How to initialize a datatables without columns

How to initialize a datatables without columns

ebagaipoebagaipo Posts: 13Questions: 5Answers: 0


How to initialize a datatables without columns?

This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer


  • colincolin Posts: 15,240Questions: 1Answers: 2,599

    Hi @ebagaipo ,

    There's an existential query - can a table be a table if it has no columns? :) I suspect a lot of the code makes the assumption that that's the case.



  • ebagaipoebagaipo Posts: 13Questions: 5Answers: 0

    The columns on my table are dynamic. So I need to initialize (I think this is a must?) datatables then get the columns and data then put to the datatables.

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,551Questions: 26Answers: 4,990

    You would use columns.title to have Datatables create the columns. You can fetch thee column info from ajax. This example derives the column names from the field names of the first row of data. You could use a dedicated object to provide the column info.


  • ebagaipoebagaipo Posts: 13Questions: 5Answers: 0

    This is I get:

    Expected the request to have a sEcho value greater than 0

            var urlData = '@Url.Action("GetFormMetadata", "FormMetadata")/?formMetadataConfigName=' + selectedFormMetadataConfigName;
                url: urlData,
                success: function (response) {
                    if (response != null || response.length > 0 || response != undefined) {
                            "autoWidth": true,
                            "bProcessing": true,
                            "bServerSide": true,
                            "bLengthChange": false,
                            "bInfo": false,
                            "bPaginate": false,
                            "bSort": false,
                            "bDestroy": true,
                            "bFilter": false,
                            "scrollX": true,
                            "bSearchable": false,
                            "data": urlData,
                            "aoColumns": mDataArray
        public JsonResult GetFormMetadata(DataTablesModel param, string formMetadataConfigName) 
            var list = _db.ProcessFormMetaDatas.Where(a => a.Name == formMetadataConfigName).Select(x => new ProcessFormMetadataModel
                Name = x.Name,
                Column1 = x.Column1,
                Column2 = x.Column2,
                Column3 = x.Column3,
                Column4 = x.Column4,
                Column5 = x.Column5,
                Column6 = x.Column6,
                Column7 = x.Column7,
                Column8 = x.Column8,
                Column9 = x.Column9,
                Column10 = x.Column10,
                Column11 = x.Column11,
                Column12 = x.Column12,
                Column13 = x.Column13,
                Column14 = x.Column14,
                Column15 = x.Column15,
                Column16 = x.Column16,
                Column17 = x.Column17,
                Column18 = x.Column18,
                Column19 = x.Column19,
                Column20 = x.Column20,
                Id = x.Id
            }).OrderBy(a => a.Id);
            int TotalRow = list.Count();
            var result = list.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();
            return Json(new
                iTotalRecords = TotalRow,
                iTotalDisplayRecords = TotalRow,
                aaData = result
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,551Questions: 26Answers: 4,990
    Answer ✓

    The biggest issue is that with server side processing enabled you also need to use the ajax option. See this thread:

    My suggestion would be to use the jQuery ajax request to get the column info then in the success build the table headers followed by initializing Datatables with serversid eprocessing and with the ajax option. Or disable serverside processing.


  • ebagaipoebagaipo Posts: 13Questions: 5Answers: 0

    I disabled serverside processing but no data display

  • ebagaipoebagaipo Posts: 13Questions: 5Answers: 0

    It is working now by setting serverside = false.

  • ebagaipoebagaipo Posts: 13Questions: 5Answers: 0

    It is working now by setting serverside = false with minor changes on my code.

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