Keep the value research by colomns
Keep the value research by colomns

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Description of problem: I use this code to filter data by columns.
I put an option to update the information on each line, which call another page where I make a correction (update form). After registering the changes (using PHP and SQL query), I return to the page with the table, and I see that the filter is still working, but the used word to filter is invisible. I have to remember where I wrote the words.
When I use the search on the entire table (using dom: 'f';) and I'm doing the same update operation and return to the page with the table, I see what word was used to filter the data.
My question is: how to save the text that was used to filter the data by column?
I already know the manual by heart, but have not found how to fix it.
Are you saying that you can't see what is typed into the column search input? The example you linked to works. If its not on your page then you likely have a CSS issues. Please post a link to your page or a test case replicating the issue so we can help debug.
Thank you Kevin. No, it's not a problem of CSS. I can't give you the link because this web application is installed on the company server for internal use.

But, maybe with pictures it will be more clear.
You see that on this picture I've put "TEC" as a filter and
When I come back the filter is still in place (94 elements of 127 are selected, but I can't see on which column the filter has been added. And this.value is undefined
I see, you are using stateSave and the column search inputs aren't populated. There are lots of threads with this question. See if any of these help: