File Query.php, function get
File Query.php, function get

in Bug reports
Since I upgraded to 1.8.0 version there's something strange in the query results. It seems that the split of the fields is not happening correctly when you pass a string param to the get function.
I fixed restoring the preg_split function in the code (like it was in the previous version).
/* 1.8.0 */
$this->_field[] = trim( $get );"
/* Previous version */
$fields = preg_split( "/,(?![^()]*+\\))/", $args[$i] );
for ( $j=0 ; $j<count($fields) ; $j++ ) {
$this->_field[] = trim( $fields[$j] );
This discussion has been closed.
Can you show me what you are using for your Editor call that causes an issue please? The reason for that change was to allow greater expression in SQL functions for fields.
Hi Allan,
Here's two of many scripts having that behaviour.
Please, note that these codes and the classes related haven't been changed since more than an year.
Thanks for the support.