DT + Plugins -> Type error
DT + Plugins -> Type error

Link to test case: https://stackblitz.com/github/TheChatty/Datatable-i18n
Debugger code (debug.datatables.net):
Error messages shown: error TS7016: Could not find a declaration file for module 'datatables.net-plugins/i18n/de-DE.mjs'.
Description of problem:
I created a minimal, error exhibiting solution by:
* forking BootVue
* adding DT + Plugin
* pnpm run typecheck
produces the above error
Nevertheless, the solution is working as is.
There isn't a type file for that file.
I've made a note to look into how that might be added for all the language files.
Can you tell me what I need to add manually until you add it for all files?
This SO thread discusses how TS type declarations can be added for modules which don't yet have their own.