Scoller randomly jumps when server side processing is slow
Scoller randomly jumps when server side processing is slow

Link to test case:,js,output
Error messages shown: None
Description of problem:
When using scroller with a relatively slow ajax calls (600ms example)
after scrolling a couple of pages a massive jump will happen
causing the datatable to become unusable.
Since it happens randomly I took a screen recording of the test case showing the behavior. (action starting at second 25)
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Thanks for the test case and video, but I was unable to reproduce that. How are you scrolling? I was using the page up/down keys,
I am using a mouse with a mousewheel that is quite fast.
I tried it with the page up/page down keys and its a bit harder but possible.
Try going up/down around the 1000 results mark in different patterns.
That seems te trigger it a bit more reliably
Got it, yep, I was able to see that too - thanks for that. I've raised it internally (DD-2427 for my reference) and we'll report back here when there's an update.
Thank you!!