Download package for APIs

Download package for APIs

mstone42mstone42 Posts: 13Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited November 2010 in General
Hey Allan,

Whenever a new version of DataTables comes out, it's a tedious and time-consuming process to copy and paste each API functions that we use, since there's no indicators that show which ones have been updated. Any chance you could make a zip package of the latest API functions with each release, just like you've done with the "first class plug-ins"? Or maybe put a last-updated date or version compatibility or something by each one, so we don't have to grab each one every time? Another idea is a custom download like what the jQuery-ui download page does where you can select specific ones. We use DT for several projects and each uses a different subset of the custom APIs, and rather than try to maintain four different code sets, we use a single library with all the APIs that each project can include.



  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    Hi Mitch,

    I hadn't thought of packaging up the various plug-ins into the zip file quite like that, interesting idea! What I want to do at some point is to create an AIR application which will contain all of the information and plug-ins for a given DataTables release. That way there will be compatible API functions always available (at the moment, as you've noticed I don't keep old plug-in API functions are, maintaining only the ones which work with the current release). Just finding the time is the only problem :-)

    Out of interest, what plug-ins are you having issues with? They don't tend to get updated or outdated all that often.

  • doncullendoncullen Posts: 32Questions: 2Answers: 0
    Allan, have you considered doing something like:

    Then I'd be able to simply add:


    And the end result is much less maintenance for us, and we can concentrate on other important tasks, since the javascript plugin will always be up to date. can host it for you for free. JQuery, mootools, rails, etc, uses github too to host their latest code.
  • mstone42mstone42 Posts: 13Questions: 0Answers: 0

    We're not having any problems with any of the API plug-ins at the moment - I just like to make sure we have all bug fixes in before they become a problem! I didn't get the impression that they change very often since their code is pretty basic, but I have noticed that you've recently changed how some of the core functionality works, but I'm not familiar enough with the core to know what API plug-ins might be affected. I glossed over the release notes, but didn't see anything specific to them, but I don't know if that means they didn't change, or if changes were so minor that they weren't documented. As far as I can tell, the only way to know if they've been updated is to compare the code. For the record, there was one release where one of the API plug-ins had changed, and it did affect our code, but I didn't know it until it broke. It was documented here in the forum, which is how I knew to update that particular function. Needless to say, I'd really like to avoid that in the future!

    Thanks for taking this into consideration. I wish more plug-in authors were as devoted to improving their project as you are. Kudos!

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