Header alignment issue
Header alignment issue

in Bug reports
Link to test case: http://live.datatables.net/kitiveqa/1/edit
Debugger code (debug.datatables.net):
Error messages shown:
Description of problem:
Header gets misaligned when setting a fixed column. This is happening for version 1.10.25
Please see sample: http://live.datatables.net/kitiveqa/1/edit
This discussion has been closed.
It looks like your two header rows have a different number of columns. The first one, with the
, if my math is any good, has 63 columns. The second has 71. These need to be the same,Colin
Hi @colin, both header rows actually have 71 columns. Counted them twice to be sure.
Ha, you are right, I counted them three times and still got it wrong - had to use a calculator! We'll take a look and get back to you,
We are working on a rewrite of FixedColumns at the moment which will address issues like this. A preview should be available soon - I'll ask Sandy to update your example with it.
Hi @DaryID,
Colspan's are not something that I had considered yet within the rewrite and these seem to be getting thrown off when I use my new code. I'll take a look later today and hopefully update your example then.
Hi @sandy & @allan,
Any good news for me?
Hi @DarylD ,
Apologies for the delay in getting back to you! Sorry to say that we don't think this will actually be supported. Headers over multiple rows aren't something that will work with fixed columns because of the way DataTables deals with the headers to begin with.
This will work in DataTables version 2, but we aren't sure when this will be available yet.
Hi @sandy,
That's heart-breaking to hear.
To think that this problem only occurs in Chrome and is working perfectly fine in Firefox. I really thought it was something fixable.
Would you have any suggestion on how I could go around this problem in Chrome? Maybe CSS wise?
Hi @DarylD ,
Sorry we haven't been able to fix this one, I realise that it is disappointing but it is actually a surprisingly complex problem.