Getting "oConfig.fnInit is undefined" error when trying to load table with table tools
Getting "oConfig.fnInit is undefined" error when trying to load table with table tools

It seems that in my table when I initialize the datatable with
"sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip'
it seems to throw ""oConfig.fnInit is undefined".
However, if I remove the "T" from the sDom parameter, the table initializes just fine. Which pretty much nullifies the usage of table tools for me. Is there something I am missing? I have sSwfPath defined and oTableTools.sSwfPath defined as well.
This is with Datatables 1.8.2 and Jquery 1.6.3
It seems that in my table when I initialize the datatable with
"sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip'
it seems to throw ""oConfig.fnInit is undefined".
However, if I remove the "T" from the sDom parameter, the table initializes just fine. Which pretty much nullifies the usage of table tools for me. Is there something I am missing? I have sSwfPath defined and oTableTools.sSwfPath defined as well.
This is with Datatables 1.8.2 and Jquery 1.6.3
This discussion has been closed.
it seems that TableTools.Buttons has "fnInit": null defined for the flash specific functions. Somehow, null gets translated to undefined when doing
[code]buttonDef = $.extend( {}, TableTools.BUTTONS[ buttonSet[i] ], true );[/code]
the error is throw when
[code]this._fnFlashConfig( nButton, oConfig ); [/code]
the following line fails within the method
if ( oConfig.fnInit !== null )
{ this, nButton, oConfig );
oConfig.fninit is actually undefined as opposed to null.
I've just tried this on the console:
var o = { a: null };
var v = $.extend( {}, o );
and v.a is null rather than undefined. So I'm not to sure what is happening here.
wouldn't it be better to cover both cases by doing
if (! (oConfig.fnInit)) {
hmmm..according to my research, this bug with extends should've been fixed 4 years ago!
It also looks like the example you provided fails on my system, so it must be the jquery lib that I am using.
thanks for your time Allan and great job with the plugin!