Possible Bug using more than 6 individual column filters and server side processing
Possible Bug using more than 6 individual column filters and server side processing

We have a table with 7 columns that have individual header filtering. We found out using Firebug that All the input text on the header are correctly linked to their relative sSearch_i sent to the server except for the last column.
Indeed instead of being passed to sSearch_6 the input text of the last column is passed to sSearch.
We did add additional columns and got the same bugs : text in the input filtering header is assigned to sSearch instead of his relative sSearch_i.
So it seems that it bugs when there are more than 6 columns ?!!
Do you have any clue why ?
Indeed instead of being passed to sSearch_6 the input text of the last column is passed to sSearch.
We did add additional columns and got the same bugs : text in the input filtering header is assigned to sSearch instead of his relative sSearch_i.
So it seems that it bugs when there are more than 6 columns ?!!
Do you have any clue why ?
This discussion has been closed.
_ 1343806842003
bRegex false
bRegex_0 false
bRegex_1 false
bRegex_2 false
bRegex_3 false
bRegex_4 false
bRegex_5 false
bRegex_6 false
bSearchable_0 true
bSearchable_1 true
bSearchable_2 true
bSearchable_3 true
bSearchable_4 true
bSearchable_5 true
bSearchable_6 true
bSortable_0 true
bSortable_1 false
bSortable_2 false
bSortable_3 false
bSortable_4 false
bSortable_5 false
bSortable_6 false
iColumns 7
iDisplayLength 200
iDisplayStart 0
iSortCol_0 0
iSortingCols 1
mDataProp_0 0
mDataProp_1 1
mDataProp_2 2
mDataProp_3 3
mDataProp_4 4
mDataProp_5 5
mDataProp_6 6
patientid 6
sEcho 29
sRangeSeparator ~
sSearch 17
sSortDir_0 asc
Thanks for your suggestions.
Actually using the DataTables debugger we find out something strange/interesting.
Indeed we are using two tables on the same html page which use the serve-side approach.
The first one has 6 columns and the second one has 7 columns and it seems that even if these tables have different id (#) the number of column of the first table has a repercution on the second table.
The first table has 6 column and then the 7th column of the second table is not taken into account.
And when we switch the order of the table in the html code the 7 columns of the buggy table are working fine.
Do you have any idea on how to avoid that the number of column of the first datatable in the html code has an impact on the following ones.
> even if these tables have different id (#)
Its worth pointing out here that IDs _must_ be unique. That is a requirement of HTML. Two elements cannot share the same ID in the same document as that would create invalid HTML. DataTables expects the HTML to be valid, so it might be worth running your page through the W3C HTML validator.
Thanks again for the rapidity of your reply. Thanks to my colleague Ilyass we fixed the bug in two steps. Here is how.
Step 1.
Ilyass did modify the file : jquery.dataTables.columnFilter.js Version: 1.4.8 by adding the line
var oTable = $(this) where other variables are initialized.
(function ($) {
$.fn.columnFilter = function (options) {
var asInitVals, i, label, th;
//var sTableId = "table";
var sRangeFormat = "From {from} to {to}";
//Array of the functions that will override sSearch_ parameters
var afnSearch_ = new Array();
var aiCustomSearch_Indexes = new Array();
var oFunctionTimeout = null;
var fnOnFiltered = function () { };
var oTable = $(this);
function _fnGetColumnValues(oSettings, iColumn, bUnique, bFiltered, bIgnoreEmpty) {
Indeed it seems that without doing that some parameters related to the second table like the column indexation were affecting the first table especially when the number of column in the second table is lower than in the first one.
So this line fixed the Bug.
Step 2.
This morning I was writing you back and when I check the code I found out that around line 470 there was the declaration oTable = this;
And by deleting Ilyass line and just modify "oTable = this" by "var oTable = this" it fixed the bug.
I guess the fact that var was missing had a buggy repercution on the Column filter with server side.
May be adding var modify the scope of oTable.
So our suggestion would be to replace oTable = this by var oTable = this in the column filter file.
One last comment :
It is very strange that on the webpage dedicated to column filter download it is the version 0.9 that is available.
So to make the column filter located in the header working we had to download the version 1.8 available on this demo page.
I mentionned that in case someone get the same problem we got to make it working on the header.
Thanks for the update. Good to hear you got it working!
The column filter plug-in is third party, so I don't have any way of updating the downloads there. Perhaps worth opening an issue in Google Code?