[Resolved] DataTables & Smarty

[Resolved] DataTables & Smarty

david63david63 Posts: 7Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited September 2012 in DataTables 1.9
This is possibly not a DataTables problem but more of a Smarty templating problem but I am hoping someone may be able to se what is going wrong (because I cannot and I have spent all day looking at it!)

Right then - I have been going along converting a standard PHP/Smarty set up to use dataTables and all has gone well until ...

I have the following within my Smarty template

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').dataTable( {
'bProcessing': true,
'bServerSide': true,
'bStateSave': false,
'bAutoWidth': true,
'bScrollCollapse': true,
'iDisplayLength': 10,
'sDom': 'W<"clear">ltipr',
'sPaginationType': 'full_numbers',
'sAjaxSource': './../test/data_test.php',
'oColumnFilterWidgets': {
'aiExclude': [0]
'aaSorting': [
[4, 'asc'],
[5, 'asc'],
[1, 'asc'],
'aoColumnDefs': [
{'aTargets': [0], 'bVisible': false},
{'aTargets': [4], 'bVisible': false},
{'aTargets': [5], 'bVisible': false},

The problem that I have is with the

[code]'aoColumnDefs': [
{'aTargets': [0], 'bVisible': false},
{'aTargets': [4], 'bVisible': false},
{'aTargets': [5], 'bVisible': false},

part of the code. Everything else works fine but this bit of the code is generating a Smarty error (the crucial part being)

[quote]on line 31 ";{'aTargets': [0], 'bVisible': false}," - Unexpected ";: ", expected one of: ";}" , "" , ATTR'[/quote]

No matter what I do I cannot see what is causing the problem. I have tried:
- double/single quotes
- square/round/curly brackets
- surrounding various parts of the code with "" tags
- changing the order of the items

If I remove the "{}" from that part of the code then Smarty likes it but, obviously, DataTables does not.

If I remove that part of the code then everything works as it should but the columns are not hidden.

The same problem exists with "aoColumns".

I am using the latest version of DataTables (1.9.4) and the latest version of Smarty (3.1.12)

I cannot post a link as this is being run on my local machine.

Any advice, other than stop using Smarty, would be appreciated.


  • allanallan Posts: 63,107Questions: 1Answers: 10,394 Site admin
    edited September 2012
    The problem is that Smarty seems the `{` as a variable, but it is intact a Javascript object. Just found this on a quick Google: http://www.smarty.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=150 . Another option might be to put a space before and after each brace or possibly to change Smarty to use a double brace.

    Other thing I notice is that you have a trailing comma in each of your arrays - IE will reject that.

  • david63david63 Posts: 7Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Thanks Allan - I had not found that link that particular link.

    For anyone else encountering this problem I found that using [code]{ldelim} {rdelim}[/code] tags solved the problem.

    Thanks also for the IE advice (just wish IE would use the standards!)

    Right then onwards and upwards to find the next problem!!!
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