How to impose numerical sort with dataTables?

How to impose numerical sort with dataTables?

irina_ikonnirina_ikonn Posts: 12Questions: 2Answers: 0

I am using the DataTables jQuery plugin. Table sorts alphabetically and not numerically. I get:
When I add the same part of html code to the I get correct sorting.


  • allanallan Posts: 63,280Questions: 1Answers: 10,425 Site admin

    It means that for some reason DataTables has detected your column's data as having non-numeric data in it. We'd need to be able to see the data to understand which specific data point is causing that issue. Please either link to the page showing the issue or use the debugger to give me a trace please - click the Upload button and then let me know what the debug code is.


  • irina_ikonnirina_ikonn Posts: 12Questions: 2Answers: 0
    <script type="text/javascript">
                    pageLength: 50,
                    responsive: true,
                    language: {
                        url: "{{url_for('static', filename=_('dataTable_language_url'))}}"

    I found the reason. If I delete: language: {url: "{{url_for('static', filename=_('dataTable_language_url'))}}"}
    table sorts correctly.
    But I need make translate table to other language and get sorting table by "id" column.

  • irina_ikonnirina_ikonn Posts: 12Questions: 2Answers: 0

    How can I make translate to other language and sort table by "id" column?

  • irina_ikonnirina_ikonn Posts: 12Questions: 2Answers: 0
    edited September 2023

    I use debugger. After click on Upload button I get "404 - Page not found
    Sorry, the debug trace you are looking for does not exist or is private".

  • allanallan Posts: 63,280Questions: 1Answers: 10,425 Site admin

    Correct. As I noted "click the Upload button and then let me know what the debug code is". You get a 404 because only I can see the debug traces for data security.

    Your example works just fine with a language file: .


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,193Questions: 26Answers: 4,925

    I updated your test case so that Datatables initializes the table by adding the id attribute. I added the language.url and sorting of the id column works. Can you update the test case to show the issue so we can help debug?

    Updated test case:

    the debug trace you are looking for does not exist or is private

    Are you trying to click on the unique code where it says Upload complete? Only the Datatables developers can access this link. You are to provide the unique code to Allan so he can open the debug image.


  • irina_ikonnirina_ikonn Posts: 12Questions: 2Answers: 0

    Unique code:
    In this test case table does not sort correctly.

    I found:
    I added in the code:

        $.extend( jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort, {
          "formatted_numbers-pre": function ( a ) {
            a = (a===" ") ? 0 : a.replace( /[^\d\-\.]/g, "" );
            return parseFloat( a );
          "formatted_numbers-asc": function ( a, b ) {
            return a - b;
          "formatted_numbers-desc": function ( a, b ) {
            return b - a;
                    pageLength: 50,
                    "columnDefs": [
                     { "type": "formatted_numbers", "targets": '_all'},
                    responsive: true,
                    language: {
                        url: "{{url_for('static', filename=_('dataTable_language_url'))}}"

    After that table sorts correctly.
    Is there a more elegant solution to the problem?

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,193Questions: 26Answers: 4,925

    The need to use a.replace( /[^\d\-\.]/g, "" ) indicates that there are nonnumeric characters in the id column. Do you have nonnumeric data in the id column?

    I don't think its a good idea to apply the formatted_numbers plugin to all columns using { "type": "formatted_numbers", "targets": '_all'},. You should apply it to only those columns you want to remove nonnumeric characters from the numeric data. See the columnDefs.targets docs. I updated the example to show how using "targets": '_all' is a problem.

    I updated the last column to have one value with zdata. The above code removes all characters except digits, - and .. For this column the sorting data ends up being an empty string for the name column. Try sorting it to see.


  • irina_ikonnirina_ikonn Posts: 12Questions: 2Answers: 0

    Id column has only numbers.
    In the test case I always get correct sorting. In my Flask app I get correct sorting only after delete: language: {url: "{{url_for('static', filename=_('dataTable_language_url'))}}"}.
    When add "language" I get translated table and:
    I translate to Russian language. In a browser in which Russian is not installed table sorts correctly as:

  • irina_ikonnirina_ikonn Posts: 12Questions: 2Answers: 0

    As far as I understand after set language number in the id column as string

  • allanallan Posts: 63,280Questions: 1Answers: 10,425 Site admin

    Without being able to see an example of it not working, it is really hard to debug. I can't fix an example which is already working correctly :).

    If you post a link to your page showing the issue I can take a look and see what is going wrong.

    The debug trace shows that the second column (идентификатор is detected as numeric and should be number sorted.


  • irina_ikonnirina_ikonn Posts: 12Questions: 2Answers: 0
    edited September 2023

    I can't post link to my web app.
    I do:

                <script type="text/javascript">
                        jQuery.extend( jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort, {
                            "formatted_numbers-pre": function ( a ) {
                            return parseFloat( a );
                            "formatted_numbers-asc": function ( a, b ) {
                            return a - b;
                            "formatted_numbers-desc": function ( a, b ) {
                            return b - a;
                                pageLength: 50,
                                responsive: true,
                                "order": [[ 1, 'desc' ]],
                                "columnDefs": [
                                { "type": "formatted_numbers", "targets": [0, 1]},
                                language: {
                                    url: "{{url_for('static', filename=_('dataTable_language_url'))}}"

    This code solves my problem

  • allanallan Posts: 63,280Questions: 1Answers: 10,425 Site admin

    I can only really guess you might be using an old version of DataTables then. 1.10+ support sorting of formatted numbers built in.


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,193Questions: 26Answers: 4,925
    edited September 2023

    Can you copy, all or part of, the generated HTML table and update your test case to see if the problem is replicated?


  • irina_ikonnirina_ikonn Posts: 12Questions: 2Answers: 0

    I am using DataTables 1.10.16.
    Unfortunately, I can't repeat my problem when I insert all html code to the
    If I set German language instead of Russian I get the same problem in sorting.
    I generate pandas dataframe which has id column with type - int64. Then I do: dataframe.to_html().

    When I do: console.log(typof a) in the code (jQuery.extend( jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort)
    I get type a - string.

  • allanallan Posts: 63,280Questions: 1Answers: 10,425 Site admin

    I don't know that we can offer any help if we can only see examples that work, and not one that is showing the issue. We'd need a link to a test case showing the problem to fully resolve it.


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,193Questions: 26Answers: 4,925

    Maybe try loading the data using ajax and returning the Pandas dataframe as a JSON string. Like this example.


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