data back');
dataReturned = req.responseText;
htmResponse.innerHTML = req.responseText;
console.log('This is the data'+req.responseText);
// add to grid
var table = $("#DataTable1").DataTable();
var dataJson2 = JSON.parse(htmResponse.innerHTML);
DataTable1.settings.data = req.responseText ;//JSON.parse(dataJson2);
setTimeout(loadTable, 50);
I have tried JSON.parse etc to correct the problem. I am presuming the returned data ,( although it looks the same ) is not in the correct format.
Sorry for what is probably a simple problem but I am struggling to get past the issue.
Steve Warby
Okay fresh eyes this morning....
I was not using the same format of adding the data so this works:
req = Ajax("http://www.toolfolks.com/techy/getTest.php", "GET", txtSend.value, done2);
function done2() {
if (req.status == 200) { //success
alert('data back');
dataReturned = JSON.parse(req.responseText);
htmResponse.innerHTML = req.responseText;
//var table = $("#DataTable1").DataTable();
$('#DataTable1').DataTable( {
data: dataReturned,
columns: [
{ data: "Name" },
{ data: "Position" },
{ data: "Salary" }
} );
Cool. So are you happy that everything is working now?
Hi guys,
I'm struggling on something that is probably quite simple.
I am trying to populate a new datable with the following data;
I output the data to the console using
which gives me
When I use the following it fails.
So I tried var dealDetails2 = '['+JSON.stringify(dealDetails)+']';
which gives me
if I hard wire this using
This populates the datatable okay.
What am I not understanding here on the formats?
The last option you show is an array containing a single object which is correct. It is shown in the docs:
The first option is not correct because Datatablees expects and array of objects even if just one. The second is a string.
Is there a method to convert the first option into the expected format ?
Makes it into a string. use:
to place
into an array.The MDN documentation has information about arrays in it.