DataTables Pagination Issue: Header hides with scrollX Option
DataTables Pagination Issue: Header hides with scrollX Option

I'm using DataTables, and everything works well, but I've encountered an issue when clicking on pagination: the table header hides, leaving only the table body visible. After some debugging, I discovered that the scrollX: true
option is causing this problem. I attempted to remove the scrollX: true
option and instead wrapped the parent element in a div with overflow enabled. However, this change resulted in scrollbar appearing below the pagination numbers, separate from the table itself. I am unable to reproduce this on, but I am hoping this is a common problem you may have encountered.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Initialize DataTables for all elements with the class 'example-table'
var table = $('.example-table').DataTable({
paging: true,
fixedHeader: true,
"scrollX": true,
searching: true,
info: true,
ordering: true,
order: [],
"scrollCollapse": true,
dom: 'ifrtBp', // Add the buttons control element
buttons: [
extend: 'excelHtml5',
text: 'Export to Excel',
titleAttr: 'Export as Excel'
// Add event listener for print
window.onbeforeprint = function() {
// Disable horizontal scrolling and paging temporarily before printing
.draw(false); // Redraw table without changing page; // Show all entries
// Disable overflow and scrolling for both header and body
$('.dataTables_scrollBody').css('overflow', 'visible');
$('.dataTables_scrollHead').css('overflow', 'visible');
window.onafterprint = function() {
// Re-enable horizontal scrolling and restore paging after printing;
// Restore overflow and scrolling for both header and body
$('.dataTables_scrollBody').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('.dataTables_scrollHead').css('overflow', 'auto');
Edited by Colin - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.
This kind of problem will be hard to debug without seeing it fail. I appreciate you can't reproduce on live, but can you link to your page that demonstrates the issue.
Make sure you have all the correct style integration includes for the style framework being used. Use the Download Builder for this.
This is the closest I could reproduce. Scroll to the middle of the table and hit pagination. It hides top rows and header.
I'm not able to recreate the issue. I scrolled so that
was centered in the container and moved through the pages. All rows including the header stayed visible. I'm using Chrome on a Mac. Maybe its a browser issue? What OS and browser are you using and have you tried with another browser?You have FixedHeader enabled but didn't load the library. Maybe that is part of the issue.
Can you provide more specific steps to recreate the issue with the test case?
I removed fixed header, and I still see the issue. Sorry, I was not clear earlier. Scroll the **page **to the middle of the table<tbody> for example upto Arkansas row and then hit page2, then page 1. See how it behaves.
Try using
as the source JS. I suspect you are just getting an old cached version of the nightly.