columnDefs: [{targets: [0,2],visible: false}] only works for Column 0 ... why?
columnDefs: [{targets: [0,2],visible: false}] only works for Column 0 ... why?
I am using the following code to hide both columns 0 and 2
columnDefs: [{
targets: [0, 2],
visible: false,
searchable: false
Only the first column (0) gets hidden. I have to add table.column(2).visible(false); in order to actually hide the second column. Am I coding this incorrectly or did I misunderstand the intent of columnDefs in that it can apply attributes for more than 1 column? I've even tried the following and only column 0 gets hidden:
columnDefs: [{
targets: [0],
visible: false,
searchable: false
columnDefs: [{
targets: [2],
visible: false,
searchable: false
I've also tried the following: { data: "status", name: "Status", autoWidth: true, visible: false, searchable: false } and that doesn't work either. Just to be sure something wasn't amiss with column (2), I tried every other column on the table, visible only seems to apply to column 0.
Any words of wisdom from folks out there? I am using version 1.10.24 of
Thanks a bunch.
--- Val
Your code snippet works here:
It hides the Name and Office columns.
There is something else in your code causing column 2 to be "unhidden". Please post a link to your page or update my test case to replicate the issue so we can help debug.
Hey Kevin ...
I added my snippet and sure enough, it works too.
The only difference is that I'm doing a server side load of the data as well as saving the state so I removed those from the code snippet. I'm also using Moment.js to format the dates but I commented that out in the snippet.
My Ajax Call looks as follows which is right before the [ColumnDefs] section.
Other than that I also have the following at the very top. I use that because I change the Ajax Parameters on the page and resubmit the query.
Not sure where to go from here! It's something I'm doing pretty consistently because it's the same on ALL of my tables.
--- Val
ServerSide processing won't affect column visibility. Can you post a link to your page so we can take a look?
I finally got this working. I noticed that I had code like the one below within the variable declaration of the table. As soon as I moved it out, the column visibility worked.
Thanks for your time.
--- Val