Duplicated sort arrows in the first row
Duplicated sort arrows in the first row

I have a problem with rendering tables. In the first row the sort arrows are visible (image below).
* jquery-3.2.1.slim.min.js
* bootstrap 4.0.0 beta 2
* datatable 1.10.16 bootstrap 4
* keytable 2.3.2
* responsive 2.2.0
Thanks for help!
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Thanks for your question. As noted in the forum rules, please post a link to a running test case showing the issue so we can offer some help. Information on how to create a test case (if you aren't able to link to the page you are working on) is available here.
Hi Allan and Pawelchmara,
I had the same issue. I implemented Bootstrap 4.1.1 this week and I get extra sort arrows on my first row of data whenever I use table "table-sm" in the HTML or the datatable "scrollX: true" in the Datatable configuration.
I saw a fix posted here https://github.com/DataTables/DataTablesSrc/blob/a317c24bdd82238908138945bae7e168e6a7483f/css/dataTables.bootstrap4.scss
I downloaded the latest Datatables.zip from the Datatables downloader as of yesterday (2018.05.17) but I am still seeing the issue and the fix was not included.
SOLUTION: I have a Site.css as my final .css in my project, and after placing this code in there, it corrected the issue.
Allan, do you have a date when this fix is scheduled to be included in the base dataTables.bootstrap4.(min.)css?
By the way, thank you for all the hard work on this! I just purchased the Editor after working with Datatables for a few months!
Kind Regards,
Please see this thread here for discussion on this issue - it's been fixed already.