Adding server parameters when clicking external button

Adding server parameters when clicking external button

sahanlaksahanlak Posts: 6Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited February 2012 in General
Right next to my datatables grid, I have a custom search form. When clicking the submit button it will fireup the fnFilter for the datatable. I want to pass some additional parameters only when this submit button is clicked, any idea to get this done?


  • dreamer79dreamer79 Posts: 14Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited February 2012
    Well, you can make a new fnServerParams. So... Let's try to find a way:


    var oTable= $('#example').dataTable({

    'fnServerParams': function ( aoData ) {
    if ($('#testinp').val()=='1'){
    aoData.push( { "name": 'test', "value": 'test' } );
    //this was for a constant value

    //now let's play some rock&roll ;)
    $('#inputsherediv').find('input,select').each( function(i,v){
    var t= v.type.toUpperCase();
    if (t!='RADIO'){
    aoData.push( { "name": $(v).attr('name'), "value": $(v).val() } );
    } else if (v.checked) {
    //radio buttons are many inputs, but only one of them is checked
    aoData.push( { "name": $(v).attr('name'), "value": $(v).val() } );



    some more js may be needed to trigger filter

    function doMySearch(){


    //this is to call filtering with the value from the dataTable input in it's header
    oTable.fnFilter($('#example').closest('.dataTables_wrapper').find('.dataTables_filter input').val());

    //or we may call it with a different value


    and then in html




    In fact I use a simplier and more user friendly way- I put some inputs in table header(or anywhere on page) for different parameters other than just search string. Then in fnServerParams I put all input values. There's no need for an external button and your user doesn't change anything on filter external parameters by pressing a key in dataTable internal filter input(with a button you make him use two scenarios- standard filter with a string search and another with a button, that will make him wonder which on of them he uses right now.).
    The scenario is easy- you just have to comment the line for checking the hidden input value and make a div that contains additional filter inputs and each parameter must have a value that represents dataTable default behaviour(select with "filter complex" and "filter simple" or something like that).
  • dreamer79dreamer79 Posts: 14Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited February 2012
    Well, I see you have a form that triggers the new filter. So you may use something really simple as addition to my previous idea. When the form is filled and "submited" you may put it's input values in a hidden div that controls the dataGrid. Later a value for the "testinp" input other than 1 and filter event on grid can use the hidden div input values:

    var oTable= $('#example').dataTable({

    'fnServerParams': function ( aoData ) {

    if ($('#testinp').val()=='1'){


    $('#inputsherediv').find('input,select').each( function(i,v){
    var t= v.type.toUpperCase();
    if (t!='RADIO'){
    aoData.push( { "name": $(v).attr('name'), "value": $(v).val() } );
    } else if (v.checked) {
    //radio buttons are many inputs, but only one of them is checked
    aoData.push( { "name": $(v).attr('name'), "value": $(v).val() } );
    //store a copy of dom object for input in hidden div



    } else {

    //now let's play some rock&roll ;)

    $('#inputsheredivhidden').find('input,select').each( function(i,v){
    var t= v.type.toUpperCase();
    if (t!='RADIO'){
    aoData.push( { "name": $(v).attr('name'), "value": $(v).val() } );
    } else if (v.checked) {
    //radio buttons are many inputs, but only one of them is checked
    aoData.push( { "name": $(v).attr('name'), "value": $(v).val() } );


  • sahanlaksahanlak Posts: 6Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Thanks for the detailed reply, I'll check.
  • sahanlaksahanlak Posts: 6Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Is it possible to append some server params on click of the submit button?

    //append data to the server params
    //do a fnFilter

  • dreamer79dreamer79 Posts: 14Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Yep, just use this part as many times as you want:

    aoData.push( { "name": 'test', "value": 'test' } );

    in the " if ($('#testinp').val()=='1')" statement. This code actually adds a new server parameter with its name and value. So inside GET or POST you get $_GET['test'] that has a value of "test".
  • sahanlaksahanlak Posts: 6Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Hi dreamer79,

    I think you didn't pick what I meant, I have a button called #submit, when this button is clicked I want to filter data + pass some additional data to the server. I don't want to pass these additional data when user search normally (Global search, column search). Make sense?
  • skyetechskyetech Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0

    Have you make any progress? I'm trying to do the same thing after submitting a form. For example I need the user to select from a dropdown and input a date range then submit the form and have datatables redraw with the new data.
  • sahanlaksahanlak Posts: 6Questions: 0Answers: 0
    No luck :( if you found a solution please post here.
  • skyetechskyetech Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited February 2012
    The following code is working pretty well so far. (I've taken code from a bunch of other discussions). I still need to fix 2 issues though: I'm not getting any data back when I try to go to another page (it was working before I added the form), and I'd also like to do some form validation before doing the final submit. Right now I'm getting my form data using "data": $('#form1').serializeArray().


    var oTable;

    $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#submitForm').click(function() {
    return false;

    function setupTable() {
    if (oTable != null) {

    function getReport(objDef) {
    var settings = {
    "bJQueryUI": true,
    "bAutoWidth": false,
    "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
    "sDom": '<"H"T<"clear">iplfr>t<"F"ip>',
    "aLengthMenu": [[10, 20, 30, 50, -1], [10, 20, 30, 50, "All"]],
    "sSearch": '',
    "oLanguage": {
    "sLengthMenu": "Page length: _MENU_",
    "sSearch": "Filter:",
    "sZeroRecords": "No matching records found"
    "bProcessing": true,
    "bServerSide": true,
    "aaSorting": [[ 3, "desc" ]],
    "sAjaxSource": 'ajax/list-rmas.asp',
    "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) {
    "dataType": 'json',
    "type": "POST",
    "url": "ajax/list-rmas.asp",
    "data": $('#form1').serializeArray(),
    "success": fnCallback
    "aoColumnDefs": [
    { "aTargets": [0],
    "fnRender": edit_link,
    "bVisible": true,
    "bSearchable": false,
    "bSortable": false,
    "bUseRendered": false,
    "bAutoWidth": false,
    "sClass": 'alignCenter',
    "sWidth": '24px'
    { "aTargets": [1],
    "fnRender": print_link,
    "bVisible": true,
    "bSearchable": false,
    "bSortable": false,
    "bUseRendered": false,
    "sClass": 'alignCenter',
    "sWidth": '24px'
    { "aTargets": [2],
    "bSearchable": false,
    "fnRender": billed_icon,
    "sClass": 'alignCenter',
    "sWidth": '24px'
    { "aTargets": [3], "bSearchable": true, "sClass": 'alignCenter'},
    { "aTargets": [4], "bSearchable": true, "sType": 'date', "sClass": 'alignRight'},
    { "aTargets": [5], "bSearchable": true, "sClass": 'alignCenter'},
    { "aTargets": [6], "bSearchable": true},
    { "aTargets": [7], "bSearchable": false, "sClass": 'alignCenter', "sWidth": '40px'}
    "oTableTools": {
    "sSwfPath": "/css/dtimages/swf/copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf",
    "aButtons": [
    "sExtends": "collection",
    "sButtonText": "Save",
    "aButtons": [ "csv", "xls", "pdf" ]

    oTable = $("#mydt").dataTable(settings);
    new FixedHeader( oTable );
    } );
  • zambonizamboni Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited October 2012
    I have solved in this way (with jQuery).
    You can samplify it by removing the 'each' statements (I use them because this JS is loaded for all my dataTables, and I have more than one table in a single page) and the switch statement (I use it for other options, to control them via element attributes instead of javascript).



    You can add as many filters as you want, even select, radios, etc.
    function filter_table(table_id) {
    $table = $('#' + table_id).dataTable();
    $(document).ready(function() {
    var additional_filters = [];
    $table = $(this);
    $("*[data-table='" + $table.attr('id') + "']").each(function(){
    var element = $(this);
    switch ($(this).attr('data-property')) {
    case "additional-filter": {
    'name': element.attr('data-key'),
    'get_value': function(){
    return value = $("#" + element.attr('id')).val();

    var options = { /* your options here */ }
    if (additional_filters.length > 0) {
    options["fnServerParams"] = function (aoData) {
    for (var i=0; i 'example!!' to the request.

    The custom key-value tuples are passed also when you use the normal 'global' filter.
This discussion has been closed.