Hi Allan...
Just wondering if I would have 50,000 -plus rows, how is the performance of datatables?
Is it possible to page by retrieving the data as you go i.e. ultimatley a query using Limit... Just thinking for the future (you knwo what I'm working on!) so if it's got 10's of touhsands of items, loading the page could be slow...?
Just wondering if I would have 50,000 -plus rows, how is the performance of datatables?
Is it possible to page by retrieving the data as you go i.e. ultimatley a query using Limit... Just thinking for the future (you knwo what I'm working on!) so if it's got 10's of touhsands of items, loading the page could be slow...?
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It depends how you are using DataTables - if you have everything done on the client-side (i.e. all information read from HTML) then it's going to be borderline shocking (you might just get away with 50'000, but not much more). If however you are using server-side processing, then it's not going to be an issue, even millions of rows will be fine then because all of the data processing will be done by a database engine designed for that kind of thing. So if you are planning for lots of rows, I'd encourage the use of server-side processing. You can even do things such as pipelining to reduce the number of Ajax calls.
I do however have:
"fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) {
$.ajax( {
"dataType": 'json',
"type": "POST",
"url": sSource,
"data": aoData,
"success": fnCallback
} );
as we had to do POST not GET :)
so do i keep this and change "success": to the fnDataTablesPipeline function?
Only one comment, in your code ( ) you have:
$('#exampvar oCache = {
iCacheLower: -1
but needed to change it to (as you have in page source):
var oCache = {
iCacheLower: -1
Need to set this lot somewhere again? where?
"fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) {
$.ajax( {
"dataType": 'json',
"type": "POST",
"url": sSource,
"data": aoData,
"success": fnDataTablesPipeline
} );
Thanks for spotting the typo in the example - fixed now.
I'm not sure I quite understand your last comment though - what lot do you need to set where?
"fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnDataTablesPipeline) {
$.ajax( {
"dataType": 'json',
"type": "POST",
"url": sSource,
"data": aoData,
"success": fnDataTablesPipeline
} );
and works great.. might be handy to point out incase others need to use post and not get?
I would have thought it would have been easier to just modify the fnDataTablesPipeline() function to use POST rather than GET?
if your other way is better though what should I change... (sorry being dumb again!).
I'd recommend basically just using the same as in the example: but changing the line "$.getJSON( sSource, aoData, function (json) {" in fnDataTablesPipeline() to be your $.ajax() call with POST. Just wrap the return up in an anonymous function (a bit like the POST example).
What I done works in all but IE!!!
Can you spare 5 mins to help me do the change you suggested?
Okay so what I would suggest is basically implementing the same as I've got in my pipelining example, but change the $.getJSON(...) call to be $.ajax(...) and give it a POST. That should then work in IE (well... saying that without knowing the original problem in IE but also knowing IE is like falling on one's own sword...).
$.ajax( sSource, aoData, function (json) {
/* Callback processing */
oCache.lastJson = jQuery.extend(true, {}, json);
if ( oCache.iCacheLower != oCache.iDisplayStart ) {
json.aaData.splice( 0, oCache.iDisplayStart-oCache.iCacheLower );
json.aaData.splice( oCache.iDisplayLength, json.aaData.length );
} );
not sure what you mean there by give it a post...
I hate IE :) Right... the problem was (a stupid one right enough....) in my JSON i had a trailing , at the end of the row...
Weird tho FF/Opera did'nt care about it... but IE does!
What I was meaning with the $.ajax change was to use something like this:
$.ajax( {
"dataType": 'json',
"type": "POST",
"url": sSource,
"data": aoData,
"success": fnCallback
} );
rather than the getJSON helper function (note you'll probably need to modify that - I've just coped it form my POST example).