Column widths incorrect with rowgroups in dt v2
Column widths incorrect with rowgroups in dt v2
Using dt version 2.0.3 with rowGroup and scrollX ignores any column widths and gives all available width to the first column. rolling back to dt version 1.13.4 works fine
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Unfortunately this is a known issue when the first row in the table contains a
attribute for a cell. I'll looking into workarounds. I think it is a browser bug, but they all do it, so I need to understand a little more about what they are doing and how to workaround it.Allan
Is there any solution to this? We are having the same issue on 2.0.7.
Here is a more recent thread with the same question. Allan is still researching the issue.
@allan @kthorngren as a work around until solution is determined, we are adding a blank zero height row at the top of the table:
@allan @kthorngren thanks for addressing the column sizing/RowGroup issue in v2.1.5. It seems the calculations of column widths are now slightly wider than the available space when the content of a column wraps to multiple lines. Is this a known issue?
Can you give me a link to a page showing that issue please?
Hi @allan, the code sample found at demonstrates that the "status" column (which is set to white-space: nowrap) does not correctly return the width of the column. Below you can also see that the colgroup element for column 6 shows different values for width and min-width which seems to indicate the initial width calculation is incorrect:
@allan can confirm something in last Friday's release changed how the column widths are getting calculated.
We upgraded to the newest version with Buttons (including colvis, html5 jszip), Datetime, FixedHeader and Responsive. After doing so, our default visible columns bled out into the right margin and any columns we toggled visibility on just pushed it out further on smaller laptop screens.
I "fixed" it by removing the colgroup element on initComplete and now the columns snap back to where they should, but noticed this causes any widths specified in the columnDefs to not work. I'm working on putting together a working example in the JS Bin that doesn't include any PII to demo the bug and will comment with it here when ready.
@allan looks like v2.1.7 corrected this issue for us -- thank you!
Thanks for the confirmation.