dataTables Button / Ajax / Data modification

dataTables Button / Ajax / Data modification

zayderszayders Posts: 5Questions: 2Answers: 0


i include a checkbox in my dataTable that color my row when it is check and register if the button is check in my database.
To save the button status and color , i use ajax with jquery (out of datatable component) and css...

So it's alright for this part. When i want to have the pdf of my table, all the line wich were already check have colored row. So it's ok too.

The problem is : when i'm on my datatable, i check a button, the row color change, but the new color of the checked row is not apply in the pdf.
Here my ajax code (this is in a loop), the class allow to change color :

            url : url,
            data : data,
            success: function(response) {
                var r = '.row'+response['id'];
                if(response['value'] =='true')
            error: function(e)
                alert(JSON.stringify(e, null, 4));                           

I store hidden value (1 or 0) to apply style in my pdf : 1 = color row, 0 = normal row
The color row is manage like this :

if(line[8].text == 1)
   bod.push([{text:line[0].text, style:'tableUrgent'},{text:line[1].text, style:'tableUrgent', alignment: 'center'},{text:line[2].text, style:'tableUrgent', alignment: 'center'},{text:line[3].text, style:'tableUrgent', alignment: 'center'},{text:line[4].text, style:'tableUrgent', alignment: 'center'},{text:line[5].text, style:'tableUrgent', alignment: 'center'}]);

So, how can i have my ajax modification apply to my PDF ? I tried with table.ajax.reload(), but the source of my table is not made with ajax in dataTable so it give me errors, and i don't have success with 'draw()' method. Can you help me ?


  • colincolin Posts: 15,237Questions: 1Answers: 2,598

    Hi @zayders ,

    This example here may help, it's conditionally changing the colour of a cell on the PDF export.

    If it doesn't, we're happy to help, but it would help if you could link to a test case. Information on how to create a test case (if you aren't able to link to the page you are working on) is available here.



  • zayderszayders Posts: 5Questions: 2Answers: 0
    edited October 2018

    Hi !
    i solve my problem with this code :

        //Event click on urgent button to color the row
        $('#example1 tbody').on( 'click', '.urgent', function () {
            // attribute name contain the object ID
            var n = $(this).attr('name');
            cell = table.cell( $(this).parent() );
            /*    call draw() to update the table's draw state with the new data
                * draw false = stay on current page when redraw
                * Apply change in DB with ajax
      "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\""+n+"\" class=\"urgent\" id=\"urgent"+n+"\" checked><p id=\"urgentHidden"+n+"\" hidden>1</p>").draw(false);
      "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\""+n+"\" class=\"urgent\" id=\"urgent"+n+"\"><p id=\"urgentHidden"+n+"\" hidden>0</p>").draw(false);
        } );

    And my ajax function :

    function urgentAjax(index)
                url : "{{path('eagle_program_ajax_trial_urgent')}}",
                data : {"value" : $('#urgent'+index).is(':checked'), "id" : index},
                success: function(response) {
                    var r = '.row'+response['id'];
                    if(response['value'] =='true')
                error: function(e)
                    alert(JSON.stringify(e, null, 4));                           

    This is the 'draw()' on the check cell which was missing. It permet to update the table and apply the change value on the PDF. With my hidden value, i can detect in the pdf, lines which are dynamicly change.

    I hope i was clear on my question and my answer, i'm not very good to write in english :smile:

    Thanks for your reply !
    Hope it will help !

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