allIfChanged option case typo

allIfChanged option case typo

pisislerpisisler Posts: 125Questions: 24Answers: 1


allIfChanged option in formOptions has a letter case typo after Editor 2.0. With Editor 1.x, it was working just like how it is documented in form-options. But after Editor 2.0, this option has one letter case changed like:

allIfChanged => Editor 1.x (as with the documentation)
allIfchanged => Editor 2.x


  • allanallan Posts: 64,129Questions: 1Answers: 10,581 Site admin
    edited August 2021


    Thanks for your post, however, I'm not seeing that in this example I'm afraid - it appears to be working correctly.

    I've also just tried grepping our code base for the incorrect string, but found nothing:

    $ grep -r allIfchanged js

    Grepping for the correct spelling finds multiple instances:

    $ grep -r allIfChanged js
    js/core/private.ts:                                     // data, so we can submit it if `all` or `allIfChanged`
    js/core/private.ts:             if ( action === 'create' || changedSubmit === 'all' || (changedSubmit === 'allIfChanged' && changed) ) {
    js/model/formOptions.ts:        submit: 'all' | 'changed' | 'allIfChanged';

    Can you give me a link to a test case showing the issue you are seeing please?


  • pisislerpisisler Posts: 125Questions: 24Answers: 1
    edited August 2021

    I was wrong, allIfchanged with small letters also didn't work. In fact it is completely ignored on my instance. None of the options work for me. If ı set it to changed, the form still submits although nothing has changed in inline edit mode; but with only one cell data. If I set it to allIfChanged, form submits all data, although nothing has changed.

    Looks like it correctly regards which data to send while submitting; but it completely ignores whether to submit at all. What could be breaking this option?

    PS: I can't give a public link as it has sensitive and integrated data which is behind authentication. I can however PM you if needed.

  • allanallan Posts: 64,129Questions: 1Answers: 10,581 Site admin

    perhaps you can show me how you are initialising DataTables, Editor and using the inline() method?


  • pisislerpisisler Posts: 125Questions: 24Answers: 1
    edited August 2021

    This is how I initialize DT, DTE and inline editing;

    editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
        formOptions: {
            main: {
                onBackground: 'none'
            inline: {
                //drawType: 'none',
                submit: 'allIfChanged',
        ajax: {
            url: env.base + "/modules/products/products.php?p=" + env.active_page,
            data: function (d) {
                if (editor.modifier() != null)
                    d.before_edit = table.row(editor.modifier()).data();
        table: "#products",
        fields: products_fields
    table = $('#products').DataTable({
        fixedColumns: { leftColumns: 2 },
        autoWidth: true,
        scrollX: true,
        scrollY: "500px",
        deferRender: true,
        scrollCollapse: true,
        dom: '<"row"<"col-sm-9"B><"col-sm-3"f>>rt<"row"<"col-sm-7"i><"col-sm-5"p>>',
        responsive: false,
        ajax: {
            url: env.base + "/modules/products/products.php?p=" + env.active_page,
        language: { url: env.base + "/languages/"+ env.lang +"/datatables."+ env.lang +".json" },
        rowCallback: function( row, data ) {
            $('td.overflow-hidden', row).css( {'white-space': 'nowrap'} );
            if (data.position == 'unpublished') {
                $(row).closest('tr').removeClass('odd even');
        columns: products_columns,
        order: [ 1, 'asc' ],
        select: {
            style: 'os',
            selector: ''
        buttons: [
            { extend: "create", editor: editor },
            { extend: "edit", editor: editor },
                extend: "remove", editor: editor,
                formMessage: function (editor, dt) {
                    products_to_delete =    dt.rows( editor.modifier() ).data().pluck('product_name');
                    return '<div class="alert alert-warning"><i class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> ' +
                        table.i18n('editor.remove.confirm', null, products_to_delete.count())+ table.i18n('editor.remove.noreturn') +
                        '</div><div class="alert alert-light"><ul><li>'+products_to_delete.join('</li><li>')+'</li></ul></div>';
                extend: "selected",
                text: (dt) => dt.i18n('custom.create.similar.button'),
                action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
                    editor.edit( table.rows( {selected: true} ).indexes(), {
                        title: table.i18n('custom.create.similar.title'),
                        buttons: table.i18n('custom.create.similar.submit')
                    }).mode( 'create' );
            { extend: 'pageLength', editor: editor},
                extend: "collection", editor: editor,
                text: (dt) => dt.i18n('custom.export'),
                buttons: [
                    'copyHtml5', 'print',
                    { extend: 'pdfHtml5', download: 'open', orientation: 'landscape' },
                    { extend: 'excelHtml5', filename: 'products', autoFilter: true },
                        extend: 'csvHtml5', bom: true, filename: 'products',
                        fieldSeparator: ';', charset: 'utf-8', fieldBoundary: ''
    $('#products').on( 'click', 'tbody td:not(:first-child, :nth-child(5), :nth-child(10))',
        function (e, d) { editor.inline(this); }
  • pisislerpisisler Posts: 125Questions: 24Answers: 1

    By the way, I also tried passing the options while inline initialization, it didn't work either:

    function (e, d) { editor.inline(this, {submit: 'allIfChanged'}); }
  • allanallan Posts: 64,129Questions: 1Answers: 10,581 Site admin

    That does look right. The only thing I can think of there, is might you have another Editor instance on the page somewhere (since editor appears to be global there)?

    If you could PM me a link to the page showing the issue, that would be great. Click my forum user name above and then "Send message".


  • pisislerpisisler Posts: 125Questions: 24Answers: 1

    No there is only one editor instance. I PM'd you development site information.

  • pisislerpisisler Posts: 125Questions: 24Answers: 1

    @allan any chance you checked on this one?

  • allanallan Posts: 64,129Questions: 1Answers: 10,581 Site admin

    Apologies - I've lost track of this one! I've sent back a PM.


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