Issue with column searchpanes

Issue with column searchpanes

bonaventurebonaventure Posts: 15Questions: 7Answers: 0

see my previous question for background

2) I added a second TR in the THEAD where I placed the column searchPanes .
responsive does not change them.
but I want them to be removed when the column is removed (i.e. disp=none).
Which CSS should I modify to achieve this?
(Alternatively I could write a JS that modifies the TH class on resize event, but that would be cannons on sparrows.)


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,779Questions: 26Answers: 5,039

    There isn't a column searchPanes extension. Since you didn't provide a test case I'm guessing you are adding search inputs into the second header row of the table. This is a custom solution created outside of Datatables. Since the older Responsive doesn't support complex headers you will need to manage showing and hiding the appropriate inputs. Here is an example that has been posted on the forum before:

    Upgrading to the latest Datatables and Responsive, which supports complex header, doesn't need the extra code. For example:


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