select row by passing a field id

select row by passing a field id

silenssilens Posts: 101Questions: 40Answers: 0

I would like to be able to select a row with a specific id that I pass
I would like to select a specific row when starting the table


  • rf1234rf1234 Posts: 2,956Questions: 87Answers: 416
    edited November 2018

    Silens, mi amigo. How have you been doing?

    Something like this should work:

    var yourPassedId = ... wherever you  get the id from ...;
    var yourTable= $('#yourTable').DataTable( { 
    yourTable.on('init', function () {        
        var rowToSelect = '#row_' + yourPassedId;
  • silenssilens Posts: 101Questions: 40Answers: 0
    edited November 2018

    Hola, gracias por contestar, Estoy recibiendo el siguiente error:

    tblRevTarDir.row(...).select is not a function

    Gracias amigo :)

  • rf1234rf1234 Posts: 2,956Questions: 87Answers: 416

    Can you post your code please. Do you have the select extension installed?

  • silenssilens Posts: 101Questions: 40Answers: 0
    edited November 2018

    function proyectoFueraPlazo(){ tblProyectosFueraPlazo = $('#tblProyectosSegDir').DataTable({ stateSave: true, //Guarda el estado de la tabla, orden, pagina etc "stateDuration": -1, "scrollY": '15vh', "scrollCollapse": true, "scrollX": false, "bLengthChange": false, "bPaginate": false, "bInfo": false, "searching": false, "autoWidth": false, "responsive": { "details": false, }, "destroy": "true", "language": { "url": "" }, "order": [[1, 'asc']], "columnDefs": [ {"visible": false,"targets": 0}, ], "ajax": { "url": "php/PlnDir/pry_fuera_plz.php", "type": "POST", "dataSrc": "", }, "columns": [{ "data": "id" }, { "data": "name" }], }); $('#tblProyectosSegDir tbody').off('click', 'tr'); $('#tblProyectosSegDir tbody').on('click', 'tr', function () { var idPry = tblProyectosFueraPlazo.row( this ).data(); sessionStorage.setItem('idPryFueraPlazo', idPry['id']); // Guardo la sesion del id de fila seleccionado historia_x_proyecto_DirFueraPlazo(idPry['id'],"pryFueraPlazo"); $("#tblProyectosSegDir tbody tr").removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); var tblTareasCDir = $('#tblTareasCDir').DataTable();//Reseteo la tabla de tareas al ir cambiando de proyecto tblTareasCDir.clear().draw(); }); }
  • rf1234rf1234 Posts: 2,956Questions: 87Answers: 416
    edited November 2018

    Hmmm, I don't see any of the relevant code in there?!

    I would add this at the bottom of your function proyectoFueraPlazo(yourPassedId) which you need to pass the id to.

    tblProyectosFueraPlazo.on('init', function () {       
        var rowToSelect = '#row_' + yourPassedId;

    I use the "init" event here because you said "I would like to select a specific row when starting the table" which I interpreted as meaning "when the table gets initialized".

  • silenssilens Posts: 101Questions: 40Answers: 0

    Por ejemplo, id=0;

    function proyectoFueraPlazo(){ 
        tblProyectosFueraPlazo = $('#tblProyectosSegDir').DataTable({
                stateSave: true, //Guarda el estado de la tabla, orden, pagina etc
                "stateDuration": -1,
                "scrollY": '15vh',
                "scrollCollapse": true,
                "scrollX": false,
                "bLengthChange": false,
                "bPaginate": false,
                 "bInfo": false,
                 "searching": false,
                "autoWidth": false,
                "responsive": {
                    "details": false,
                "destroy": "true",
            "language": {
                    "url": ""
                "order": [[1, 'asc']],
                "columnDefs": [
                    {"visible": false,"targets": 0},
                "ajax": {
                    "url": "php/PlnDir/pry_fuera_plz.php",
                    "type": "POST",
                    "dataSrc": "",
                "columns": [
                    "data": 'id',
                    render: function (data, type, row) {
                        //if(data == 3)
                                                      //Aqui puedo hacer el select
                        "data": "name"
            $('#tblProyectosSegDir tbody').off('click', 'tr'); 
            $('#tblProyectosSegDir tbody').on('click', 'tr', function () {
                var idPry = tblProyectosFueraPlazo.row( this ).data();
                sessionStorage.setItem('idPryFueraPlazo', idPry['id']); 
                $("#tblProyectosSegDir tbody tr").removeClass('selected');      
                var tblTareasCDir = $('#tblTareasCDir').DataTable();
            tblProyectosFueraPlazo.on('init', function () {      
                var rowToSelect = '#row_' + 0;

    Recibo un error:
    tblProyectosFueraPlazo.row(...).selected is not a function

  • rf1234rf1234 Posts: 2,956Questions: 87Answers: 416

    Don't know what causes this error but one thing is clear: You won't have a row with an id of 0 in your table ...

    I use the same thing and it works fine. So sorry that I cannot resolve this. You would need to post a test case I guess and ask @allan for help. Sorry.

  • rf1234rf1234 Posts: 2,956Questions: 87Answers: 416

    Here is a different way to select a row based on a passed id. Maybe you want to try this: I read the id from a cookie and then loop through all rows of my table and compare the passed id with the id of the row. I think I built this quite a while ago but it still works. Finally I make sure that I am on the right page I guess. That's the draw() at the end:

        .on ('init', function () {
        //coming from inbox proposal remarks in order to revise the proposal
        //all we need to do is to select the respective proposal
            govdeptIdConnected = '';
            govdeptIdConnected = Cookies.get('govdeptIdConnected')
            if (govdeptIdConnected > '') {
                contractGovDeptTable.rows().every( function ( rowIdx, tableLoop, rowLoop ) {
                    var data =;
                    if ( data.govdept_has_user.govdept_id === govdeptIdConnected ) {
                 } );
                govdeptIdConnected = '';
       -1 ).draw();
        } )

    This may look a bit odd but it also works. I get the selectedId, unselect the record and reselect it 200 milliseconds later. Purely for technical reasons:

    .on( 'postSubmit', function ( e, json, data, action ) {
        if (! json.error && ! json.fieldErrors) {
            if (action === 'edit') {
                //after editing we need to refresh the child tables;
                //which table is displayed depends on the instrument type!!
                var selectedId = '#' + proposalCredTable.row( {selected: true} ).id();
                //the new select needs to wait for 200 miliseconds - otherwise it does not work
                setTimeout(function(){ proposalCredTable.row(selectedId).select(); }, 200);
            } else {
                if ( action === 'remove' ) {
                    hideTbls( [proposalFixedCredTable, proposalVariableCredTable,
                            proposalRfaCredTable] );
  • silenssilens Posts: 101Questions: 40Answers: 0
    edited November 2018

    Holaa, mi solución:

    "fnRowCallback": function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull ) {
            idPryNtactil = sessionStorage.getItem('idProyNtactil');
            if (aData["id"] == idPryNtactil) $(nRow).addClass('selected');

    Parece que fuciona bien. Muchas graciass

  • rf1234rf1234 Posts: 2,956Questions: 87Answers: 416

    Many ways lead to Rome! Glad you got it working!

This discussion has been closed.