Problem with 'fnFooterCallback'

Problem with 'fnFooterCallback'

apraxaprax Posts: 4Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited October 2010 in General

I am attempting to use fnFooterCallback when initializing a Datatable. I tried following the basic example shown at but my script fails with the following error: "nFoot is null".

The snippet of my table initialization code is as follows. The full example is at .
var result= {"aoColumns":[{"sTitle":"Quarter 4"},{"sTitle":"100"},{"sTitle":"115"},{"sTitle":"120"},{"sTitle":"123"},{"sTitle":"128"},{"sTitle":"130"}],"aaData":[["Personal Services","11111.00","15.00","12501.00","150.00",0,0],["Travel",0,0,0,0,0,0],["Facilities",0,0,0,0,0,0],["Supplies",0,0,0,0,0,0],["Equipment",0,0,0,0,0,0],["Other",0,"43.00",0,0,0,0]]};

"sDom": 'T<"fg-toolbar ui-widget-header ui-corner-tl ui-corner-tr ui-helper-clearfix"lfr>t<"fg-toolbar ui-widget-header ui-corner-bl ui-corner-br ui-helper-clearfix"ip>',
"bJQueryUI" : true,
"PaginationType" : "full_numbers",
"aaData" : result['aaData'],
"aoColumns" : result['aoColumns'],
"bRetrieve" : true,
"fnFooterCallback" : function(nFoot, aasData, iStart, iEnd, aiDispay) {
nFoot.getElementsByTagName('th')[0].innerHTML="Starting index is "+iStart;


  • allanallan Posts: 63,112Questions: 1Answers: 10,395 Site admin
    You don't have a tfoot element in the table, so it's not surprising it can't find one :-). You'll need to add one either dynamically with Javascript, or just stick it into the HTML. DataTables will not automatically add a footer element.

  • apraxaprax Posts: 4Questions: 0Answers: 0

    Add the tfoot element worked.

    Thanks a bunch.
  • bioPorcobioPorco Posts: 14Questions: 0Answers: 0
    first of all i want to apologize for my poor english,
    but i have the same problem even after adding the tfoot section.

    this is my initalizing code:

    var dataTableOpt = new Object(); //oggetto per configurare la tabella
    //creazione della matrice dei dati da visualizzare nella tabella e
    //conversione delle stringhe che sono dei link in hyperlink
    dataTableOpt.aaData = new Array();
    for (var i = 0; i < data.getNumberOfRows(); i++) {
    dataTableOpt.aaData.push(new Array());
    for (var j = 0; j < data.getNumberOfColumns(); j++) {
    if (RegexUrl.test(data.getFormattedValue(i, j))) {
    } else {
    dataTableOpt.aaData[i].push(data.getFormattedValue(i, j));

    //definizione delle colonne della tabella
    dataTableOpt.aoColumns = new Array();
    for (var j = 0; j < data.getNumberOfColumns(); j++) {
    var obj = new Object();
    obj.sTitle = data.getColumnLabel(j);
    if (data.getColumnType(j) == 'string') {
    obj.sClass = "left";
    } else if (data.getColumnType(j) == 'number') {
    obj.sClass = "right";
    obj.sType = "formatted-num";
    } else {
    obj.sClass = "center";
    if (data.getColumnType(j) == 'date') {
    obj.sType = "uk_date";
    } else if (data.getColumnType(j) == 'datetime') {
    obj.sType = "date-euro";
    } else if (data.getColumnType(j) == 'timeofday') {
    obj.sType = "timeofday";
    if (prefs.getBool('tableTools')) {
    dataTableOpt.sDom = 'CTR<"clear">lfrtip'; //C=ColVis T=TableTools R=ColReorder
    } else {
    dataTableOpt.sDom = 'CR<"clear">lfrtip'; //C=ColVis R=ColReorder
    dataTableOpt.bStateSave = true; //richiede i cockie abilitati
    //configurazione dell'estensione TableTools (export in csv, pdf e copia)
    dataTableOpt.oTableTools = new Object();
    dataTableOpt.oTableTools.sSwfPath = "";
    dataTableOpt.oTableTools.aButtons = new Array();
    var copyOpt = new Object();
    copyOpt.sExtends = "copy";
    copyOpt.mColumns = "visible";
    var pdfOpt = new Object();
    pdfOpt.sExtends = "pdf";
    pdfOpt.mColumns = "visible";
    var csvOpt = new Object();
    csvOpt.sExtends = "csv";
    csvOpt.mColumns = "visible";

    dataTableOpt.fnFooterCallback = footerCallback; //calcolo dei totali

    //creazione del tag table che conterr
  • bioPorcobioPorco Posts: 14Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I noticed that I have the same problem on many callback function

    for example setting up the callback function for pdf export button in the following way, the parameter nButton and oFlash is null.
    var pdfOpt=new Object();
    pdfOpt.fnClick=function (nButton,oConfig,oFlash){
    console.log("fnClick.nButton: "+gadgets.json.stringify(nButton));
    console.log("fnClick.oConfig: "+gadgets.json.stringify(oConfig));
    console.log("fnClick.oFlash: "+gadgets.json.stringify(oFlash));

    at this point i suppose that is a configuration problem.
    i'am tring to use dataTables in conjunction with ColReorder, ColVis and TableTools by setting the sDom property to CTR<"clear">lfrtip

    is it a correct configuration?
    is possible that problem arose because i use datatable into a Google Gadget?
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