Bugfix for colReorder move() when using fixed table-layout
Bugfix for colReorder move() when using fixed table-layout

When using a fixed table layout without scrollX moving columns while a column is not visible will cause the table to grow too large if the hidden column is later made visible again. I've created a JS Bin showing the behavior. This happens because the fnColReorder function makes a call to _fnColumnOptions to recreate the get/set functions which has the unintended (I believe) side effect of setting the sWidthOrig property for all the columns (since the columns have a width in the DOM). The fix I have used is to copy the get/set code from the _fnColumnOptions function into the fnColReorder function. See below:
$.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnColReorder = function ( oSettings, iFrom, iTo, drop, invalidateRows )
// regenerate the get / set functions
//for ( i=0, iLen=iCols ; i<iLen ; i++ ) {
//oSettings.oApi._fnColumnOptions( oSettings, i, {} );
$.each(oSettings.aoColumns, function (index, oCol) {
var mDataSrc = oCol.mData;
var mData = oSettings.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn(mDataSrc);
var mRender = oCol.mRender ? oSettings.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn(oCol.mRender) : null;
var attrTest = function (src) {
return typeof src === 'string' && src.indexOf('@') !== -1;
oCol._bAttrSrc = $.isPlainObject(mDataSrc) && (
attrTest(mDataSrc.sort) || attrTest(mDataSrc.type) || attrTest(mDataSrc.filter)
oCol._setter = null;
oCol.fnGetData = function (rowData, type, meta) {
var innerData = mData(rowData, type, undefined, meta);
return mRender && type ?
mRender(innerData, type, rowData, meta) :
oCol.fnSetData = function (rowData, val, meta) {
return oSettings.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn(mDataSrc)(rowData, val, meta);
Hi @awelch ,
Thanks for that. I've added a unit test to catch this in the future. Once fixed, we'll report back here.
Yup - thank you. ColReorder really needs a rewrite at some point!