Memory Leak

Memory Leak

amir.soofiamir.soofi Posts: 5Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited March 2011 in TableTools
Has anyone noticed that there appears to be a memory leak in TableTools 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 in IE7 and in IE8?

I loaded a simple page in IE with no other IE tabs or windows:

And watched the Task Manager for the only iexplore.exe process level off at about 3% of CPU and go up a few KB of memory every few seconds. I left it overnight and it was pretty big by the morning (went from 36MB to 70MB).

I tried it with Flash 10.1 and 10.2, just in case.

Any thoughts? Anyone else see similar behavior?


  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    I haven't noticed that myself but I haven't rigorously tested it for a memory leak in IE. Is this definitely present in the swf which shipped with TableTools 2.0.0? I put a fix in for an IE bug into 2.0.1 which I was slightly concerned about, but did some basic testing and didn't find anything wrong with it - I might have been wrong! I'll give it a go myself when I've got a Windows machine around :-)

  • amir.soofiamir.soofi Posts: 5Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Thanks Allan.

    By morning, IE had gone from 32MB to 900MB.

    Is there a particular part of the JavaScript that runs continuously or on some interval? I can try to drop a breakpoint there.

    I loaded the page in a debugger in Visual Studio, where it appeared that IE was loading and unloading some file every few seconds. It loads and unloads too quickly to know what it is.

    How about the SWF? Is it loading anything repetitively?
  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    There isn't a loop in the Javascript, so I'd be very surprised if that was causing a memory leak by just letting it sit idle. However, there is a loop in the SWF: - line 85.

    This was introduced in 2.0.1 to fix a bug with IE (see the comment in the code) and this is what I suspect might be causing the issue (although is won't be if the issue is present in 2.0.0 since this was new code). I've absolutely no idea why there would be a file being loaded an unloaded though - that's very odd! Does Visual Studio provide a trace that might allow identification of the file?

  • amir.soofiamir.soofi Posts: 5Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited March 2011
    That was it. I switched to the 2.0.0 swf and the memory leak stopped. (Earlier when I switched to 2.0.0, I missed the swf file, my bad...)

    Also, it's not a file that repeatedly loads in Visual Studio, it's some kind of code block.

    So yeah, I think you identified the cause. Some object that tracks callbacks is growing without bound.

    I know you have no immediate way to know if callbacks were removed from ExternalInterface, and I know the underlying __flash__removeCallback("obj_id", "callback_name") is not exposed so you can't explicitly remove before adding, but tell me if this will work:

    Register a new dummy callback "hasCallbacks" that returns true. On interval, run"hasCallbacks"). If true, great. But "If the function is not available, the call returns null" according to Adobe docs. If it's null, then run addCallbacks.

    What do you think? If I'm way off here, let me know.
  • amir.soofiamir.soofi Posts: 5Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Some more information about how IE handles callbacks.

    Visual Studio, when attached to IE loading a page with one DataTable running TableTools in the simplest case, reports on what files are currently loaded and available.

    In addition to the usual cocktail of jquery.js, jquery.dataTables.js, ZeroClipboard.js, and TableTools.js, there are also "JScript - script block" items for any inline JavaScript code.

    In the simple case of TableTools 2.0.0, using the copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf, there are 4 "JScript - script block" items loaded:

    They all have the same code:

    function __flash__arrayToXML(obj) {
    var s = "";
    for (var i=0; i
  • amir.soofiamir.soofi Posts: 5Questions: 0Answers: 0
    For the 2.0.1 swf, again on the simple case of just one DataTable running TableTools, IE loads 2, not 4 instances of the above "JScript - script block", and then repeatedly loads and unloads a new "JScript - script block".

    I dropped a breakpointer in __flash__addCallback, and I was able to step through to see the new JScript contents:

    __flash__addCallback(document.getElementById("ZeroClipboardMovie_3"), "setHandCursor");

    and then the next file:
    __flash__addCallback(document.getElementById("ZeroClipboardMovie_3"), "clearText");

    and then...

    repeat ad nauseum.

    So these script blocks are the code produced from the eval statement in __flash__addCallback.

    According to Visual Studio, these script blocks load and unload, so I would assume that it's not the script block itself that is causing the memory bloat. My guess, is that the call to instance.CallFunction or __flash__argumentToXML is grabbing memory and not giving it back.

    But who knows ... I'm not even remotely a flash developer.

    I hope I did enough research on this to be useful.
  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    That's absolutely superb! Thanks very much for the detailed analysis! I'll have a rake around Adobe support and see if they are aware of this (sounds it could well be either Flash or IE which has the issue) and if there is a way around it. Failing that, then I agree - I think a self-calling back callback would be the best way to go (although it doesn't address the basic issue - it just make it very unlikely). I did consider that originally but was worried that it might be too over complicated for what was needed - however, better that than eating RAM!

    I'll address this for the 2.0.2 TableTools release. Thanks again for the help!

  • XqWyZXqWyZ Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Hi there!
    I encountered the same problem on IE8. In Firefox, Opera and IE9 everything just works fine.
    Its the exact same JScript function that produces the javascript error (Object expected).
    I also found out that it always happens on the SECOND time I include a DataTable with TableTools.
    If you search the web for "__flash__addCallback" you'll see that the problem seems to occur on other occasions too.
  • billhuberbillhuber Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I encountered the same memory leak problem in both IE9 and Firefox. I seem to have fixed the problem in Firefox by reverting to the 2.0 version of the swf. In the case of Firefox it is the plugin-container.exe that is increasing while in IE9 it is iexplore.exe. In IE9 if I follow a link off of the page or close the tab, the memory is released.
  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    @XqWyZ - The nightly version of TableTools and DataTables should address the issue you are seeing.

    @billhuber - The problem is that the 2.0.0 version of the SWF has a bug in it (well - really it's a bug in IE...) whereby if you make the control display:none, IE will loose the attached event handlers. As such, it needs to cycle adding the event handlers - which appears to be leaking (according to the Adobe documentation it really shouldn't - this is a perfectly valid thing to do - but none the less it is). I've been working on a way to address this of late, but it is still far from perfect as it is not proving to be a trivial problem to solve...

  • rajeshu2484rajeshu2484 Posts: 8Questions: 2Answers: 0
    Hi Allan,

    I see a javascript error "Object expected" when the following script block gets loaded on IE 8 because document.getElementById("ZeroClipboardMovie_3") returns null the second time (and subsequent times) I load the grid. I am using TableTools v2.0.1. Should I use TableTools v2.0.0 to get around this issue?

    function __flash__addCallback(instance, name) {
    instance[name] = function () {
    return eval(instance.CallFunction("" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + ""));

    _flash__addCallback(document.getElementById("ZeroClipboardMovie_3"), "setAction");

  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    The old TableTools isn't compatible with DataTables 1.8, so that might not be an option for you. I'd suggest using the very latest TableTools from Git. You would probably also need to build the latest SWF files for this. I must try and get around to finishing off the next TableTools release soon!

  • jp_noronhajp_noronha Posts: 59Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Hi Allan,

    I don't know if this has got with anything of the above, but i found out a peculiar behavior when assigning 2 tabletools to one datatable. the code is this:
    var oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador = $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador').dataTable({
    "bJQueryUI": false
    , "bSortClasses ": false
    , "bDeferRender": true
    , "iDeferLoading": 1
    , "bProcessing": true
    , "aaSorting": []
    , "bAutoWidth": false
    , "oLanguage": {
    "sProcessing": "Processando...",
    "sLengthMenu": "Mostrar _MENU_ registros",
    "sEmptyTable ": "Não foram encontrados resultados",
    "sZeroRecords": "Não foram encontrados resultados",
    "sInfo": "Mostrando de _START_ até _END_ de _TOTAL_ registros",
    "sInfoEmpty": "Mostrando de 0 até 0 de 0 registros",
    "sInfoFiltered": "(filtrado de _MAX_ registros no total)",
    "sInfoPostFix": "",
    "sInfoThousands": ".",
    "sSearch": "Buscar:",
    "sUrl": "",
    "oPaginate": {
    "sFirst": "",
    "sPrevious": "",
    "sNext": "",
    "sLast": ""
    , "aoColumnDefs": [
    { "bSortable": false, "aTargets": [ 0,1 ] }

    , "bStateSave": true
    , "iCookieDuration": 60*60*12
    , "bPaginate": false, "bLengthChange": false
    , "sDom": 'RCTV<"clear">fr<"DTTT_OpenClose_container">ti'
    , "oColReorder": { "aiOrder": [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] }
    , "oColVis": { "buttonText": "Colunas", "bRestore": true, "sRestore": "Restaurar", "sAlign": "right", "sSize": "css", "activate": "mouseover"
    , "aiExclude": [ 0,1 ] }
    , "oTableTools": {
    "sSwfPath": "../scripts/jquery/js/../swf/copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf",
    "aButtons": [
    { "sExtends": "print", "sButtonText": "Impressão", "mColumns": "visible", "sToolTip": "Impressão",
    "sMessage": "",
    "sInfo": "ImpressaoPor favor utilizar a funcionalidade de impressão do browser para imprimir esta tabela. Pressione ESC (escape) quando terminar." }
    , { "sExtends": "copy", "sButtonText": "Clipboard", "mColumns": "visible", "fnClick": function ( nButton, oConfig, oFlash ) { oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 0, true, false ); oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 1, true, false ); this.fnSetText( oFlash , this.fnGetTableData(oConfig) );}, "fnComplete": function ( nButton, oConfig, oFlash ) { oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 0, false, false ); oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 1, false, false ); var lines = text.split('\n').length, len = oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.nTFoot === null ? lines-1 : lines-2, plural = (len==1) ? "" : "s"; alert( 'Copied '+len+' row'+plural+' to the clipboard' ); } },
    { "sExtends": "csv", "sButtonText": "CSV", "mColumns": "visible", "bFooter": false , "bHeader": false, "fnClick": function ( nButton, oConfig, oFlash ) { oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 0, true, false ); oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 1, true, false ); this.fnSetText( oFlash , this.fnGetTableData(oConfig) );}, "fnComplete": function ( nButton, oConfig, oFlash ) { oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 0, false, false ); oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 1, false, false ); } },
    { "sExtends": "xls", "sButtonText": "XLS", "mColumns": "visible", "sTitle": "", "fnClick": function ( nButton, oConfig, oFlash ) { oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 0, true, false ); oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 1, true, false ); this.fnSetText( oFlash , this.fnGetTableData(oConfig) );}, "fnComplete": function ( nButton, oConfig, oFlash ) { oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 0, false, false ); oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 1, false, false ); } },
    {"sExtends": "collection", "sButtonText": "PDF", "sButtonClass": "DTTT_button_pdf", "sButtonClassHover": "DTTT_button_pdf_hover", "aButtons": [
    { "sExtends": "pdf", "sButtonText": "Retrato", "sButtonClass": "DTTT_button_text", "sButtonClassHover": "DTTT_button_text_hover", "mColumns": "visible", "sNewLine": "auto", "sTitle": "", "fnClick": function ( nButton, oConfig, oFlash ) { oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 0, true, false ); oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 1, true, false ); this.fnSetText(oFlash , "title:" + this.fnGetTitle(oConfig) + "\n" + "message:" + oConfig.sPdfMessage + "\n" + "colWidth:" + this.fnCalcColRatios(oConfig) + "\n" + "orientation:" + oConfig.sPdfOrientation + "\n" + "size:" + oConfig.sPdfSize + "\n" + "--/TableToolsOpts--\n" + this.fnGetTableData(oConfig)); }, "fnComplete": function ( nButton, oConfig, oFlash ) { oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 0, false, false ); oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 1, false, false ); } },
    { "sExtends": "pdf", "sButtonText": "Paisagem", "sButtonClass": "DTTT_button_text", "sButtonClassHover": "DTTT_button_text_hover", "mColumns": "visible", "sNewLine": "auto", "sPdfOrientation": "landscape", "sTitle": "", "fnClick": function ( nButton, oConfig, oFlash ) { oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 0, true, false ); oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 1, true, false ); this.fnSetText(oFlash , "title:" + this.fnGetTitle(oConfig) + "\n" + "message:" + oConfig.sPdfMessage + "\n" + "colWidth:" + this.fnCalcColRatios(oConfig) + "\n" + "orientation:" + oConfig.sPdfOrientation + "\n" + "size:" + oConfig.sPdfSize + "\n" + "--/TableToolsOpts--\n" + this.fnGetTableData(oConfig)); }, "fnComplete": function ( nButton, oConfig, oFlash ) { oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 0, false, false ); oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.fnSetColumnVis( 1, false, false ); } }
    bSetGroupingClassOnTR: false
    , iGroupingColumnIndex: 0
    , bExpandableGrouping: true
    , iGroupingColumnIndex2: 1
    var oTableTools = new TableTools(oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador, { "aButtons": [
    { "sExtends": "text", "sAction": "text", "sButtonText": "", "sButtonClass": "DTTT_button_openclose", "sButtonClassHover": "DTTT_button_openclose_hover", "mColumns": "visible" },
    { "sExtends": "text", "sAction": "text", "sButtonText": "", "sButtonClass": "DTTT_button_openclose", "sButtonClassHover": "DTTT_button_openclose_hover", "mColumns": "visible" }
    oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador.find('.DTTT_OpenClose_container').append( oTableTools.dom.container );
    new FixedHeader(oDTctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridAcionamentosOperador);

    as you can see i add a second table tool with 2 text buttons and here is where this get strange.
    first i don't see the second tooltable within the html markup. but when i debug i find that the browser is looping inside tatbletools.js in _fnglue trying to set the collection buttons of the first tabletool.
    let me add that i don' get any error during debug.
  • jp_noronhajp_noronha Posts: 59Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited September 2011
    ok, it is flash that get in the way when i use this 2 tabletools, probably because i use flash buttons inside a collection. When i try the same configuration without the flash buttons it works
  • rajeshu2484rajeshu2484 Posts: 8Questions: 2Answers: 0
    No luck. I used the latest code for tabletools, datatables and the latest flash file. I still get object expected error on IE8.
  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    Can you give us a link to the page please?

  • rajeshu2484rajeshu2484 Posts: 8Questions: 2Answers: 0
    unfortunately the page isn't hosted any where and I don't see any facility to upload demo files here! I am willing to wait for your next release of TableTools for now.
  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    I'll try to get a crack on with it! TableTools has been static for too long now... :-)

  • jnorrisjnorris Posts: 25Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I think I have the same issue where I'm dynamically replacing content on a page that contains a DataTable with the TableTools plug-in. I get a page error and the page appears to hang in some loop resulting in an object required message. I tried the latest dev version since it sounded like it may have a fix. However in the dev version I get "'ZeroClipboard' is undefined" at line 1270. If I restore the old version that error does not occur.

  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    Are you including ZeroClipboard.js? In the minified version of TableTools it is included already, but the nightly builds don't include this.

  • jnorrisjnorris Posts: 25Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I wasn't including it so I'll give that a try. Thanks for letting me know about it Allan.

  • lanativelealanativelea Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Hello Allan,

    First of all I want to tell you that DataTables is a truly remarkable plugin. I have tried other client side solutions to rendering tabular data and none of them compare to what you have here. Many thanks for all your hard work. Now about my issue... (FYI my app works great in Firefox, unfortunately we have to support IE8 for now....

    I am also reloading the TableTools dynamically which is when the exception is thrown. I believe that the solution to this issue may be found at the website below -

    Same issue just different application.

    What worked for this developer was to rename the following -

    ExternalInterface.addCallback("stop", stop); to ExternalInterface.addCallback("stopSong", stop); as he suspected that the word "stop" is a reserved name in IE8.

    In fact you can find many blog postings about this causing problems in lots of apps by pasting in
    function __flash__addCallback(instance, name) into Google.

    I have tried to decompiling the copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf so that I can make changes to your action script (I am assuming that the action script used by the .swf file is ?) and rebuild the swf file. So far I have not been able to rebuild the .swf and decided that I would turn to you for assistance at this point....

    When I look at the .fla file (I have tried using DecompileFlash which appears to do the job correctly) but when I load the .fla file it tells me it does not have any action script included as a resource. I have not done any flash development for years but I do have the tools (using Adobe Flash Professional CS3). Can you provide all of the swf components and the steps to rebuild?

    I am thinking that perhaps you have are inadvertently using a IE8 reserved word also - perhaps "setHandCursor" ? so my idea was to change the action script so that it uses a different name seeing that this solution has worked for other apps. The code that is causing the object not found exception is below - the first exception shows that the (instance is null - and the name is setHandCursor)

    - this is the IE8 generated code that throws the object not found exception when debugging in visual studio

    function __flash__addCallback(instance, name) {
    instance[name] = function () {
    return eval(instance.CallFunction("" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) +


    Here is your action script we are referreing to -

    /* External functions
    * This is extremely nasty, and I'm far from proud of this, however, when a Flash
    * movie is hidden in IE (i.e. display:none) then all callbacks are removed, and there
    * is no way to tell that this has happened! Javascript can't tell us since there are
    * no callbacks - so we need to add them again and again... Fortunatly Flash doesn't
    * allow multiple callback functions to be used with each callback name, it just uses
    * the provided function, so the only thing we use for this workaround is a couple of
    * clock cycles.
    setInterval( addCallbacks, 1000 );

    // signal to the browser that we are ready 'ZeroClipboard.dispatch', domId, 'load', null );

    public function addCallbacks ():void {
    ExternalInterface.addCallback("setHandCursor", setHandCursor); -- *first exception
    ExternalInterface.addCallback("clearText", clearText);
    ExternalInterface.addCallback("setText", setText);
    ExternalInterface.addCallback("appendText", appendText);
    ExternalInterface.addCallback("setFileName", setFileName);
    ExternalInterface.addCallback("setAction", setAction);
    ExternalInterface.addCallback("setCharSet", setCharSet);
    ExternalInterface.addCallback("setBomInc", setBomInc);

    Below is my DataTable function and the ajax function InitiateSearch that uses it - everything is created on the fly based on the users selection of what columns they want included.

    function InitiateSearch() {

    var DataRequest = ReportValues.join("|");

    var MyData = "{ datarequest:\"" + DataRequest + "\"\}";
    type: "POST",
    url: "../Services/SearchWS.asmx/SearchRequest",
    data: MyData,
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    dataType: "json",
    success: function (msg) {
    var ret = msg.d;

    error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    alert("ajax call failed during search request = " + textStatus);
    }); // ajax post close

    function RenderDataTable() {

    var FileNameForSearch = "";
    var username = "";
    username = $("input[id$=hdnLoggedInUser]").val();

    FileNameForSearch = "SearchData_" + username + "_" + ".txt";

    "bJQueryUI": true,
    "bProcessing": true,
    "sScrollY": "200px",
    "bDestroy": true,
    "bDeferRender": true,
    "sAjaxSource": "../sources/" + FileNameForSearch,
    "sDom": '<"H"Tfr>tS<"F"i>',
    "oTableTools": {
    "sSwfPath": "../TableTools/media/swf/copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf",
    "sRowSelect": "single",
    "aButtons": ["copy", "csv", "xls", "pdf"]



    } // close function

    So if you could assist me in getting this resolved it would be most appreciated - anyone who has to support IE will have this issue if they reload the swf....

    Alternative solutions that would still enable me to use the xls, csv and pdf features which are critical to my
    deployment would also be more than welcome. Many thanks in advance to you or anyone out there who can finally solve this !
  • dvnandoverdvnandover Posts: 42Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I am too having the same problem. I am using IE8 and unfortuntaly that is the only one that supported rigth now:

    @import "css/DataTables/demo_table.css";
    @import "css/DataTables/demo_page.css";
    @import "css/DataTables/demo_table_jui.css";
    @import "Plug-Ins/TableTools/media/css/TableTools_JUI.css";

    Here is my table definition:
    dataTableOjb = $("#DailyOrderingTbl").dataTable({
    "sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip',
    "aaData": dtData,
    "bJQueryUI": true,
    "iDisplayLength": 100,
    "aLengthMenu": [[20, 50, 100, -1], [20, 50, 100, "All"]],
    "bProcessing": true,
    "bDestroy": true,
    "oLanguage": {
    "sEmptyTable": "No matching records found",
    "sLoadingRecords": "Please wait - loading..."
    "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
    "oTableTools": {
    "sSwfPath": "Plug-Ins/TableTools/media/swf/copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf",
    "aButtons": [
  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    Hi folks,

    Could you possibly try these SWF files:

    These are the latest SWF files which will work with the TableTools nightly ( ) - i.e. newer that those included in the distribution package.

    To compile the SWFs yourself, you need to download the Flex SDK from Adobe (its free :-) ) and then the two AS files should be all you need, but it would be good to get to the bottom of this. I don't actually have access to IE8 at the moment (and probably for the rest of the week), so I can't debug it directly, but if you could let me know how you get on with the two files above that would be great.

  • dvnandoverdvnandover Posts: 42Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited November 2011
    Nope just did a quick try using the new SWF files and i got the same error. I am tempting to down load the flex sdk and compile the SWFs files myself. What are the two ASs files you mentioned? Are they and included in the download for TableTools? I am totally new to Adobe Flex SDK.
  • lanativelealanativelea Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Allan , Dvnandover -

    Allan - thanks for posting those alternate versions - did seem to improve (I can now create different tables dynamically without IE8 actually stopping execution) however.....

    I am also still getting the error - although it appears to be a different one (505) , also the export does not work with these versions (IE or FireFox) no data is being written into the spreadsheet or PDF now - just writes the headers... I will be looking deeper into this later today no time right now. Dvnandover - I really need to get this working by the end of the week if not sooner so if you make any progress please let me know and I will do the same - looks like we are doing almost the same thing. In fact if you want to give me a call this evening, I will be working on this from my hotel (in training this week) and we can compare notes - Thanks - 310-906-6682
  • dvnandoverdvnandover Posts: 42Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited November 2011
    I still like the TableTools very much but for now I implemented a work around using a "Save To Excel" button since i am pressing for time. I hope there will be a solution to this problem.

    Edit: I down loaded version 2.0 of the TableTools and the problem gone away. Now Everything worked.
  • mdabernatmdabernat Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Hello everyone,
    I use datatables with TableTools and I have noticed a memory leak. With FF (all versions from 6 to 8), I have the process plugin-container that gain 5kb to 20kb per secondes. With IE, I noticed the same gain for process iexplore.exe and with chrome the plugin-shockwave have the same gain.
    I show the same problem on your demo page

    I tried to compile to trace all functions and I add 'console.log' on all functions in ZeroClipboard.js and TableTools.js but I show no trace of reccurent call.

    After one nigth, FF reach 1.5Gb and block the machine.
    I don't understand why I have this problem.
    Have you some idea?

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0Questions: 2Answers: 0
    edited December 2011

    I'm also getting the memory leak problem in IE9 on your demo page. Any updates on this? As it is, this basically makes Tabletools impossible to implement.
  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    Have you tried TableTools from the Git latest: ? I've done some work to try and stop this issue, but because of the way IE handles hidden flash element (or doesn't as the case is...) it is proving to be particularly difficult to get this right. I need to spend some time with TableTools and get this nailed down...

This discussion has been closed.