When Export to excel its only export main table data only, I need to export child rows, its not work

When Export to excel its only export main table data only, I need to export child rows, its not work

dwcrajdwcraj Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

extend: 'excel',
filename: 'Production_Plan',
exportOptions: {
columns: ':visible'
customize: function(xlsx) {
var sheet = xlsx.xl.worksheets['sheet1.xml'];
var rows = table.rows().data();
var dateGroups = {};
var grandTotal = 0;

    // Group data by sewing date
    rows.each(function(rowData) {
        var sewingDate = rowData[14];
        var qty = parseInt(rowData[10]) || 0;

        if (sewingDate && sewingDate !== '0000-00-00') {
            if (!dateGroups[sewingDate]) {
                dateGroups[sewingDate] = {
                    rows: [],
                    total: 0
            dateGroups[sewingDate].total += qty;
            grandTotal += qty;

    // Create main sheet with date groups
    var $sheetData = $('sheetData', sheet);
    var lastRowIndex = $('row', sheet).length;

    // Add data with subtotals
    Object.keys(dateGroups).sort().forEach(function(date) {
        // Add date group rows
        dateGroups[date].rows.forEach(function(rowData) {
            var $row = $('<row></row>');
            for(var i = 0; i < rowData.length; i++) {
                $row.append('<c t="inlineStr"><is><t>' + (rowData[i] || '') + '</t></is></c>');

        // Add date subtotal
        var $totalRow = $('<row></row>');
        $totalRow.append('<c t="inlineStr" s="2"><is><t>Sewing Date: ' + date + ' Total</t></is></c>');
        $totalRow.append('<c t="n" s="2"><v>' + dateGroups[date].total + '</v></c>');
        for(var i = 2; i < table.columns(':visible').count(); i++) {
            $totalRow.append('<c t="inlineStr"><is><t></t></is></c>');

    // Add grand total
    var $grandTotalRow = $('<row></row>');
    $grandTotalRow.append('<c t="inlineStr" s="2"><is><t>Grand Total</t></is></c>');
    $grandTotalRow.append('<c t="n" s="2"><v>' + grandTotal + '</v></c>');
    for(var i = 2; i < table.columns(':visible').count(); i++) {
        $grandTotalRow.append('<c t="inlineStr"><is><t></t></is></c>');

    // Create line-specific sheets
    var lines = ['Line 1', 'Line 2', 'Line 3', 'Line 4', 'Line 5'];
    lines.forEach(function(line, index) {
        var lineData = rows.filter(function(idx) {
            var rowData = table.row(idx).data();
            return rowData[18] === line;

        if (lineData.length > 0) {
            var lineSheet = $('<worksheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main"><sheetData></sheetData></worksheet>');
            var $lineSheetData = lineSheet.find('sheetData');

            // Add headers
            var $headerRow = $('<row></row>');
            table.columns(':visible').each(function() {
                $headerRow.append('<c t="inlineStr"><is><t>' + $(this.header()).text() + '</t></is></c>');

            // Group line data by date
            var lineDateGroups = {};
            var lineTotal = 0;

            lineData.each(function(idx) {
                var rowData = table.row(idx).data();
                var sewingDate = rowData[14];
                var qty = parseInt(rowData[10]) || 0;

                if (sewingDate && sewingDate !== '0000-00-00') {
                    if (!lineDateGroups[sewingDate]) {
                        lineDateGroups[sewingDate] = {
                            rows: [],
                            total: 0
                    lineDateGroups[sewingDate].total += qty;
                    lineTotal += qty;

            // Add line data with subtotals
            Object.keys(lineDateGroups).sort().forEach(function(date) {
                lineDateGroups[date].rows.forEach(function(rowData) {
                    var $row = $('<row></row>');
                    for(var i = 0; i < rowData.length; i++) {
                        $row.append('<c t="inlineStr"><is><t>' + (rowData[i] || '') + '</t></is></c>');

                // Add date subtotal
                var $dateTotalRow = $('<row></row>');
                $dateTotalRow.append('<c t="inlineStr" s="2"><is><t>Sewing Date: ' + date + ' Total</t></is></c>');
                $dateTotalRow.append('<c t="n" s="2"><v>' + lineDateGroups[date].total + '</v></c>');

            // Add line total
            var $lineTotalRow = $('<row></row>');
            $lineTotalRow.append('<c t="inlineStr" s="2"><is><t>Line Total</t></is></c>');
            $lineTotalRow.append('<c t="n" s="2"><v>' + lineTotal + '</v></c>');

            // Add worksheet to workbook
            xlsx.xl.worksheets['sheet' + (index + 2) + '.xml'] = lineSheet[0];



  • allanallan Posts: 64,136Questions: 1Answers: 10,582 Site admin

    The Excel export does not currently support child row data I'm afraid. That is something that I hope to add in future.

    Your custom function might be adding it, I'm afraid I don't have the time to debug it for you at the moment.


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,789Questions: 26Answers: 5,041

    See if this example from this thread helps.


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