ColReorder drag helper bug w/ jQuery 1.8.1
ColReorder drag helper bug w/ jQuery 1.8.1

Hi Allan,
I found a bug with ColReorder 1.0.6 and jQuery 1.8.1 where the drag helper is not a single TH element but all of the THs in the head of the table. This appears to be becuase of a change in jQuery 1.8 (it could be their bug and not yours, I'm not sure).
It looks like in _fnCreateDragNode you do $('th:not(:eq('+that.s.mouse.targetIndex+'))', this).remove(); and that's no longer getting and removing any elements.
Something like $("th", this).eq(that.s.mouse.targetIndex).siblings('th').remove() might work instead.
I found a bug with ColReorder 1.0.6 and jQuery 1.8.1 where the drag helper is not a single TH element but all of the THs in the head of the table. This appears to be becuase of a change in jQuery 1.8 (it could be their bug and not yours, I'm not sure).
It looks like in _fnCreateDragNode you do $('th:not(:eq('+that.s.mouse.targetIndex+'))', this).remove(); and that's no longer getting and removing any elements.
Something like $("th", this).eq(that.s.mouse.targetIndex).siblings('th').remove() might work instead.
This discussion has been closed.
Thanks for the heads up about this. The ColReorder nightly now has this fix in it :-).