how can I automatically change the language of the table using the selector of language in the UI?

how can I automatically change the language of the table using the selector of language in the UI?

olusia454olusia454 Posts: 4Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited January 24 in Free community support

Hi, I have a problem with the datatable language, because by changing the language parameter directly in the code and reloading the page - everything works fine. The problem arises when I insert a selector in the UI to select the language and based on this I want to change the language of the whole page (including the table). The page header or other texts react to this change, but the table does not update. How should I approach the issue?

const currentLanguage = ref('en')

const translations = {
  en: translationsEN,
  pl: translationsPL,

const datatablesTranslations = {
  en: languageEN,
  pl: languagePL,

const getLanguageConfig = () => {
  return {
    ...datatablesTranslations[currentLanguage.value] || datatablesTranslations['en'],

const t = (key: string) => {
  return translations[currentLanguage.value][key] || translations['en'][key] || key;

const setLanguage = (lang: string) => {
  currentLanguage.value = lang;
  localStorage.setItem('language', lang);  


const updateDataTableLanguage = () => {
  if (dt) {

      language: getLanguageConfig(),  
      destroy: true,  

    $(table.value).DataTable().ajax.reload(null, false);

const options = {
  dom: "<'search-container'f>tip",
  responsive: true,
  select: true,
  language: getLanguageConfig(),
  paging: true,
  pageLength: 15,
  scrollCollapse: true,
  scrollY: '75vh',
  processing: false,

// Get a DataTables API reference
onMounted(() => {

  const savedLanguage = localStorage.getItem('language');
  if (savedLanguage) {
    currentLanguage.value = savedLanguage; 
  } else {
    currentLanguage.value = 'en';  

  <div :class="{ dark: isDarkMode }">
      style="float: left; padding-right: 30px"
    <div class="language-selector" style="float: right; padding-right: 30px; padding-top: 10px;">
  <select v-model="currentLanguage" @change="setLanguage(currentLanguage)" class="form-select">
    <option value="en">English</option>
    <option value="pl">Polski</option>

    <h1>{{ t('orderoverview') }}</h1>

      class="display nowrap compact"

          <th>{{ t('orderNumber') }}</th>
          <th>{{ t('vin') }}</th>
          <th>{{ t('licenseTag') }}</th>
          <th>{{ t('customerFirstname') }}</th>
          <th>{{ t('customerLastname') }}</th>
          <th>{{ t('lastSendDate') }}</th>


  • allanallan Posts: 64,126Questions: 1Answers: 10,580 Site admin

    You'd currently need to refresh the page on that change. The options in the component are not (yet) reactive. I say "yet", because this question (or something like it) has come up a few times recently and that is something that I will add.


  • olusia454olusia454 Posts: 4Questions: 0Answers: 0

    yes, but even after refreshing, elements such as column headers or search still do not update

  • allanallan Posts: 64,126Questions: 1Answers: 10,580 Site admin

    If you can give me a link to a test case, ideally on StackBltiz, so I can debug it, I'll take a look into the issue.


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